Chapter: 19

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We took the elevator to the underground parking garage. This seems all too familiar. We walked over to Clint's car and got in.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked.

"Yes, I have been there before."

"Ok. Just checking."

"It's about a ten minute drive."

"Ok. Why do you think that Kyle and Bekki need the weapons?"

"I don't know. They might have in mind something they need them for, or they just wanted to have them for the future."

"I still can't believe that they would betray me!"

"You get used to more betrayal when you work at an agency."

"So you're used to people double crossing you?"

"No, but more used to it than you."


Clint turned a corner into an empty field. The only thing in the field was a small shed.

"I knew you didn't know where you were going!" I said.

"This is the weapons vault."

"What! That tiny shed holds all those high-tech weapons?"

"No, the shed is the entrance to an elevator that takes you to the underground weapons vault."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense."

"Are Bekki and Kyle here yet? I don't see a car or anything."

"Wait, look over there in that group of trees. Do you see it?"

"I see something shiny. Wait, it's their car!"

"Right, which means there are already here."

"How are we going to get in?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you have Kyle's phone number?"


"Can I have it?"

"Sure, it's 517-439-5293."

"Ok thanks."

I pressed call and waited while it rang. There was no answer. I tried again. This time he answered

"Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Maria."

"Maria? Where are you?"

"I'm outside the vault. Let me in."


"Please, Kyle let me in! I want the picture of my parents that was in the locket."

"If you're going in I'm calling backup," Clint said.

"No!" I said to him.

"Was that Agent Barton I heard?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle! Let me in!"

"Fine, but only if you're unarmed."

"I'm unarmed. Now open the door."

"Ok, but first you need to go right outside the door."


"If you want to get in you'll do it!"

"Ok, ok. I'm outside the door. Now what?"

The line went dead. I heard the door click. I pulled at it, and it opened. I stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed. There were no buttons on the inside, but I felt the elevator going down. It stopped a couple minutes later, and the doors opened. I stepped out and ran right into Bekki.

"Hi there Bekki. Good to see you again," I said sarcastically.

"I just need to search you for weapons."

"You really don't trust me. Wow."

She searched me and, of course, found nothing.

"She's clear," she said to Kyle.

I looked around. There were racks of weapons everywhere. I had never seen anything like it.

"So you just want the picture?" Kyle asked.

"Well I would like the locket too, but I don't think you are going to give me that."

"You're right." He opened the locket and pulled out the picture of my real parents.

"Thanks," I said.

I walked over to a rack of weapons and looked at them.

"We need to tie her up or get her out of here," Bekki said.

"Tie her up," Kyle said.

Bekki came towards me with a strip of rope. When she got close enough I kicked her in the stomach and grabbed one of the weapons off the shelf. I pointed it at Kyle and Bekki.

"Give me the code!" I said


"Give it to me or I will shoot!" I powered the gun up, turned the safety off, and put my finger on the trigger.

"You're not going to shoot me! You can't do it!"

"Yes I am going to shoot you!" I aimed the gun and pulled the trigger. The gun shot fireballs and burned the skin on Kyle's arm. He winced in pain.

"Told you I would shoot," I said.


Author's note: Hey guys! I updated two chapters really close to each other! I haven't done that in a long time! This one is a longer chapter. Did you guys like it? I think there will be only one more chapter in this book. Please comment and vote!


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