Chapter 2 - Tomorrow Will Be Better

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(Gidget's P.O.V.)

"Bye, Gidget!"

Once again, there they go. Out the door. To be honest, I was actually quite excited that they were leaving. Yesterday, Max had told me that he wanted to talk to me today after Katie left, which would be in a few minutes.

After my owners shut the door, I trotted over to my closet and sifted through my bows, trying to figure out which one to wear. A few minutes into the search, I came across a pink sparkly bow. As I picked it up, a few memories came flooding into my mind of who gave this to me.

Putting it by my front paws, I managed to take off my light pink bow that I always wore. Picking up the sparkling pink bow, I gently and carefully put it on my fluffy white head. Taking a quick look in the mirror, I smiled at myself as I looked back at myself.

I was just making my way to the window to meet up with Max until I heard a sudden bang on my door. I stopped suddenly and my fur stood up on it's end, my body shaking a little because nothing had ever happened in my apartment building before, if anything was happening, for that matter.

And just like that, I heard another bang drop down onto my building, but it sounded like it was inside, and not outside. Turning back around, I noticed that something was off about my door. It was crooked, and not completely straight like it was supposed to be.

Gulping, I took a risk and slowly walked towards the front door. After about three steps, another bang sounded off and I hesitated, keeping my front left paw in the air as I watched the door with nervous eyes.

I was able to take one more step until the door burst down all at once. I yelped and jumped out of the way just in time so I wouldn't be crushed by the door which had now been shattered into millions of pieces of wood.

"Where are you, you little rat?!"

I gulped as I hid behind a dresser that was holding a bowl of fruit and many pictures of my owners and I.

"Where are you?! Show yourself or I'll be forced to take extreme measures!"

Now my whole body was completely shaking, although I was scared, I didn't obey, and I stayed in my hiding place.

I heard another bang, then shatter. My eyes widened as I saw all those glass balls in that one bowl on the table just fall and go over the place. Those were the first things my owners had bought me when they first got me at the pet shop.

"I warned you, Fluff ball. Now, show yourself!"

I hesitated once again, but when my eyes had caught the broken shards of glass, I whimpered and slowly crawled out of my hiding place, revealing myself.

When I stopped in the center of the room, I gulped as I now faced a Rottweiler.

Once I came into his few, he growled and charged at me. I had no time to react because the next thing I knew was that I was on my back, on the ground, with two large and painfully sharp claws on my chest.

With slobber dripping from his lip and and demons in his eyes, he brought his muzzle closer to mine. "I hope you're worth keeping around. Because if you're not, you'll just be a waste to this world, and then, you'll be finished."

I whimpered loudly and squirmed under him.

The next thing I knew, he bit the top of my white head and threw my sparkly pink bow off of me, and threw it away, shredding it in the process. My heart broke as it happened for someone very special to my heart had given me that bow for Christmas along with a princess dress with the same exact color and sparkles.

Smirking, the Rottweiler picked me up by the fur on my neck, making me yelp in pain for my skin was very tender and delicate, or easily torn if you want to be specific.

Now with me in his jaws, the dog turned around and ran out of my apartment and out of the building, not caring that on the way I was knocking into everything that was on either side of the sidewalk.

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