Chapter 27

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The Secret Life Blog

Updated 3:20 p.m.

I have never met an ugly person. I know what you're thinking. "Didn't you see that guy?" or "You can't possibly think that kid is actually cute." But it's true. I think that every person on the planet is beautiful. Just because you aren't visually appealing to me doesn't mean you aren't to someone else. I don't think anyone is truly ugly based off of appearance. Some just aren't attractive to me. So, remember y'all are all beautiful.


                                        The bad girl

After I hit the button to submit my new post, I slam my laptop shut and roll over onto my back. Since my life is practically over I figured I would make some other people's better. I woefully eat the m&ms sitting in the bowl beside me and stare at the ceiling. This is soo unfair.


"Hey, hot stuff. Still pouting?"

I spring up instantly, my glasses askew. "Caleb!" I jump up on the bed.

"I got your message and figured you could use some company." He smiles ruefully.

I squeal and jump on him, knocking us both to the floor. "You are the absolute best person ever!" I mash my lips to his.

He responds briefly before pulling away. "Please let me take you on a date," he says breathlessly.

"No," I shake my head, "You can't. I'm not in a good place right now." I tell him. I stand and walk over to my bed, my back facing him.

"We don't have to date but please let me take you out. We can do whatever you want." He begs.

I smirk and turn around. "Anything?"

"Yes." He nods adamantly.

"You promise?" I tilt a brow and cross my arms.

"Yes, I promise." He grabs my arms. "I'll do anything."

"Well," I smirk patting his chest. "Let's go get tattoos!"

His mouth drops open and his arms fall limp. He stares at me in shock as I begin getting ready to leave.

"Wha-What?" He stutters. "Tattoos?"

"Yes. I want a tattoo and you are taking me to get one." I grin broadly and tug his hand. "Come on, let's go!" I say excitedly.

"Jay," He starts uncertainly. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

I nod. "Oh, please go with me. Lexi wont and I'm too scared to go alone." I use my puppy dog eyes to try to convince him.

"Okay, fine." He concedes. "What do you want and where do you want it?" he sighs.

"Butterflies." I answer instantly. "Right here." I trail my finger down the side of my chest near my right boob.

He groans. "Dear lord, Jay." He runs his hands down his face in anguish. "fine. You win."

I squeal and jump on him again, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I pepper his face in kisses.

"I am only doing this because I promised." He says seriously. "And I hope you realize that a tattoo right there will hurt."

"I know." I chirp, hopping down, and hurrying out to his car.


Caleb takes me to a little tattoo shop downtown called Ink Masters Tatt Shop. Caleb's brother works there and apparently, he is the only person he trusts to tattoo me up and not feel me up. He's also the only person that will give me a tat without my parents' permission.

"So, what can I do for you?" Mark asks.

"I want this." I hold out my phone with the picture on it.

He nods. "I can do that. Its gonna hurt though."

I scoff. "I can totally handle it."

He shrugs and starts getting everything ready. I watch him rub down the chair with a Clorox wipe before signaling for me to sit. "Take off that shirt, girlie." He sits down and begins opening packages that contain sterile instruments.

I quickly whip my shirt off and Caleb slaps his hand over his brother's eyes. My light pink lace bra is on display for all to see. I roll my eyes at Caleb and reach behind me to unclasp it.

"Whoa what do you think you are doing?" Caleb demands.

"Well, what did you expect? He can't tat me up through the bra." I put my hands on my hips, my bra moving and starting to uncover my breast.

"No!" He exclaims reaching out to stop my bra from falling. He ends up awkwardly grabbing my boob. His facer turns bright red and he jerks his hand away. "Cover yourself!" He exclaims.

Chris, his brother, laughs hysterically at his plight. "Here little lady," he hands me and apron to cover my chest, "Before my little brother has a heart attack."

I giggle and use it to cover my chest up. I settle down in the chair, laying on my side. Chris begins prepping everything for tattooing me. Suddenly, I am overwhelmed by nerves. He rubs alcohol over my ribs. My breathing gets shallow as I start regretting my decision. Caleb appears to notice my distress and takes my hand.

"It's okay, hot stuff." He kisses my forehead. "I've got you."

Chris places the template on my skin and gets the needle ready. A buzzing sound begins emitting from the gun as he turns it on and brings it near my skin. As the needle begins puncturing my skin, I jump. Chris's hand presses firmly to my side, keeping me still. I close my eyes tightly and squeeze Caleb's hand.

"Hey, look at me." Caleb tilts my head towards him.

"What?" I ask gritting my teeth.

"This first one will be the worst because its right on the ribs. After that it'll get much better." He assures me.

I stare into his eyes wordlessly. "Kiss me." He immediately leans in and captures my lips with his. He slowly moves his lips against mine in short little kisses. I respond instantly kissing him with more force than he kisses me. The kiss speeds up as I start to really get into it. All of the feelings I've been repressing spring to the surface. In that moment, I realize just how deep my feelings are for this boy.

"Caleb," I whisper, pulling away from the kiss.

"Yeah?" He mumbles, his lips pressing lightly against my jaw before traveling to my neck.

My breath hitches in my chest as I make a decision that will change everything. "I love you."

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