Chapter 19: They did what!?

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I looked around my room to see everything was how i left it. I grabbed the plate and utensils then went down stairs to put it in the sink. "BOO!" Jay said/yelled and grabbed my waist, but my reflexes kicked in and i ended up punching him in the stomach. "I am so sorry but you know my reflexes, why did you do that?" I said and pulled out an ice pack and handed it out to him. "I thought that i could scare you and get away with it." Jay said and hissed in pain by the contact with the ice pack.

I just sighed and left the room, i walked into the livingroom and was immediately hugged by two people. Mark on my right and Derek on my left, i giggled at them. "What did you do or who did you piss off this time?" I said laughing and hugging them back. "MARK DEREK WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Vepar yelled from across the house, i shook off they're grip and looked at them. "Out of all people you piss off VEPAR!" I scolded them and shook my head.

I looked over to where Vepars voice came from and sighed. "I suggest you run." I said and headed towards Vepar, i stopped in front of the library door and listened. I could hear things being thrown, i sighed to myself and knocked on the door. *Knock* *knock* "Hey Vepar, its (Y/N) im coming in." I said and slowly opened the door, preparing for what is to come. Once the door was fully open my eyes widened in shock. Books were all over the floor, and chairs were on the floor.

I looked over to Vepar and see him crouched down and holding his head and breathing hard. "V-Vepar what happened, what did they do?" I said and ran over to Vepar and hugged his shaking form. "T-they t-took t-t-the n-necklace." Vepar said in a shakey voice. "Necklace?.....Wait they wouldn't.......oh they are DEAD!" I thought to myself as i kissed his forehead and let go. I ran out of the room and went back into the living room. I felt my back burning, i looked back to see my black feathered wings. My long claws, sharp teeth and crimson red eyes had also appeared. "Mark, Derek where the FUCK are you!"

I yelled in a demonic voice, i heard multiple heartbeats quicken, i also heard a door slam. "There you are." I thought to myself as i teleported to the wepons room i laughed and kicked the door down. "Out of all the rooms in the house, you choose the weapons room, how dumb are the two of you?" I said and started searching the room, there was one spot i didnt search on purpose. I looked at the spot and started giggling, i heard they're heartbeats quicken. I grabbed them and threw them across the room. "Now are we going to do this the easy way or, the fun way?" I said and held out my hand, Mark looked at Derek and nodded while trembling in fear. Derek reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace.

I grabbed the necklace from him and growled. "Now, will you ever do anything like this again?" I said and glared at them, they shook they're heads violently. I snapped my fingers and appeared in the library. I ran over to Vepar and put the necklace around his neck, he immediately started to recover. I sighed in relief and hugged him. "Go to your room and get some sleep, we have a big day ahead of us." I said and pet his head to calm him down, all he did was nod his head and leave the room. I snapped my fingers once again and the room was clean. I walked out of the room and made my way to my room.

I grabbed my phone to see Masky and EJ had texted me, i pulled up Maskys name and decided to text him.
(Y: you M: Masky )

Y: hey can you do me a favor?

M: sure what's up?

Y: tell your boss that the dark family is coming home, he'll know what it means. And you will too in time

M: uhhh ok then?

Y: thanks bye

M: bye

"I cant wait we get to go home, now all i need to do is find them, i hope they're safe." I thought to myself as i changed into my night clothes and got under the covers. "Sunrise comes early." I thought to myself as i drifted off to sleep.

I am sooo sorry i havent been updating, i will be putiing 3 or 4 more stories up here in a week or two so once they're up ill tell yall but i love you guys so much and thank you so much for the support.

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