Chapter 4

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After mom tells me company is coming over, I head straight to my room. I grab some towel and hop in the shower.

I quickly was my hair with my favorite shampoo and shave my legs before hoping out again. I wrap up in a towel then stand in front of the mirror to take my makeup off. After that's done, I quickly slip into my underwear before going to pick out an outfit for tonight.

I walk into my huge walk-in closet and start going through my clothes. I settle on a navy and white striped bag dress with white sandals. I quickly dress and head out of my closet to fix my hair.

I pull out my blow dryer and straightener and plug them both in. I comb my curly locks and use some anti-frizz spray before blow drying it. The end result is similar to an Afro. I brush it again then start straightening it. After about forty-five minutes my hair is done and I'm ready to start makeup.

I grab my big case from Ulta, it's filled with almost everything I need makeup wise, and a small bag filled with the rest of my stuff. I start by contouring my face with bronzer and powder. I blend it with a beauty blender then apply foundation over it. I add blush to my cheeks before moving on to eye makeup. I use brown eyeshadow and apply eyeliner to make my eyes pop. Lastly I put on mascara and lipgloss.

I look in the mirror and overall I like what I see. At the sound of the doorbell I hurry down the stairs to see my fathers colleagues arrive. Although they are really friends, they are also business partners so they insist to be called colleagues because it sounds more professional.

It's the same group of four older men that are usually over, only this time there's a new addition to the party. A young guy, who looks to be in his mid-twenties, stands off to the side. His black hair looks so out of place in the group of men with their various shades of gray mixed in their hair. He also has a twinkle in his eye that the others are missing.

"Ah. There you are Jay." My father smiles. "Come greet our guests darling."

"Of course." I smile politely. "Hello. It's good to see you again." I greet politely. I've never really liked any of my dads friends. All of them are to stiff and professional. That is, until they bring out the vodka. Then they can be quite entertaining.

I turn to the young man to introduce my self. "Hi I'm Jay." I say, extending my hand.

"I'm Tate Green." He says taking my hand and kissing it. "Pleasure to meet you."

I blush. "The pleasure is mine."

"I must say I've heard a lot about you." He says letting go of my hand.

"All good things I hope." I say casting a glance at my father. Him and his friends are watching us with amused expressions.

"Of course." Tate says flashing me a perfect smile.

"I see you've met my intern." Dad says, the amused smile never leaving his face.

I nod, blushing slightly. My dads colleagues chuckle.

"Let's head to the living room before my wife has a fit, shall we?" Dad says ushering everyone into the living room.

Upon our arrival in the living room, I immediately note the absence of Maggie and Logan. Dad quickly introduces Tate to mom before I have a chance to ask about their absence.

Everyone seats themselves as dad pulls out vodka and glasses.

I lean over to my mom who is sitting beside me. "Where's Maggie and Logan?" I whisper.

"In bed honey." She replies back.

"Oh." I say looking at the ground.

"I must say you look very beautiful tonight, Jay." Mr. Hardman, a successful lawyer, comments. "Don't you guys agree?" He smiles slyly. Ll

Everyone gives their consent, including Tate, causing me to blush again.

I look at Tate while he's turned talking to Mr. Kelly, a prominent business man in town. He's quite handsome, with jet black hair and hazel eyes that sparkle with mischief. You can tell he's well built through his suit. He has full lips and perfect straight teeth.

Mr. Simmons, another lawyer, catches me staring at Tate. He grins widely before leaning over to whisper in my ear.

"Girl, your eying that boy like he's a piece of meat." He teases.

That's the thing about this group. After their first few cups of alcohol, they go from professional men to teasing boys. Sadly I'm always the victim of their teasing. Usually I don't mind, but tonight it's about me and a certain intern who looks like he came out of a Calvin Kline ad.

"So, Jay," Mr. Hardman starts. "How was your first day back to school. Anyone catch your eye?"

"No sir." I say, smirking mischievously. "But I caught the eye of everyone."

The guys all laugh. The one good thing that comes out of the drinking is I also get to joke around.

"Your to cute for your own good." Dad shakes his head. "Boys have been throwing themselves at you since you were fourteen."

I laugh. "Don't worry daddy. I can still throw a good punch."

Mr. Bradley, a local physician, smiles. "Glad I taught you that."

"Whatever happened to the one boy that hung around?" Mr. Kelly asks. "Michael something or another."

I frown. Michael was my boyfriend freshmen year. He's really someone I would rather forget. "Oh he went off to college and we lost touch." I say lightly.

"So your single?" Mr. Hardman asks.

I blush. "Yes sir."

Tate perks up at that. "How's a girl as beautiful as you single?" He asks.

I shrug. "Idiotic highscoolers aren't my type."

Everyone laughs at that.

"That's my girl." A voice says from the doorway.

I turn immediately. "Papa!" I exclaim hoping up and hurrying over to hug grandpa.

"Careful, Jay. I'm fragile." He jokes.

"I missed you!" I say hugging him tightly. Me and papa have always been really close.

"I missed you too baby girl." He smiled.

"Father." My dad says coming over to hug him as well. "Good to see you."

"You too son." Papa smiles. "So what were y'all talking about before I interrupted?"

"Jay's love life." Tate smiles.

"Ahh. And who might you be?" Papa asks him.

"Tate Green, sir." He introduces himself.

"James Reynolds. Scott's dad and Jay's grandfather." Papa smiles. "Are you a friend of Jay's?" He asks curiously.

"No sir. I'm an intern at your sons office." Tate replies.

The men begin talking business again and I just lay on Papa's shoulder. I guess I dozed off because next thing I know someone is shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes to see my father.

"Go up to bed honey." He smiles.

I nod. "Okay. Goodnight." I kiss papa's cheek and hug dad before heading upstairs.

I change quickly and crawl into bed letting sleep over take me.

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