In This Together

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"Try to get as close to Danger as possible. I'll see how many times I can hit him with these," Norman whispered, sitting on Tiberius's back. In his paws, he held a loaded Nerf gun. Nodding his head, Tiberius responded, "Yeah, just make sure you don't shoot me. I still don't like those." Norman nodded his head quietly as the pair aimed towards the angered pit bull. Pushing off, they sped away on a skateboard, closing in on their target.

However, something went terribly wrong as Danger spotted them coming his way. A dreadful feeling came over Norman as he saw the metal tail rising, prepared to land a crushing blow. And the smile on Danger's face told the guinea pig he was going to enjoy every moment. He also realized that it was too late to turn back. Tossing the Nerf gun away, the young guinea pig grabbed a hold of Tiberius's neck and swung forward to protect the hawk's throat just as the tail smashed into them. The blow sent the two friends crashing against a small pillar.

Fire shot up Tiberius's right leg. Glancing down, the old hawk knew immediately that the limb was broken. Gazing to his left, he found Norman's motionless body laying just a few inches away. Ignoring the excruciating pain, the hawk dragged himself to the guinea pig. When he got over, he spotted several scratches on the guinea pig's back. "Norman?" Tiberius whispered, nudging his little friend gently. Ever so carefully, he pulled the guinea pig closer to his chest. "Norman?" the hawk repeated, pleading, "Please don't leave me." Tears brimmed in his eyes.

Just then, Norman's eyes fluttered open and settled on Tiberius. "You're always the one trying to save me," the guinea pig pointed out, "Guess I finally returned the favor." Blood began to flow down his face from a cut on his forehead. Holding his friend close, Tiberius spoke softly, "You did good little guy, you did good." The two pals smiled at each other warmly. "We're still in this together, right?" Norman asked. Hugging the guinea pig, Tiberius answered, "Until the end."

"Isn't this just bittersweet?" Danger's mocking tone interrupted their thoughts. A growl formed in Tiberius's throat as he glared at the approaching pit bull. "You'll die for this!" the hawk hissed, trying to stand. Due to his broken leg, however, he collapsed. Still growling, Tiberius pushed Norman behind him. Laughing, Danger snickered, "You really think that'll save your friend?! You're all going to suffer the same end anyways." His yellow eye glistened villainously as he added, "Let's start with the little guy." Talons clawing at the ground, Tiberius snarled, "Over my dead body!"

"That can be arranged..." Danger growled. Without warning or hesitation, he whacked Tiberius with his normal paw. The old hawk crashed into another column nearby. Frightened, Norman looked up at the pit bull towering over him. Baring his teeth, Danger was about to chomp on the young guinea pig when someone shouted, "INCOMING!"

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