The Shores of Brooklyn

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The sun's reflection glistened off the waters of the Hudson River as a hole was dug into the earth on the shores of Brooklyn. Everyone took part in Lily's funeral. While the girls groomed and washed the blood out of the tabby's fur, the boys solemnly dug the hole where Ozone wanted it. "I want her buried in Brooklyn but facing Manhattan," were his exact words.

Once the hole was dug and the body was ready, Gidget and Chloe gingerly lowered Lily's corpse down to Duke and Leonard, who once wasn't bothered with getting dirty. Positioning the orange tabby to face Manhattan, Duke and Leonard clambered out. From there, the other pets began to fill up the hole. After that, the Unified Pets formed a circle around the grave.

Limping forward, Ozone gazed up at the afternoon sky while everyone else bowed their heads. "Goodbye my beautiful Lily," the hairless cat spoke loud and clear. His green eyes brimmed with tears as he went on, "I'll never forget you, or the sacrifice you made." Briefly lowering his head, he gazed back up and added, "Rex... uh... Dad? Look after Lily for me, okay?" Finished, he backed away.

"I think it's time we all return home now," Snowball murmured, leading the way to the Brooklyn Bridge. Slowly but surly, everyone else followed in utter silence. Ozone was the last to leave. Glancing over his shoulder, he rasped, "Farewell Lily..."

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