Other Problems

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"They think their brains will explode if they play video games," Chloe's voice declared behind Max. Turning around, he saw the fat tabby sitting on the windowsill as she added, "They told me yesterday." She jumped down and headed for Buddy's refrigerator. Max couldn't help but laugh. "It's not funny! Rocky told us," Mel yipped, Sweetpea chirping in agreement. Just then, Leonard showed up at the window. He glared with hatred at Chloe. "What is wrong with you Chloe! I know that you don't like him but you didn't have to break his heart!" Leonard snarled. Confused, Buddy piped up, "Is Pops okay?"

"NO! Pops won't be holding any parties now because Rocky told him that Chloe doesn't want to see him ever again!" Leonard shouted. The poodle was clearly upset. Chloe, however, was confused as she commented, "I never told Rocky that! I never even spoke to that guy!" Now everyone was officially bewildered. "Also, has anyone seen my MP3 player or Snowball and Ozone, l can't find them."

"Are you serious?! Katie and I can't find Duke!" Max admitted, astonished by the fact that there were other missing pets. Chloe added, "Plus, no one has seen Norman and Tiberius." Suddenly, everyone in the room caught the sound of crying at the mention of the two names. Following his ears, Buddy detected the source was coming from the air vents. Peering inside, he announced, "Hey guys, I found Norman!"

Crawling out of the air vents, Norman wiped away some tears. His eyes were bloodshot. "Norman, did you and Tiberius have another argument?" Max asked the guinea pig gently, remembering what happened on Halloween. Norman shook his head as he mumbled, "Much worse..." Glancing at Buddy and Sweetpea, Mel asked kindly, "What could be worse?" Wiping away some more tears from his face, Norman cried, "Tiberius is dead!"

"WHAT?!" Mel and Buddy exclaimed at the same time. Sweetpea tumbled off Mel's head. Shocked, Leonard accidentally banged his head on the window. Max was still having a hard time believing what he just heard. Choking on tears, Norman ran over to Chloe, who picked him up and cuddled him. She didn't even care that he was soaking her fur with his tears. "What do you mean? He didn't die overnight, right?" Max questioned, getting over the shock. Sobbing, Norman replied, "Rocky told me two days ago that Gidget had informed him that Tiberius suffered from a stroke and passed away. I even checked his shed, only to find all his belongings were gone!" Crying, he buried his face into Chloe's fur. Baffled, Max pointed out, "Gidget never told me about that..."

"Guys! Doesn't anyone realize that Rocky is somehow connected to everything?" Chloe piped up. Mel and Buddy nodded their heads while Sweetpea chirped an agreement, understanding where their friend was going. Hatred towards the Pomeranian built up within Max as he muttered, "He's going to regret what he has done."

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