Chapter 7

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The thirty minute drive was completely worth it when I see it. My second favorite place in the world: the old go cart track.

I discovered this place when I was fifteen. I had ran away from home, stolen moms car, and I drove until I found this place. The small building where you went to pay for your time on the go carts wasn't locked so I went in. I found out that the place never opened. I stayed there for hours until the cops found me and then I got arrested for trespassing and breaking and entering. My parents were extremely upset when I called them from the jail and grounded me for the whole summer.

However, that didn't stop me from coming back. On my second trip there I had found a little map of what the place was supposed to look like. It was supposed to be a strip mall with the go cart place, a diner/arcade, a roller rink, and a teen club. Then behind the buildings would be a many golf course and bumper boats.

I usually come here once a week to run around the track or just lay around and read. Today I plan to run. I grab my iPod and headphones, selecting my Taylor Swift playlist to run to. As the first song starts I take of around the track. I alternate between running and walking for an hour before collapsing on the ground. Taylor Swift's "Fifteen" was on and I felt the words pierce my heart. 

It's you freshmen year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know, I haven't seen you around before"

'Cause when your fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when your fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out but
Count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be

I feel like it's singing about my failed romance with Michael. I was a freshman and he was a senior and I was stupid enough to believe his lies.

I listened to the rest of the song before getting up to head home. If I got lucky I might best Logan home. I get home in record time, pulling into the driveway at exactly six o'clock. I notice an unfamiliar car in the driveway, which means Logan and his friend must be here.

As I climb out of the car I see Papa exit the house.

"Hey, Papa!" I call cheerily.

"Hey, baby girl." He comes and hugs me.

"Is Logan home?" I ask nervously.

Papa nods, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Does he seem upset?"

"Yes he does. Heard him saying something about 'aggravating girl' and 'stole my truck'." Papa says.

I groan. "He's so gonna kill me." I say. "If I don't make it out alive then I leave my books and clothes to Maggie. The clothes are too big now but they should be back in style by the time she can fit them. I leave nothing to Logan because he won't deserve it after he kills me. The rest of my worldly possessions go to you Papa. Do with them as you see fit." I finish dramatically.

Papa laughs. "Always the dramatic one." He says affectionately.

I smile before heading inside to face my certain doom. Maybe he'll go easy on me since he has a friend over. He can't kill me with a witness, can he?

I hurry inside to the kitchen for a drink. Im reaching in the fridge for a bottle of water when arms wrap around my waist. I whirl around in surprise and throw a perfect punch at the intruders nose.

"Ow! God Jay it's me!" Jordan exclaims holding his bloody nose.

My hands fly up to my mouth as I gasp in surprise. "Sorry! I didn't know it was you!" I say, trying to keep the humor out of my voice. I grab some paper towels to help stop the bleeding.

"Hey! What did you do to my friend?" Logan demands walking in the kitchen.

"I, uh, punched Jordan because he sneaked up on me and I didn't know who it was." I say looking in the freezer for an ice pack.

"You what?!" Logan exclaims in anger.

I ignore him and pull Jordan into the living room and sit him down so I can look at his nose. Hopefully it's not broken....

"Tilt your head back to help stop the bleeding." I instruct him. He does so immediately. I straddle his lap to get a better advantage and probe his nose lightly with my fingers, feeling for brakes. Fortunately I don't feel any. "So I don't feel any brakes and your eyes aren't blacking, so that's good." I say placing the ice pack on his nose. "This will help with the swelling."

"Thanks." He mumbles.

Logan comes into the room followed by Jeremy, Preston, and Alex.

"First you steal my truck, then you punch my friend, now your sitting in his lap?!" Logan nearly yells.  "Not to mention you have on the most inappropriate outfit I've ever seen in my life!"

I hop off of Jordan and look down at my yoga shorts and tank top. "It's not my fault Jordan scared me and what was I supposed to go running in? Long pants and a sweater?" I snap, crossing my arms.

Preston and Alex's eyes trail down my body. I roll my eyes at the perverted boys.

"Ooh feisty!" Preston smirks.

"Yes! That would be wonderful. Next time wear that." Logan replies to my previous comment.

I roll my eyes. "Is it too late now to say sorry?"

"Yes it is!" Logan exclaims.

"Aww Logan." I whine. "Why you gotta be so mean?"

"Don't start that again." Logan groans.

His friends watch us argue with amused looks on their faces.

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently, knowing full well what I was doing.

"That thing where you talk in song lyrics!" He says.

I shrug." Haters gonna hate."

The guys snicker.

"I'm serious Jay. Stop it!" Logan says.

"I'm not gonna stop!" I sing.

"Seriously? Your singing High School Musical songs now?" He asks in exasperation.

I nod perkily. "Bet on it."

"You know what?" Logan says over the sounds of his friends laughs. "It's not worth it."

I laugh and head out of the room. Before I leave I can't resist throwing a final song at him. "Baby I'm worth it." I say and wink. Logan groans and falls back onto the couch while I leave and head up to my room.  When I reach my room I fall on my bed and laugh my heart out.

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