Search and Rescue

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"Alright, everyone keep looking around! I heard there's more rain on the way!" Snowball called out as the search party trekked through Central Park the next day. They were on the lookout for Duke. With a massive group, they decided to split up into smaller parties, hoping for better results. Chloe and Pops trudged onwards. Leonard had called the elderly basset hound the night before and told him about the problems at hand. That morning, Pops had given Chloe a big hug, much to the gray tabby cat's dismay.

Just up ahead of them, Norman searched every nook and cranny for Duke. Yet he still came up empty handed. If Tiberius was still alive, we could've found him by now... the guinea pig thought quietly, still mourning his friend's death. He was still unsure how the hawk had met his end. In Norman's opinion, he believed that Tiberius should've died in the most peaceful manner, not getting clobbered on the head. 

Suddenly, he found himself at the banks of a small pond, just like the one Gidget described when her father told her what he did with the hawk. He peered into the water, unaware that the rest of the search party was right behind him until he saw their reflections. "Norman, let's go. It's getting late," Chloe murmured as she allowed the guinea pig to climb up on her back. Saddened, Norman hugged the tabby as they headed home.

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