Love Struck

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Party music played at high volume as animals of all kinds had fun on the dance floor. Duke hung out on the sidelines, his tail thumping to the beat of the music. He smiled as he watched Chloe trying to keep away from Pops while also trying to grab a slice or two of cake. Meanwhile, Snowball had somehow been talked into joining a conga line. The white rabbit was now leading the line all over the apartment. Leonard, however, was tearing up the dance floor.

"Some party, am I right?" a familiar voice commented behind Duke. Wagging his tail, the big dog turned around to face Sky as she sat down beside him. He hadn't seen the Siberian husky since the whole incident. "How you feeling?" Sky asked, concern written in her blue eyes. "Honestly, it doesn't hurt as much as it did before," Duke answered truthfully.

Sighing with relief, Sky licked his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. Duke's heart pounded more than ever. Plus, his tail wouldn't stop wagging.

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