Rocky and Linda

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Her parents are here?! I'm a little scared, Max thought quietly to himself, a little worried. His legs wobbled slightly. Her mother seemed nice, with silky white fur, a warm smile, and ice-blue eyes. But it was her father who really scared Max. His dark brown eyes and grim face sent chills up and down his spine. His silver and white fur glistened in the sunlight, giving him a mystical appearance.

"Hi everyone! I'm Linda, Gidget's mom, and this is Rocky," Gidget's mother spoke first, smiling warmly at the assembled pets. Rocky, however, looked at them in disgust. "You have a terrible taste in friends, daughter," he growled, causing Gidget to flinch. Max wanted to say something so bad but a quick glance from Gidget and Duke told him to keep his mouth shut.

Turning away, Rocky snarled, "This afternoon, we thought we should have some lunch together so we could get to know you better." Without another word, he left. "Two thirty, my dears," Linda informed them as she followed, Gidget trailing behind her.

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