Chapter 9

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"What's the problem?" I ask Logan.

"Uhh. Just get over here immediately." He says hanging up.

"Guys, Logan called. I need to run home." I say to the girls.

"Ooh. I'll come with!" Lexi volunteers.

"Me too!" Kaylee exclaims.

"You two just want to see your boyfriends!" I say accusingly.

They shrug not denying it.

"My brothers there so I wanna come too!" Alaina says jumping up.

We turn to look at Jesse. She shrugs. "Well I don't want to stay here while y'all go have fun." She says. "I'm in."

We all hurry next door to see what the problem is. I look around in confusion when I come in. Nothing's out of place and the guys are out of sight somewhere.

"Yo, Jay! Up here!" Logan calls from the top of the stairs. The guys are all standing with is looking up nervously.

I stare at them in confusion for a minute before tilting my head up to see what they are looking at. There, clinging to the chandelier, is my baby, Ivan.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY?!" I yell furiously.

Logan takes a step back in fear. "We uh, put a parachute on your cat and tossed it off of the stairwell thinking it would float done to the ground but it freaked and latched onto the chandelier!" He rushes to explain.

"Where did you get a freaking cat parachute and what possessed you to use it to throw my baby off of something?" I exclaim in anger. I'm seriously losing it here.

"Alex had the parachute! It was his idea!" Logan says casting the blame on him.

Alex raises his hands defensively. "Dude it worked fine on our cat." He shrugs.

"What?!" This time it's Alaina who exclaims in anger. "You threw our cat off of something without me?! Some brother you are!" She says glaring at him.

I shake my head at them. "What are you going to do to get my baby down?" I ask.

"The thing is. We can't get him down." Logan says. "None of us can reach him and hitting him with the broom didn't work."

I pinch the bridge of my nose as try to control my anger. Lexi glares at the boys. "Idiots! Go get the ladder out of the garage!" She snaps.

Logan quickly obeys while the other guys stand there laughing. Logan brings the ladder in and scales it quickly. He reaches for Ivan but Ivan hisses and swats his hand away. Logan jerks his hand away. Ivan then let's out the most pitiful little meow.

"Awe. Get out of the way Logan! He needs me!" I say. I climb the ladder as fast as I can and reach for the kitten. He jumps into my arms and snuggles up against me. "It's okay Ivan. Mommies got you." I murmur quietly so no one else hears it.

Logan grins sheepishly at me when I climb down. I just glare in response.


"Logan Andrew Reynolds, if you think that saying sorry will get you out of this then you have another thing coming!" I say putting my free hand on my hip.

"Probably her fist." Jordan mumbles just loud enough for me to hear. I turn and glare at him.

"Boys," I say sweetly. "You have about ten seconds to get out of my sight before I murder all of you."

They quickly run off leaving me alone with the girls. "Sorry for ruining our night." I say apologetically.

"What are you talking about?" Jesse exclaims. "That was awesome!"

"Totally!" Alaina agrees. "Plus I got the whole thing on video!"

I laugh. "Please send me that later."

She nods. "I will."

"So you guys wanna move your stuff over here?" I volunteer.

"Sure!" Kaylee exclaims.

The other girls agree so we quickly gather out stuff from Lexi's and head to my room.


As midnight rolls around me and the girls are sitting in a circle on the floor in my room having a heated discussion on who the hottest superhero is.

"The hottest superhero is Spider-Man." Kaylee says.

"No way." Jesse shakes her head. "It's definitely Thor."

"Nope. It's captain America!" Lexi insists.

I laugh. "Have y'all not seen superman? He's like the definition of sexy."

"You are all wrong." Alaina cuts in. "Batman is the hottest superhero of all time."

We all instantly disagree.

"Spider-Man is the best because he's so cute and funny and he's Andrew Garfield!" Kaylee insists.

"Uh hellooo. Thor is Chris Hemsworth. He's like the sexiest man alive." Jesse argues. "Plus all of your guys wear tights."

"And Thor doesn't?" I ask raising a brow. Her only response is to stick her tongue out at me.

"Batman is so much better than your guys." Alaina says.

"He doesn't even have any powers!" Lexi protests.

"Exactly!" Alaina exclaims. "He just cares about other people."

"Captain America cares about other people!" Lexi insists.

"He carries around a freaking frisbee!" Jesse says flailing her arms around.

Lexi looks offended. "I'm not arguing with someone who doesn't know what they are talking about." She huffs, crossing her arms and turning away from Jesse.

Jesse just rolls her eyes.

"Guys," I say coming between them. "You are all wrong. Superman is the best because he's an alien." I say confidently.

"An alien?" Jesse says looking at me like I'm stupid. She laughs. "Thor is like a freaking god!"

Just then the door burst open and the guys come in. Jeremy and Logan immediately go to sit with their girlfriends.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I ask crossly.

"Just came to visit our favorite girls." Jordan smirks putting an arm around my shoulders. I shrug it off.

"You'd think after punching you in the nose you'd get the idea that I don't want you messing with me." I huff.

He ignores me. "So, what were you ladies talking about?"

"Who the hottest superhero is." Alaina says.

"And who did y'all decide on?" Preston asks in amusement.

We all answer at the same time.




"Captain America!"


That of course got us started arguing again. 

"Ladies, ladies. Settle down." Alex says.

"What about y'all?" I ask. "Who do y'all think is the hottest superhero?"

"Wonder women." Alex smirks.

"Yeah!" Jordan agrees.

"I'd say Thor." Preston shrugs. "I mean he's Chris Hemsworth and he's a freaking god."

"Oh my god!" Jesse squeals. "He's perfect!"

"You bet, baby." He winks at her and she blushes. 

"Dude, everyone knows superman is better looking than Thor." Logan says.

"Yeah!" I high five him. Lexi scowls at him.

"Your suppose to take my side." She whines. Logan just shrugs.

While the others continue arguing, I see Preston look at Jesse. He smiles softly and she returns it, blushing slightly.

Awe! That's so adorable. I am so gonna try to get them together. They would be so cute! I ship it!

I look down at my phone to see that it's nearing two a.m. "Guys," I say. "I think it's time for us to sleep now. It's nearly two and we have school tomorrow." Everyone agrees and the guys leave so we can get to bed. Soon I fall asleep to the sound of the girls even breathing.

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