Interrogator Quarnos

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Ezra's POV

I woke up in a dull grey room. I struggled to breathe from the metal straps pressing my chest and back against the cold metal table. Cold from the metal seeped through the thin, shredded cloth that was covering me. I opened my eyes slowly to see a dim, flickering light. The memories of what had happen before came rushing to me. The wedding, the shot, the deaths, the chase, the explosion, the scream, the pain, and the evil laughter. I struggled against the bonds, trying to break their hold. I grunted in pain as my broken arm pressed against the cuff holding my arm. Then the pain erupted through my back as my skin stretched out, the burned skin not wanting to move from the position that it had settled. I blinked rapidly, trying to win a losing fight against the tears that were flooding from my eyes.

"Ah, good. You're awake," a voice said.

I swiveled my head around as much as it allowed, trying to see my enemy through my water-filled eyes.

"I am Interrogator Quarnos. I figure that you know the drill of interrogation. So, let's begin. Ezra Bridger, also goes by 'Jabba the Hutt'. . . have you ever wondered what he feels like?"

My head was clouded with confusion at the question as my eyes cleared and saw a woman with red hair tied up in a tight bun on top of her head. She continued reading information about me off of a datapad with the symbol of the Empire imprinted off of it.

"Age of 16. Home planet is Lothal. Known Jedi Padawan," she paused and looked at me, putting the device down. "Hmm, interesting. I met a Jedi once. He was so convinced that I needed saving. Saying something about a special something in me. I don't know. Anyways," she clapped her hands together. "Back to the fun part. So, Ezra, what is the last thing you remember?"

"What makes you think that I am going to tell you that?" I angrily answered.

"Oh, I really don't want to this the hard way. Please, tell me. You can resist when we get to the hard part that you won't want to answer."

I debated and thought, Ok, Bridger, let's play her game.

"Last thing I remember was a colossal explosion and being thrown to the side. I was thrown to the side, then I guess you captured me."

"Alright, that story seems true due to the burns on your back. We know that you are involved in a small rebel cell on a ship called the Ghost. Tell us about that cell." she pressed

"Um. . .no. What makes you think that I am going to betray my friends?"

"Ok, now here comes the resistance. Well, Ezra, you have given me much to reflect upon, and much information to think about. Think about cooperating next time so I don't have to torture you, hun."

She smiled at me softly before turning around and walking out the doors. As she left, I was left staring at her, and later think about her while I was on the table. Suddenly, she left my head for a brief moment as I thought about the rest of the crew. What had happened to them? I hope that they haven't been captured by the Empire or worse, but then again what could I have done?

You could have stayed there with them instead of being reckless and running off after that guy. It was obviously a trap.

I shook my head, trying to have my conscious silenced, at least for a moment. Realizing that there was going to be more interrogation later, I forced my body to sleep, my last thoughts dwelling on Quarnos and Sabine.

Hey guys! So we have finals next week, or exams whatever you want to call them, and I'm gonna die. And Quarnos is an OC you'll be seeing more of her later on in the book, but we should get back and visit the crew shouldn't we. . .or wait. . .what is that noise? No, other than the thunder on pounding rain that's happening right now. IT'S MY TIME! Old Republic is calling me to come and play instead of writing the next chapter. Haha bye suckers my Inquisitor and Consular is waiting. Oh and Ezra might have a bit of a crush on Quarnos (btw totally not based off on of my character that I made with my imagination that's on the server on SWTOR). . . SHUT UP THUNDER I HEAR YOU FOR THE 4,232,707,234,214,101,749th time. So. . . TRIPLE DOTS! And may the Force be with you. . .  



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