Chapter - 7

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"Noooooo warmth don't leave me" our raven-haired protagonist whined as Serena decided to finally leave the bed after hours of cuddling together, They finally confessed to each other and it was their last day at Galar before Ash & Serena had to leave back to Kalos, They were spending there day relaxing around the resort talking, swimming then having lunch, everything was going alright until Ash got a call, from Lance, Cheif of Special Forces, G-Men, Now Ash would usually take his call, but now he was on vacation with Serena and This call meant disturbance to the sweet quality time spent amongst the new couple.

Serena though had seen enough of this and Asked Ash to pick up the call, "Lance this better be something urgent," Ash said, "Not like you're doing something special" Lance retorted, "Haha. Funny, and what if I am" Ash said, "I don't care, I have a new mission for you, which means that you have to Stay in Galar-" Ash cut him off, "What!!, why should I stay here" He asked, "There have been rumours of a new evil organization forming around Galar and Alain said that he'll take your job at Kalos, But you need to be undercover, I'll meet you at The Pokemon Cafe at 5 p.m. And don't be late" He said and Cut the call.

"what is it, Ash ?" Serena asked, "Have I told you how much I hate my job" Serena chuckled as she heard Ash nagging about how Lance gets him to do this and that and this and that just because he chose to hide his identity as a champion, Serena was the only other person to know about this, She also promised him to not tell anyone about it, what started as nagging changed to talking and then flirting between the 2 lovers and it was time to meet Lance, "Hey Sere, I'll take my leave. Be back in an Hour. Bye" He said with a hug which she returned and pecked him lightly on the lip, Ash then got in his rental and drove over to The Pokemon Cafe in Wyndon.

He entered the Cafe and noticed Lance sitting over there with Agent Looker, Disguised to not let anyone find out about their true identity. Ash sat in front of the 2 men, Lightly placing his phone from his pocket onto the table, The waiters came in and took their orders not without making Ash uncomfortable by flirting with him, Lance snickered, "congratulations on getting yourself a girl" Lance said, Looker looked at him wide-eyed, Ash Ketchum, apart from being 'The densest Champion the world had ever seen (period) he was also a prince and the youngest head tier G-Man, Saving the world was like its a hobby of his.

"How did you even find out," Ash asked bewildered by Lances knowledge, "You two made it pretty obvious when I came over to the resort" Ash blushed at Lance's comment, "Anyway why do I have to stay here," Ash asked, "Well as I said Team Yell is a new Criminal organization, not as big as any of the earlier ones you have faced but gradually getting there" Lance paused taking a sip of the coffee that was just served at the table, he then continued with his briefing.

"And don't do what you did to the other small organization" Lance warned shuddering as he remembered Ash's First solo mission. "Hey they deserved worse for torturing the poor Pokemon, I swear I held back," Ash said, "yeah Sure," looker said sarcastically. "Anyway You have to Take charge as the schools battle teacher next week, so Get yourself a living quarter set up," Lance said as both he and the looker got up to leave.

A few hours and some explaining later

"So you have to stay here ?" Serena paused, "As a teacher" She continued, Ash nodded, "Is it ok if I stay here with you," Serena asked innocently, Ash's face lit up, "I mean I only have to be at Kalos for the next masterclass and some public performances and Galar isn't that far away from here, so I could stay here-" she couldn't complete her sentence as Ash quickly lifted her off her feet and spun her around, "I'll love it if you stayed with me over here," Ash said and then kissed her on the lips which she happily returned, "Now we have to find a place to live," Serena said, "Leave that to llene and mom," Ash said, that is when Serena realised something, Mom, they never told their mothers that they were dating,

it wasn't a problem to Serena since she basically sent her prepared for anything and everything two adults could do, But Ash was a different case. "Ash we never told our mothers of us being together," She said, "Oh yeah, we never did, And if we're gonna live together then we would need something bigger than something that only I would live at," Ash said before Ash FaceTimed his mom and sister together. The conversation was pleasant except for leaving both Ash and Serena flustered on several occasions. Serena's mom thought was a different item altogether and there was not a moment when their faces were red, in fact, they could have argued that they created new shades of red with her teasing.

Ash and Serena are now at the house that llene looked up for them to stay at, the place being just half an hour away from Wyndon, a rather cosy 2 story house with 3 bedrooms each having its own bathroom, a large backyard with a barn for the Pokemon, This time around Ash decided to not have anyone from the palace at their place for privacy reasons and to maintain his cover, the high school, Wyndon High School being one of if not the best school for students to train themselves in multiple ways to ensure a quality life. He had an idea of what to do as a Pokemon battle trainer, being one of the best on the field Ash had a lot of battling experience in just 11 years of his career.

Over the next few days, Ash and Serena refurbished the house to their liking. The whole house was painted in white with grey accents. The interior was totally decked out, Serena and Ash got their clothes packaged and brought to them, Ash had all his gear and tech delivered. They got an L shaped couch and a loveseat in the living room, A soft carpet laid on the floor above which was a little table, the multiple TV's were placed in multiple locations around the house, Next to the living room was the dining room towards the open kitchen, The table was kept over another carpet, the table was large enough for 6 people to comfortably eat. In the middle of the table was an artificial bonsai plant.

There were a few paintings on the walls and a vase kept on the fireplace. Next to the staircase was the office room inside where All of the things Ash required to work. A table on which the computer was placed, The mouse and trackpad next to the keyboard. Next to these 2 was his MacBook Pro and a wireless charging pad. Below the table was a decked up Mac pro in a custom matte black coating. All the wires were managed elegantly and hidden from plain sight. Then there was the "most comfortable office chair I have ever sat on" according to Serena.

As we make our way up the stairs there are 2 rooms actors the hallway one being the rather plain guestroom and the master bedroom which belonged to Ash and Serena, inside their room was a king-size bed with a white sheet and a turquoise blanket, the walls which were white accented by turquoise on one wall where there was a massive TV, on either side of the bed was 2 wooden tables with white lamps on them. The house overall was very simple and modern. Outside the house was a 3 car garage where Ash's G-wagon, Flying Spur and the Land Rover were currently parked.

Ash had this week off and was to join the next week so he was relaxing sitting on the couch with Serena's head on his shoulder watching movies on the tv. Pikachu was sitting with sylveon on the lovesack all the other Pokemon were also around the property somewhere inside the barn taking rest. It was a quiet and comfortable afternoon at the now Ketchum Residence.

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