Chapter 14: I need answers, now!

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As we were walking in the woods i noticed the boys were nervous. "Shit shit shit this is slender's woods if we get caught she's dead!" BEN said with panic in his voice. I looked up ahead and saw the entrance to my hideout. "We're almost there just a little further." I said looked at my surroundings. "Why is it so quiet, its never like this.....i hope bringing them out here was the right choice."

I thought to myself as my hideout entrance was only a couple feet away. "We're almost there, but nothings here." Tim said, his voice laced with suspicion i looked behind me to face him. "Well this place is hidden and the only way you can find it is if you know exactly where it is." I said the reached in front of me and grabbed some tree branches and pushed them aside and all i heard were the boys gasping in awe at the sight of the house.

"THIS IS YOURS?" BEN said with his mouth hung open, i thought it would drop to the floor, i giggled at him. "Yep this is all mine i found this when i was walking in the woods and wanted to fix it up, lets go inside." I said walking ahead and entered the house.( you can imagine what it looks like inside cause idk what you guys like sry) As if it was possible the boy's mouths droped even more. "Y'all can set down and get comfortable, what do you want to drink?"

I said and made my way to the kitchen. Four sweet teas please." BEN yelled from the living room. "Ok." I said and started to make everyone's drink. As soon as i finished with the drinks i heard another heart beat, and its not from any of us. "Fuck cant y'all just leave me alone my times not up yet." I said and grabbed the biggest kitchen knife i could find and put it on my hip. I grabbed another hoodue and put it on so they wouldn't see the knive. I went back into the livingroom and gave everyone their drinks.

"Thank you." They all said in unison, i heard the heart beat again and looked into the kitchen. "I'll be right back stay here." I said and got up. "W-whats *tic* w-wrong? Toby said and got up too. "Someone is here, someone that shouldn't be here." I said and walked into the kitchen at out the back door. I looked all around and saw no one, the boys came out and looked around with me. Then i heard it, the person's heart beat i started to slowly over to where i heard the heart beat. I looked at the bush and quickly pulled its branches down and threw the person across the yard.

"Ughhh damn your stronger than you look." The man said, he had white leathery skin burnt off eyelids and a cut smile. "What theee ffuuuccckkk"? I said trailing off and tilted my head as i was staring at the pale man. "Whats wrong, aren't i beautiful?" He said as a menacing smile appeared on hus face. "I mean your not ugly so,...i gess." I said and stuffed my hands in my pockets. The man looked shocked and then tilted his head.

"Are you not scared?" He said confused. "Whats there to be afraid of?" I said walking to him. "Now why are you here?" I said as i bent down to his level. "Well i need them, thats why im here and the names jeff, jeff the killer." He said looking over to the boys. "now i want answers." I said walking over to the boys. "I can't believe i fucking trusted them!" I said in my head rage started to envelop my mind.

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