Roaring Flames

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Coughing, Buddy dragged himself out from underneath a large wooden plank. His eyes watered, blurring his vision. His left shoulder burned with intensity and his lungs couldn't take the amount of smoke he was breathing in. All around him, flames threatened to come closer.

In the distance, Buddy could hear faint voices. However, he couldn't make out what direction they were coming from. Feebly, he tried to drag himself a little farther. But pain in his shoulder forced him to stop.

Groaning, Buddy weakly cried out for help. Lungs tightening, the dachshund could've sworn that he saw a light at the end of a tunnel. Blinking his eyes, Buddy also thought he saw a figure coming towards him.

Gasping for breath, Buddy closed his eyes and willingly allowed the surrounding darkness to blanket him...

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