Chapter 15: allies or enemies

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I started so walk over to the boys. "So who the fuck are you?!" I said standing in front of the four. Toby hung his head. "I-im *tic* s-sorry." Toby said refusing to raise his head. I looked to the other three. "Do y'all got anything to say!?" I said raising my voice a bit. All they did was hang their heads or avoided my gaze. I looked behind me to face Jeff and started walking to him. "Can you give me any fucking answers?!" I said, getting angrier by every passing second. "Sure, we're killers." He said and shrugged.

I stared at him for a bit and looked at the others who now looked me dead in the eye. I looked back over to Jeff who now had no emotion on his face and stared at me also. "Oh no, dont even fucking think about it believe me you wont land a scratch on me." I said, giving him a glare that would make anyone cower back. Jeff scoffed and lunged toward me, i doged and grabbed the back of his neck then slammed his head into the ground.

"Like i said, you wont land a hit on me." I said and my grip on his neck tightened. "And Dont. Touch. Me. Its not going to end well for you." I said and got off of him, he stood up and gave me a death glare i just shrugged it off cause it didn't bother me. "Now im going to ask you this once and once only, how the fuck do you know slenderman?" I said in a cold voice. All they did was stare at me with shocked and confused faces.

"H-how d-do *tic* y-you know h-him?" Toby said and looked me dead in the eyes with a serious face. "You'll know soon enough, after all your boss is all ready looking for me." I said and started to walk back to the house. "Wait, your the queen of the shadow's that EJ met, right." He said joging to catch up with me. "Well if your talking about the cannibal, then yes I've met him." I said a gripped the door handle.

"Listen, if he wants me to come back that badly tell him to come and get me, i need to speak with him anyway." I said and walked in the house and closed the door. I listened to their heart beats untill i couldn't hear them anymore. "*sigh* fuck times almost up i need to get this over with before he comes to get me, i cant risk hurting him or his brothers again." I thought to myself as i went up stairs and into my room.

I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. I ended up drifting into a deep sleep until i felt my body being shook. "What the f-." I said but was cut off by seeing Vepar motion for me to be quite and follow him. I nodded my head and followed him out of my room and into the living room where i saw Jay, Ray, Derek and Mark. "Its time isn't it?" I said and gave everyone a sad look. "Unfortunately, yes it is." Vepar said and gave me a reassuring smile.

Everyone formed a circle around me, i layed down on the floor and closed my eyes. They started to chant some words and i began to float. "Please work please work this time." I thought to myself as i felt my body change my (H/L) (H/C) hair turned into (H/L) black hair. My (S/C) skin started to burn and turned a grayish color. My (E/C) eyes turned black, my clothes glowed and changed.

My nails turned into long sharp black claws. I slowly floated back down and landed on my feet. I looked to everyone to see excitement plastered on their faces. "It worked now try to change come on!" Mark said, his voice laced with excitement. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and my body started to shift into my spirit demon form.

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