Too Late...

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Catching her father's scent, Gidget called over her shoulder, "It's this way guys, come on!" Linda and Max were hot on her heels, with Snowball and Duke close behind them. Everyone else was beginning to fall behind. Just then, the scent trail took a sharp left into an alley, where it mingled with the stench of blood. A horrifying scene presented itself to the group.

Laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood was Rocky. His breathing was slow and shallow as blood gushed out of his mouth every once in a while. His body was lacerated with countless wounds, the more severe ones on his face, throat, and chest. One eye was swollen shut while the other was filled with immense pain. Opening their mouths in a wordless scream, Gidget and Linda crowded around the injured Pomeranian. Max and the others stood off to the side in silence.

Sweetpea fainted at the sight of the blood, collapsing on Mel's head. The pug quivered beside Buddy as they watched the scene unfold. Leonard's tail drooped while Ozone's jaw dropped. Tiberius held Norman protectively while the guinea pig sobbed silently. Pops shook his head forlornly before gazing up at the blue sky. Meanwhile, Chloe wiped away tears as they began leaking out. Duke sat down on his haunches and stared at his paws. "There's no way he's surviving that," Snowball whispered in Max's ear. Nodding his head, the small dog walked over to the grieving family.

Trying to lift his head, Rocky spoke hoarsely, "Please... forgive me-" Stopping her father, Gidget whispered, "Save your energy." Crying, Linda pleaded, "Please, please, PLEASE don't leave me!" Coughing, Rocky replied, "I'm... sorry Linda." Sobbing, Gidget's mother buried her face into his bloodstained fur.

Noticing that Max was standing there, Rocky whispered, "Take care... of my daughter..." The small dog nodded his head sadly, trying to hold back tears. "Daddy, no! I love you!" Gidget protested. Gazing at his daughter, Rocky's voice cracked as he whispered, "I... love you too... Gidget..." Without another word, the Pomeranian's head landed on the ground with a thud. He was dead before it hit the cement. "DADDY!" Gidget wailed, her eyes shut as she howled out her pain.

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