Chapter 17: lets have some fun

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I walked into the room and put the bag beside the door and closed it. "Wait why is Tim's sent in here, is that Tim?" I thought to myself as i walked over to the masked man. He just looked at me not saying anything and i walked into my bathroom. "Nice disguise by the way Tim." I said peeking my head out of the door. "H-how did you-." He tried to ask me but i cut him off. "The way you look might change but, your scent doesn't." I said and opened my closet. "What, scent?" He said tilting his head

I looked over to him and laughed. "Dont underestimate her she's not as human as she looks." EJ said and crossed his arms over his chest. "She's not human?" Tim said his voice laced with suspicion and disbelief. I nodded my head and closed my eyes. When i opened them again i had my fluffy gray ears and tail, my sharp teeth, my golden yellow eyes and short claws. Tim just stared at me in disbelief and EJ stared as me in awe and shock, i laughed at they're reactions as i grabbed a small black box and sat it on my dresser.

"So is your name really Tim or?" I said opening the box. "Tim is my real name but everyone calls me masky." He said and looked around my room, i reached into the box and took out 1 ring box and a necklace bag. I opened the ring box and opened the necklace bag and put both of them on.

"So why are you here masky?" I said turning to him and leaning on my dresser. "I wanted to know where EJ was going so i followed him." He said and looked over to the bags by the door. "Are you leaving soon?" Masky said and turned his head to look at me. "Yep im going somewhere i really love although if i told you where that would spoil the fun." I said, my voice laced with excitement and happiness. "What do you mean?" Masky asked tilting his head. "You'll see very soon trust me." I said and a smile appeared on my face without me knowing.

They just looked at me and tilted they're heads in confusion. I heard a knock at my door and a muffled voice. "Hey dinner is ready." Jay said through the door. "Ok ill be down in a minute." I said as i heard his footsteps fade. I walked over to my door and grabbed the handle. Before i opened it i stopped and looked at the two. "Ill be right back" I said and left my room, making sure to shut it. As i walked down stairs i could hear laughter coming from the dining room.

I smirked and walked into the dining room, grabbed my plate and utensils and started to walk out but was stopped by Jay. "Where are you going?" Jat said his voice laced with suspicion and confusion. "Im just going to eat in my room so i can check my bag in my room." I said as i looked him in the eyes, he looked at me for a second then let go. "Ok when your done come back down so we can celebrate." He said and smiled at me. "I will." I said and walked back up the stairs.

I walked into my room and closed the door, i walked over to Masky and handed him the plate and utensils he took it and tilted his head. "You can eat it if you want, i dont want it." I said and grabbed my black book bag and looked over to see masky eating the food, i walked into my bathroom and grabbed my hat that was on a shelf i made sure no hair was sticking out of the hat, and went back into my room.

I went back into my room and went onto the balcony. I grabbed a ladder ( you know the ladders that the helicopters use.) and tied it to the railing then threw it down. I looked at the boys and motioned them to go down. Once i made sure they were on the ground i pulled the ladder up and set it to the side. I jumped on the railing and heard Masky and EJ whisper yelling at me to get down, so i did. I jumped off of the railing and landed on my feet. The boys just stood there motionless.

"Come on let's go i already have a place in mind." I said and started walking to my car. "Where are we going and why?" Masky said looking over at EJ. "Im going to prove EJ wrong again, be dosen't believe that im a cannibal." I said and looked over to masky. Once we reached my car we drove off to my bullys house. When we got there i told EJ to go in through the back and Masky to go through the side window and ill go through the front. Once we all made it into the house we searched the place to find out Tom (if thats your name sry) is the only one home and he is in his bedroom.

Once we made it up stairs we started to slowly walk to Tom's room once we were in front of his door. I put my finger to my lips in a hush manner. "This will be fun."

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