Chapter 35

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*1 year later*

"I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now," is a quote that runs through my mind a lot at times like this. I'm sitting on a love seat wrapped in my boyfriend Caleb's arms; a hot cup of coffee in my hands and a kitten on my lap. My little brother Ethan is all grown up and back here with us playing monopoly on the floor with Maggie and his girlfriend Scarlett. My cousin is out proposing to my best friend. My parents are out for their anniversary; their marriage finally fixed. Papa is sitting in a rocking chair on the porch and everything is all right.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Caleb murmurs in my ear.

I look up at him and smile. "I was thinking about how great of a life I have."

"You make my life great." He nuzzles my neck.

The front door burst open and I can hear Lexi's excited squeals all the way in here. She runs in and screams. Maggie jumps in surprise and Ian darts from my lap.

"Loooooook!" Lexi throws her hand out, showing off the large diamond on her finger. "I'M ENGAGED!"

"Oh my god! You are so lucky!" Scarlett gushes.

I get up and go over to Logan who is standing in the doorway.

"Congratulations." I hug him. Lexi jumps on my back and shoves her ring in front of my face.

"Do you see? Do you see?" She shakes her hand around. "I'm getting married! You have to be my maid of honor! I will never take no for an answer!"

I laugh heartily. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Logan pries Lexi off of my back and they head upstairs to call Logan's dad.

"Come on," Ethan tugs Scarlett's hand. "Let's get back to getting our butts kicked by a seven-year-old."

I watch them go back to their game; Maggie strokes Ian while wearing a malicious little grin.

"Guess what you are standing under," Caleb whispers in my ear causing me to jump. I hadn't realized he was behind me. I look up and stuck firmly to the door frame is a little bit of mistletoe. "So, are you going to kiss me?" He asks smugly.

I turn around, rolling my eyes. "You're lucky I love you." I tell him jokingly.

"I love you, too" he says cheekily. He grabs my waist and pulls me close. And then we kiss.


The Secret Life Blog

Updated 12:05 p.m.

Sister, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, best friend, girlfriend, and cat mommy. Those are the labels that matter. High school graduate, college student, and maid of honor. Those are the labels I chose to add to my list. Someday I hope to add: bride, wife, mom, aunt, and grandmother, to my list. For now, I am truly happy with my life. I have become a much better person over the past year. I love you all.

No longer the Bad Girl,
Jaylyn Reynolds

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