Chapter 22: Possible problem?

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I leaned against the door and looked around. "We're really home." I thought to myself as i turned and ran to my bedroom with a smile on my face. I swung the door open and closed it immediately, i jumped on my bed and huged my sheets. "Im never leaving home again." I whispered and turned around to see my friends with wide grins on their faces. I laughed at them and stood up, they all started jumping around like little girls. Mark grabbed my shoulders and shook them violently. "We. Are. Home.!" He said and hugged me, then soon after everyone else joined the hug as well. "Yes, yes we are." I stated and escaped the hug, i went over to my closet and shooed them out of the room. I opened my closet door and pulled out some clothes.

I went into my bathroom and locked the door. I took a quick shower and put my clothes on.

I left the bathroom and sat on my bed, I looked out my window and stared at the beautiful gleaming almost full moon. "Damn it, I'll have to go out tomorrow." I thought to myself as I stood up and grabbed a box from underneath my bed. "Slendy please come to my room, its important." I said telepathically, soon after Slendy appeared in my room. "What is it my child?" Slendy questioned, his voice laced with confusion and just a bit of worry. "It will be a full moon tonight, I don't want to risk anyone's safety." I stated with a stern face, Slendy looked at me and smiled softy, "Sweetheart, you've never hurt anyone on a full moon before. I'm sure you'll be fine, I'll be here for you if anything happens and so will the boys and the pastas."

Slendy said and ruffled my hair, I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you Slendy, I love you." I said and hugged him, he hugged me back and chuckled. "You're welcome my child, I love you too." He said and let go, we both said our goodbyes and Slendy went back to doing what he was doing before. I looked at the box on my bed and opened the led, my eyes welded up in tears. Pictures, pictures of our family, me mom dad uncle Slendy and his brothers. I looked through the photos and held back my tears best as I could, eventually a couple tears ended up sliding down my cheek. I wiped my tears away and put the photos back underneath my bed.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it was 10:17a.m. I put my phone away and walked out of my room, closing and locking the door behind me. As I was walking down the long hallway I noticed all the different colored doors. "I wonder what type of people live here now." I thought to myself and walked down the stairs. I made my way to the living room to see BEN and a person whom I assume is Jeff playing video games. I sat on the couch and watched them play until BEN won and turned around. He jumped at the sight of me. "When did you get here?" BEN questioned, and continued celebrating his victory. "I've been here long enough to see you beat, Jeff, was it?" I said and looked over to the man with a cut smile.

"Ya that's me Jeff the killer, you wanna play a round with us hot stuff?" Jeff questioned and hand me a controller, I laughed and sat between the two. "I'll play,but do me a favor." I said and took the controller from Jeff. "Don't call me hot stuff." I said in a stern tone, Jeff looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. BEN started the next round and by the time we were done I was the only one the won all five rounds. BEN just stared at the TV with his mouth hung open. I laughed and set the controller down. "BEN just some advice, don't try to use cheats with me it wont help you when the game." I stated and left the room, I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it was 11:04a.m. I sighed and went into the kitchen.

I looked around and saw EJ sitting at the counter eating.....kidneys, that's what it smelt like. "Are, are those kidneys by chance?" I asked and walked passed him to get something to drink. "Ya they are- Wait how did you- Never mind." He said and shook his head. "I almost forgot your a cannibal too." He added and chuckled, I looked at him and smiled. "Yep, have been for as long as I can remember." I said and rubbed the back of my neck, I waved goodbye and went back upstairs. I saw two girls and three guys standing at my door. "Excuse me, can I help you?" I asked and unlocked my door. "Oh we just wanted to meet you. slender talks a lot about you and your family." A girl with long black hair and black eyes stated, I smiled and nodded my head. I opened my door and looked at them.

Hey guys Cody here im sorry for not updating. I should be able to update more now and I want to thank you guys for all the love and support you've given me. you guys are my motivation to keep my stories going. I know this is late but merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope you guys are happy and well. stay safe have fun I love you guys so much bye!

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