Punching the Jackal

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Finally able to catch up with Sonya, Buddy and Mel ran side by side with the female pug as they chased some of the Jackals. Flicking her ear, Sonya tilted her head towards a wooden dock and the nearby Hudson River. Quietly, she mouthed, "They can't swim." Understanding what his girlfriend meant, Buddy passed the news to Mel and, together, the three herded the Jackals onto the dock.

Frightened, some of the Jackals couldn't stop in time and fell into the river. Others were shoved by their comrades. Terrified of the water, they thrashed around. But their efforts proved fruitless and they sank to their deaths below the murky water. Eventually, only one Jackal remained standing and that was Lester. Cackling, he taunted the three dogs, "You expect me to join those losers?!"

"Yeah," Buddy growled. Without warning, he and Mel head butted Lester and all three splashed into the river. Sonya bounded over to the edge of the dock. Yelping, Lester struggled to keep his head above the water. But the black Labrador was unable to swim and slowly sank into the river's depths. However, Lester wasn't the only one fighting the water.

Sputtering, Buddy found it difficult to keep his head above the surface as water splashed into his eyes and mouth. Losing energy, he felt himself sinking. All of the sudden, something grabbed his collar and before the dachshund knew it, he was back on the dock. "I refuse to lose you again!" Mel's voice cried as Buddy coughed up water. Gazing at the pug, he murmured, "I'm not going anywhere Mel, don't worry."

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