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Lucy's P.O.V
"Lucy~San, get up, get up!" A girl shouted at me I knew it was Wendy.
"Do you need anything Wendy?" I asked, she giggled and shook her head.
"We're going out to get you school stuff!" Wendy said, I nodded and got out of bed.
"Mind if I come to?" A male voice asked in the doorway, it was my other master... Natsu.
"Ummm sure." We said at the exact same time, we giggled as soon as we did.
"Let me get dressed and I'll meet you guys out in the dining room." They nodded and I got ready.
-Time Skip to Where Their in the Limo-
"Hey when we're in public, can you guys not talk or treat me like a maid, and please don't say I'm one." They both nodded, both with the same confused expressions.
"Yes, but why Lucy~San?" Wendy asked me, their are some reasons they both wouldn't understand, Dammit I hate being this way.
"Well Wendy... It's complicated, I really can't explain it." I said looking down, I can't tell them that if my dad found out he bring me home, put me in a forced marriage, or worse... Kill me.
With the thought of that, tears were leaving my eyes, I felt strong arms around me, I was bright pinks.

Natsu's P.O.V
I saw Lucy begin to cry, so I wasn't thinking, I hugged her, she blushed. Her skin was soft, her tears went on my arm but I didn't care. Wendy looked at us confused, then she smiled. 'Oh no, Wendy don't tell Mira or she'll go crazy!'
"We're here!" Capricorn yelled from the front of the limo. We walked in the mall, Lucy was looking around at everything in awe, I couldn't help but chuckle.
"What?!" She yelled at me.
"Your expression, it's to cute!" She hid her pink face, oh shit I said that out loud.
A guy walked up to Lucy, he was my rival... Sting. "Why hello aren't you cute." Sting said, I had anger boiling inside me, was he seriously making moves on her before me.
"U-uhh thanks?" Lucy said, completely confused.
"Now tell me what is your name?" He asked my hands were balled in fist, oh that guys going to get it.
"L-Lucy Heartfilia." She said nervously, he tilted her chin up. I punched him square in the jaw. Then I pulled Lucy and Wendy's hands away from everything. And we started shopping.

Sting's P.O.V
Well Jude will be happy to know I found his long lost daughter. Oh the money I will get paid for her suffering.

Sorry for the dark chapter but don't worry it will get better.

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