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The night sky, glowing softly from the lights of stars, stretched across the dark field. A white fog blanketed the grass, giving the area an eerie feeling. Trodding through the high grass as best as she could, the little dog shuddered slightly. She didn't like being out here but she wasn't the one who picked the meeting place. That had been someone else's idea entirely.

"Ah, good. You're finally here. Took you long enough," a voice spoke. It was a male. Looking up, the little dog met the even gaze of a taller canine. Scoffing, she growled, "Well excuse me but it can be difficult assigning spirits to watch over the Chosen Fifteen! You told me to do so as soon as Max died!"

A small roar caught the attention of the two dogs. They both looked up to see a giant feline trotting up to them. Stopping in his tracks, the big cat roared again. Nodding her head, the little dog exclaimed, "I know, right?! The things I have to deal with in life and death!"

"Can we focus here? Look, do each of the Chosen Fifteen have a spirit watching over them?" the taller canine asked, a hint of annoyance and impatience in his voice. Sitting down, the little dog answered calmly, "Yes, I made sure. What do you take me for?" Turning to the big cat, the taller dog asked, "Did Max get to his vessel in time?" The giant feline nodded his head. Sighing in relief, the dog muttered, "Excellent. Everything is going to plan."

"What if they can't do it? I don't like being the negative voice here but..." the little dog chimed in, shuffling her paws nervously, "What if the Chosen Fifteen fail?" The giant feline whimpered as he padded over and nuzzled the small dog reassuringly. Placing a kind paw on her shoulder, the taller dog looked the little dog in the eye and spoke, "They will not fail. They can not fail. The fate of the entire multiverse is relying on them, Daisy, they shall not fail their mission. The Fifteen will reunite once more."

"I hope you are right, Rooster," Daisy mumbled, "For the sake of the multiverse, I hope you're right."

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