Chapter 23: Full moon

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"Would you guys like to come in?" I asked and stood beside the door. They all looked at me and nodded, once they were inside i closed the door and look over to them. "I dont think we've been introduced yet." I said and sat on my bed. "Well my name is Jane." Said said and smiled slightly. "Im Clockwork but feel free to call me clocky." Clocky said and waved, i turned my head to face the three unknown men. "M-my name is Liu, and mine is Sully." Liu and Sully said, I looked over too the two remaining men. "Bloody painter but you can call me BP for short." BP said and looked over to the man standing beside of him. "My name is Jason the toymaker but call me Jason." Jason said with a bright smile. "Nice too meet you all, you guys already know my name right?" I asked and looked at all of them.

They nodded. "Slender told us a bit about you and your family." Clocky said looking over at Jane. "Ya! And your the Shadow Queen its hard not to know who you are in this house." Jane added with a huge grin on her face, BP nudged her. "What do you mean?" I asked and looked at the five. "Slender used to tell us storys about the imfomis Shadow Queen and her demon army." Jason said and put his hands behind his back, i looked at them with a shocked face. "H-he did what?" I asked, confused clouding my head. "Slender told us that one day the dark family would come home so he wanted us to know some stuff about yall." Clocky answered and sat on the bed with me soon followed by Jane.

~~~Timeskip 1 hour later~~~~~

I turned my head to the sound of my phone going off. I picked up my phone and clicked on my text messages.
(Y: you. B:BEN)

B: Yo (Y/N) are you free right now?

Y: Ya why?

B: Do you wanna hangout and play games?

Y: You had me at hangout I'll be down soon.

B: Kk.

I put my phone away and went down stairs to see BEN playing on the tv. "So what do you want to play?" I asked and sat beside BEN, he looked at me and sat in silence. "If you want to you can pick out a game i dont really care." He said and motioned to the giant stack of games. I nodded my head and went over to the stack of games. I looked through all of the games and decided on (R/G). (Random game.) "How about this?" I asked and held the game up, he nodded and grabbed the game. I sat in one of the bing bag chairs while BEN put in the game. He handed me a controller and sat beside me. I started the game up and looked over at BEN. "Dont be mad if i beat you." I said and smirked. "Ok whatever you say." BEN chuckled.

Hey guys cody here im sorryi haven't been updating. I will be updating more........hopefully. anyway im doimg an ohshc story soon so feel free to check that out and if im not up here im on YouTube. Cody lilly so go check that out too i love you guys thank you so much for your support and ill see you guys later bye

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