Daring Escape

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Quarnos' POV

The guard to Ezra's cell pressed a glowing red button, in which soon after followed the heavy metal door sliding up, allowing me to enter the dull grey cell. The first thing that I saw through the dust swirling in a spiral was Ezra sitting against the wall with his knees brought up to his chest, his head down and resting on his knees. When he heard the door open and me walking in, his face lit up and he took his knees down, bringing them to cross each other.

"Hey, Ezra," I greeted him, setting my satchel down that I brought with me.

"Hey, Ash!" he welcomed me.

I emptied the contents of the bag onto the floor. A holoprojector fell out, along with two datapads and a few things that all interrogators are required to have with them. I put the holoprojector face up and turned it on. A blue glow sparked to life, showing the lay out of the prison facility that we were in, with a glowing and pulsing red dot showing where we were currently.

"So in order to escape," I started to explain, "We need to follow this hall to the end, then make a left. After that left, we'll go about a little short of halfway down the hall to the lifts. Now, right now, were on the seventh floor, and we need to get the ground floor. After we reach the ground floor, we go straight down the hall then take the third left, which, if we follow it to the end, will take us all the way down to the end of the hallway, which is the shipyard. From there, I called in a favor with a friend, who will have a ship for us and will have it ready for flight at my signal. Any questions?"

He mulled over the plan for a while then shook his head. "When do we leave?"

"Well, we can leave right now actually. I have a datapad here that "orders you to be transferred to another planet". If anyone has any questions, that datapad should look palpable. I'll have to put you into restrainers too." I added on, pulling out a pair and clamping them down on his wrists.

After I signaled my friend downstairs to prep the ship for take off, I lead Ezra out of the cell and passed the troopers guarding it, who seemed to question why I was doing so.

"Transfer orders to the Inner Rim." I explained to them.

The relaxed and walked away from the cell, with no need to guard the prisoner that was no longer going to be there. I chuckled as we walked down the halls, with Ezra displaying the perfect amount of misery that a prisoner would have of they learned that they were going to an even more guarded facility.

As we reached the lifts, Ezra started to show a sign of true fear.

"What's wrong, Ezra?" I wondered aloud.

"I thought I felt. . .never mind. We need to focus on leaving right now." he stated, clearly stating that the subject was closed for the moment.

I shrugged off my disappointment and stepped in the lift, dragging Ezra along with me. I reached out for the button that indicated the ground floor and pushed it. The button glowed a bright white and the lift suddenly dropped down. Ezra stumbled around a little bit and I let out a chuckle.

"I've learned the lifts get super jumpy when the first take off. They start to get worse as you go further up."

He had a blank look on his face and glared at me. After his strange behavior, he started to giggle a small bit, but still kept a serious aura around him. He seemed a bit off, but I shrugged that off also; we had to get out the place before I could start worrying about his behavoir.

My thoughts were interrupted as the doors slid open and I came face to face with the head of the facility, along with a few high ranking officers of the Imperial Navy.

Oh Sith, I forgot that they were taking some of the Navy officers around the prisons of the Outer Rim and discussing how to improve security. Well, I reckon that security is going to be really tight after this. . .

"Ah, Interregator Quarnos, how are you today? Wait. . ." he processed, "what are you doing? Is that Ezra Bridger? He is supposed to be under triple guard!"

"Sorry, sir!" I exclaimed before punching him in the face. Immediately, his eyes rolled up into his head as I drew my fist back. His body hit the cold, metal ground with a resounding thud. The silence hung heavy in the air after he hit the ground and I felt the stares of all the people surrounding me burning into my soul. The awkwardness was broken after Ezra pushed out with the Force, throwing all of the others against the wall. He grabbed my hand and forced me to break into a run to the shipyard.

"They won't be out for long," he said between gasps of air.

I nodded and broke into a sprint as the shipyard come into view. My friend was waiting outside the ship and waved at us. I wasted no time as I gave a curt nod as I ran into the vessel, with Ezra in tow. I climbed a ladder into the head of the ship and practically threw myself into the pilot's seat. Ezra came up a few seconds later and went to the co-pilot's seat and started punching at controls while I took the ship off the ground. I opened the throttle of the engines and aimed the ship up into the atmosphere.

Ezra shook his head after I mentioned a comment about escaping without a fight.

"Ash, you should know by now to not say that before we get out of the mess."

Almost as soon as he finished his sentence, an alarm started blaring. I diverted my attention to it and saw that there were three TIE fighters closing in on us.

"Strap in!" I shouted, "It's going to get real rough. Divert about 60 percent of the power to the back shields! About 30 to the cannons and auxiliary to the engines! Save that extra ten just in case!" I ordered to Ezra, who started to press buttons like mad.

Green lasers flew past us and some even shook the ship due to the amount of pressure that the shields were taking. We broke the atmosphere and entered the vacuum of space, with the TIEs still following. I cursed under my breath. I suddenly dived straight down and cut the engines. Two TIEs flew past us and the other had enough sense to pull up.

"Now!" I yelled, although Ezra needed no warning.

He took aim of the cannon and with two accurate and well-placed shots, the TIEs were blown to pieces.

"Got the coordinates programmed?" I asked.

"Working on it," he replied, trying furiously on a touch screen to his right.

"Well, hurry up. We don't have much time!" I yelped as the ship shook again from the shot from the remaining TIE.

After about a minute of twisting about in space and dodging laser fire, he finally shouted out that he got the coordinates in. I did a barrel roll (AN: do a barrel roll!. . . sorry that's dead isnt it) to avoid more fire and managed to find an opening. I reached down and pulled the lever and the ship jumped to light speed.

I turned in my chair and looked to Ezra, who smiled widely at me. I returned the act with a goofy and toothy grin on my face.

"We did it!" he yelled out jumping out of his chair as I did the same.

We jumped together embracing each other in a hug. When the mood of delight died down, I looked at Ezra, who was still very close. Suddenly, all of the happiness and joy that I had felt a moment ago died down and was replaced with another mood. He looked into my eyes, almost like he was looking into my soul. Growing nervous, I looked down towards my shoes. No sooner than I broke eye contact with him, I felt his soft and tender hands guiding my vision to be focused on him. We reestablished eye contact and stared at each other again. His hand moved to my hair, which had fallen down and out of it's neat bun, and tucked it behind my ear, presumably so he could see my face better.

Then, the unexpected happened. He leaned close to me and I did the same. Our lips met. The moment was wonderful to us, as inexperienced in kissing as we were. His hands snaked around my waist, and mine around his neck. At that moment, the galaxy could have been obliterated, and I wouldn't have cared. All that mattered was Ezra and me. We stayed there in the cockpit, arms around each other, lips moving in sync, and the starlit caressing our faces.

Hey guys! This would have been publish way sooner but I had trouble saving it so yeah. ANyways, not much it happening rn. Life in general. Oh, I'm submitting this and Journal in Wattys so yeah. WIsh me luck even though nothing is going to happen with it because I am a TERRIBLE writer. That's basically it for today. Thanks for all of your reads, votes, and support. TRIPLE DoTS! May the Force be with you. . .

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