Episode II:

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"Returning what was Once Lost"
[PT. 1]

It was already 1 am. They've escorted Zircon and the girl to the living room, Zircon was having a mental and pyschical breakdown, the girl tried to comfort him but it was all in vain. Awhile Silver heart felt guilty, he did promised to protect both Antarcticite and Jack, he knew he couldn't protect him until death, but he could protect him until he can handle himself. And it wasn't today, sure he may be a famous phantom theif, smart and matured but, not today. The rest just stared either at Silver of the two, they were confused on what's going on and who's Antarcticite, Gabriel sighs and stands up. "First of all, I want answers" They started, "1) Who or What is Antarcticite, It's clearly a gemstone but who is she or he? 2) Who are these guys?! 3) What is your connection to each-other" Gabriel finished their words and sat back down, waiting for answers.

The girl sighs and looks at them. Her rage gone, replaced with guilt and sadness "For your First question, Antarcticite is our Little brother, he was the youngest one we have, for your Second question, I am Yellow Diamond, and this is Zircon, were partners or Family, for your last question...." Yellow glared at Silver heart. Silver just nodded looking at the window that shone underneath the moonlight, they were now traveling in the sky, Yellow looks back at the teen Phantom Theives. "Your 'master' Will answer them" They quickly looked at Silver heart, eager to know the truth, Silver sighs and sits down, drinking hot chai tea that Hachi prepared.

"It started right after.... Zircon gave me jack"


"Jack! Be careful!"

Silver heart yelled. Chasing after the 10-year-old jack, whom pranked him again, Awhile Queen, Roko, Red and King were watching TV, jack kept looking behind his back, sticking his tounge out to tease silver heart. Silver heart fummed and fasten his phase, jack realized this and fasthen his, but he didn't see the tiny rock that was on the way. As he tripped, he fell to a lower ground of the clearing, Silver stopped, his eyes widening, he quickly ran to the spot where jack landed to see...


Fresh shards of Antarcticite on the ground. He slowly looks up, and sees jack, looking at his arm, his hand was– gone? Silver couldn't believe it, Jack, jack, he was made of— Antarcticite, Silver panicked, when suddenly a tap on his shoulder came. He looks up and sees a famaliar face, "Hiya silver, Remember me?" Silver laughs and nods, It was zircon. Zircon rolls his eyes and looks at jack, he tsked and carried jack to his lap, "Hi jackie, How's training?" Jack giggled and nodded, zircon rolled his eyes and started to gather the shards of his hand. Silver watched as zircon cooed jack, He shook his head, Zircon's veiw on jack was a baby a while he was growing up.

Soonly, zircon was finished. Jack's hand was back in place, Jack cheered and Zircon shushed him, "Now now jack, You can't tell anyone okay?" Silver heart said. Jack nodded and shushed zircon, Zircon giggled and nodded, Jack said goodbye and went into the cabin to join the others, Zircon sighs sadly and looks at silver, He gaves him the lotion needed for jack's 'Injuries'. "I'll visit again at 5 years, Don't forget silver heart..." Zircon's voice showed venom as he glared at the old man, "My Boy is the last one of his kind, So why not be a good old man and Listen, Protect him at all costs, Got it?" Silver sighed and nodded.

Zircon took one last look at the cabin before rushing back into the forest. Goimg back to the land of the unknown, Silver heart sighs, feeling pain in his heart, He couldn't protect jack long, but he could until he can, Silver smiles and goes back, remembering the Boy's words.

ΠEnd of FlashbackΠ

"So... Jack wasn't his real name... And his family IS alive?" Roko braked the silence first. Silver nodded, finishing his chai and placing the cup down, The others were shocked at Such little information that changed their point of view at Joker— or Antarcticite. Zircon snaps out of his breakdown, wipping away his tears, "So... He lied to us?" "He had to, If he didn't our lives are in debt" Yellow responded. "But, why not just tell us the truth in the 1st place?!" Spade yelled, glaring at both Silver heart and Zircon, "If you'd had! Then maybe this wouldn't have happen! Maybe all of those Shenanigans wouldn't have happen! If you'd only told us the turth in the 1st place! This. Wouldn't. Have. Happ–" "I NEEDED TO BECAUSE JACK IS BEING HUNTED DOWN!" Silver heart snapped at spsde.

"Wait— WHaT?!" Yellow shot up. "He's been Discovered?!" Silver heart slowly looks at yellow, Nodding his head, Yellow gasped silently, covering her mouth. "Wait.... Dr. Neo knew about him?!" Rose exclaimed, "Apparently, That excuse of a Doctor, was a Mad man, A professor in the arts of Science and Gemology, and when he digged deeper into Joker's files he found it" He explained. Yellow fell into the couch, sobbing, they couldn't loose him, they just couldn't, after all those years of not being together, only 5 years they've cherished with him, only 5 years. "Well help Find him..." They all look behind and saw a Girl, with the same Black uniform as Zircon and Yellow, she had short hair, shinging like a diamond underneath the moon's light. Then behind her was another girl, she had long black hair, shinging like a uncut diamond, her hair was longer, it was at least 1 meter away from her feet, her eyes sharp as an eagle. "Dia? Bortz?" The girl with Short hair nodded, while the long haired girl just tsked, "I knew Humans can't be trusted..." The girl with long hair muttered.

The short haired girl stepped forward. Making much better angle for everyone to see her Diamond features, "My name is Diamond, Nice to meet you all" She bows to a low bow and quickly stand suo staright. "And that's bortz" She points at the Long-haired girl, "And, i'm a boy Geniuses" Bortz added, Spade, Gabriel and Shadow mentally cringed, they thought Bortz was a girl from her features. "What are you two doing here?" "We snuck in before this ship flew up and Kongō-snesei said ot follow you two" Bortz answered, Yellow nodded and wipped away her tears. She sat straight and looked at everyone, her eyes showed pain and guilt this time. "We're sorry If we didn't made a good Imperssion, but uh... If you can, please help us find Antar— I mean, ugh, Jack" She asked, Twilight stood up, with berry by her feet, "Of course we will! Were his friends and rivals! So we need to find him A.S.A.P" Gabriel hummed in agreement, "Agreed student" Gabriel said.

"Alright then, Time for Operation: Save the Miracle Maker!" Rose cheered. Shadow cringed at the title while the others laughed it off, Zircon smiled to himself, seeing as Jac— Antarcticite's friend really do care for him. It was like he was their second family, Zircon sighs and looks at the moon, this earth's moon was beautiful, not like theirs, and he only wished for one thing....

'Please antarcticite, Return home.... Safely'

"Mourn in pain, but Arise soon, for fate shall see, What lies for you"


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