Fighting Depression

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"Good night Ozone!" Nitro called out as he and Pepper headed for their sleeping area in the alley. Ozone merely huffed a reply. Exhausted and grief-stricken, he gazed up at the night sky above him. The moon shone brightly with hundreds of stars. Sighing, Ozone closed his eyes, preparing for a sorrowful sleep.

Opening his eyes, Ozone found himself in a misty clearing. Sitting before him was another hairless cat. His right eye was fixed upon Ozone, who got up and bowed his head in respect. "Enough of that," Rex hissed, rolling his eye. Getting up on his own feet, he limped away. Curious, Ozone bounded after him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ozone demanded, tail swishing, "Why didn't you tell me that you were my father?!" Stopping in his tracks, Rex turned around and faced him. "I was trying to protect you and your mother," he whispered wistfully. Ozone shuddered at the memory of his mother's death after she gave birth to him.

Looking Ozone in the eye, Rex continued, "I can't reverse time my son. You won't believe how much I wished that I hadn't sent you away. That's how I lost your mother. But I was doing what I had to do to keep you both safe. It was probably the smartest decision I had ever made in my life." Stepping forward, he licked Ozone's forehead. Turning away, he added over his shoulder, "And don't worry. There will be others like Lily that you'll meet." And like that, Rex had disappeared in the mist...

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