chapter 28: pre-training

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Slendy looked at Sally and politely asked her to leave. Once she left and closed the door slendy looks at me and fixed his tie. "I see you already know why your here." Slendy said and straightened his back. "Yes. Now when do i need to go get them?" I said and crossed my arms, he sighed and rubbed his neck. "By the end of next month. I know thats a short time but-." "Ill get them here as soon as possible and still train the pastas daily. I'll get it done." I said with a serious tone, Slendy looked at me shocked and shook his head. "Even as a young adult you are still the same as your mother." Slendy said and stood up, taking the seat next to me. "Ya i gess so, is there anything else?" I asked and looked away, scratching the back of my neck. Slendy sighed and shook his head. "No that was all. Goodnight (N/N)."

Slendy said and kissed my head. I told him goodnight and went up to my room and shut my door. I ran and plopped on my bed, a couple moments later some one was knocking on my door. "Come in." I said and The door opened, revealing Puppeteer, i sat up and looked at him. "Whats up puppet?" I asked as he closed the door. "Ben and some of the others pranked me so now there is paint all over my room, i was wondering if i could sleep with you since your room was so close?" Puppet said, scratching the back of his neck. "Thats fine we'll be sharing a bed, I'm going to train so make your self at home or feel free to join me. I've got some spare guy clothes in my closet." I said and pressed a button that was beside my bedroom door.

Not long after, a black metal door was placed beside my closet door. I looked over to see puppet dumbfounded. "Slendy had a friend make a portal to an old training room for me when i lived here a long time ago." I said and he nodded, i went into my closet and grabbed him some basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. I grabbed some clothes to change into as well.

I gave him the clothes and got dressed while he got dressed in the bathroom. "I'll be in the training room!" I yelled opening the metal door, a faint ok was heard as i closed the door behind me.  I looked around and smiled, wepons, track field, sports equipment, and exercise equipment were the only things in the room. Along with a fridge full of water and sport drinks. I start my regular stretches, one i was done i went over to the track section and got in a lane. I pressed the start button and the count down begain. I got in position and took off when the bell rang. "Come on! Faster!" I thought to myself as i picked up speed. "*huff* three more laps *huff* to go.....Come on!!" I thought as i picked up speed once again, five minutes later i stoped and looked at my time. "Damn..... ive gotten slow, five laps took me 4 minutes and 18 seconds. If i keep this up then i wont be able to save them.

If i cant save them then i'll-." My thoughts were interrupted by puppet calling me. "Your fast....really fast." He said and stared at my time. "Not really ive gotten slow. I was a. Lot. Faster." I said and went over to the weights. "How much can you bench press?" I asked him as i put my weights on the bar. "145." He said, looking at the different equipment, i busted out laughing and held onto to the bar for support. He looed over at me and gave me a confused look. "Oh your serious." I said and stopped laughing, he nodded his head and crossed his arms. "What about you?" He asked and started to stretch. "Well in my human form, 485. In my half and half form 945. But in my true form...i havent found anything that i cant pick up yet." I said as i pit the last weight on, he stared at me in shock and his jaw dropped.

"So how much is that?" He asked, pointing to the bar with the weights on it. "965. I need to get stronger but i dont want to over do it, after all i will be training yall tomorrow morning." I said and laying down on the bench under the bar. "We will either be sore or pass out." He said and went onto the bicycle. "Most likely both." I said and grabbed the bar.

~~2 hours later<3~~

I pulled out my phone my phone to check the time, 10:15p.m.. I looked over to puppet and saw his legs shaking. "Lets take a shower and call it a day." I said and grabbed his arm, putting it around my neck and my arm around his waist. "Y-ya *huff*." He said and leaned on me for support. "Take the mask off, it will be easier to breathe, and no i wont judge you if you were going to ask." I said and smiled at him, he nodded his head and took off his mask. I examined his face and smirked he looked at me and blushes then looked away. "Dont worrie i dont think your ugly. Your not bad looking, believe me if i thought you were ugly i would've said it already." I said and opened the metal door, closing it behind us. He laughed as i sat him on my bed. "Ill get you a change of clothes from your room dont. Move." I said as i left my room to go get him some clothes.

~~~Puppeteers POV~~~

I looked around (Y/N)'s room and smiled. "This room suits her." I thought to myself as i looked at her mirror, i saw dozens of pictures of (Y/N), the dark family,  the slender brothers and some other kids ive never seen. "Slender's never talked about those kids, who are they?" I thought to myself as i noticed those kids are in a lot of the pictures. In every picture (Y/N) is smiling, as i was looking at the pictures i felt my face get warm. "She was so cute and happy as a kid. I wonder what happened to make her kill people." I thought to myself as the door opened, revealing (Y/N).

~~Your POV~~

I closed the door behind me and handed him the clothes. I helped him into the bathroom and left him to take a shower. I flopped onto my bed and looked at the pictures on my mirror. "Dont worry, im coimg to get you guys soon. Then we can be a family again."

Heyyyyy guys cody here i just want to say thank you soooo much for 14.5k i am so grateful to have yalls love and support. Im sorry i havent been updating the past couple of weeks, i have some very important tests this week and i will work on the next chapter this weekend and update my other storys as well. I have some more storts i want to publish but i wont until i finish some of these storys. Dont worry this story still has a long way to go before it is finished. I promise that this story will have at least 50 chapters. Oh and go check out my "daughters" story CheyenneDemarest
Even though i have a test tomorrow and the rest of this week, i will try to update another story tomorrow as well as Wednesday and Thursday. I wouldnt be able to keep going with my storys with out the support i get from yall and my friends and family. I love you guys so much and thank you for being patient. If you have any questions about the story feel free to text me. Or if you wanna talk to someone im here. Even if your hella bord lol i hope yall have a wonderful night once again thank you and i love you guys so much.

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