Chapter 1: Did the holiday come?

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So there was only 1 month left until the end of the school year. Yeah, this month will be more special and interesting. Why? We didn't have to do anything, just play and play. Um, but we still had to go to school, for sure. Only a few subjects that we had to review before the holidays started. But yeah, it'll be a great time!

First it was the Literature class by Ms. Jenifer. You might think that it was an important subject, we must study. If you think like that, oh please, you're completely wrong! In spite of Literature is a main subject, we didn't have to study more. In my class, after the Literature exam means Literature stops, sounds very interesting! We watched films instead of studying! GREAT!

In today's morning, I had 4 classes: Literature by Ms.Jenifer, Maths by Mr.Grad, Biology by Mrs.Amber and the last one was the subject which teached by Ms.Daphne, Arts. Great, nothing is heavy today.

Finally finish! That was great. But learning at school gave me a headache! I went to the juice trolley of my cousin's family, Jim. I ordered their new smoothie, Bancamond. Jim explained that there are bananas, avocados and some almomd milk. Now I've understand why the name of that smoothie was Bancamond (Banana - Avocado - Almond). I paid Jim, then came back home.

Time ran so fast! It was the last day of school! Today our school had an YEAR-END-PARTY. Nothing funs at all but finally I could oversleep, eat anything I want and play games any time I like! SO GREAT! I came back home. Like many years ago, after coming back home, I always sleep! And I went to the bed, lie down and....... sleep!

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