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"Let's eat!" Chloe cried, immediately reaching for some ham. However, she never got to it when Duke suddenly whacked her paw. The tabby cat stared at the large mutt in utter shock and complete silence. "I'm sorry Chloe," Duke apologized, adding, "But I think we should say something before we eat this food."

"Duke's right," Max agreed with his brother as he stood up. Looking over at everyone who had gathered around the table for the feast, the small dog could see how Snowball saw themselves as a family. They had their ups and downs, they laughed, they cried, they fought, they loved. Like one large and crazy family.

Clearing his throat, Max began, "I look around at everyone at this table and I see precisely what Snowball meant by our large family. Every single one of us may not share one drop of blood. We may not look the same. But due to the bonds of friendship, we have become what can only be called as a family. And I am proud to be apart of this family." Without another word, he sat down.

"Well said brother, well said," Duke praised. Glancing around at everyone else, he spoke in a loud voice, "Dig in!"

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