Chapter 31: training day 1 {part 2}

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"What? I thought we *huff* were done." Bloody painter said as he laid on the ground out of breath. "Nope, the real training is sparing with me. When you all are strong enough I wont hold back." I said as i sat my wepons down by a tree and turned toward the pastas. I stood in a fighting stance and smirked. "Lets begin." I said as the pastas began to barrel towards me. One by one all the pastas fell to the ground unable to get up. (This is how some of the fights went down i cant do all of them cause thats a loott.)

With in two hours everyone of the pastas were laying on the ground out of breath. I stood there and sighed, "They are worse than i thought." I thought to myself as i shook my head and crossed my arms. "Alright yall are done for the day!" I shouted as i went inside and went straight to Slendys office. I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. I went inside and closed the door behind me, i turned to face Slendy and crossed my arms. He 'looked' up from his papers and 'smiled'. "Hello hun, whats wrong?" He asked as he saw my arms crossed. "Do you train them like i taught you to train people when i left?" I asked as i tapped my foot on the floor, Slendy 'glanced' at me and nervously chuckled. "O-of course." He lied as he turned his head the other way. I walked over and put my hands on his desk. "I told you before i left to train them like i showed you so this wouldnt happen, we're running out of time." I said as i sat down and sighed once again. "I know, i know, we only have a couple months left."

He sighed and rubbed his temples. "I cant believe this is really happening." Slendy said and 'looked' at me. "What do you mean?" I asked as i put my arms on his desk. "Everything, the boys back home, you going to go get those four, and just you. You have grown so much." He said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed lightly. I smiled and squeezed his hand back. "We're glad to be back home, and they will be home soon, and... ive grown to protect you and everyone else. Im not having the same mistake happen twice." "I know but we still have tonights problem." He stated as he let go of my hand. "Uggghhh dont remind me." I said as i leaned back in my seat. He chuckled and shook his head. "Dont worry like you said you've grown to protect us so im sure you can control it so that you wont hurt us." He said in a reassuring voice, i looked over at him and shook my head. "You have to much fath in me." "And you doubt yourself to much."

He responded and sat up straight. "I know, i know but *sigh* im just not that confident in my self control still." I said as i looked down at the floor, Slendy stood up and sat beside me. "The reason why you left was to be able to control it and get stronger right?" He said and rubbed my shoulder. "Well yes but-" "Then what's wrong." Slendy interrupted me with concern laced in his voice. "I saw Zalgo, he is going to try to take lazzarie back i can feel it." I stated and sighed, Slendy stiffened at my words and shook his head. "We won't let that happen." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "I know but, i havent heard anything from them, the letters just stopped." I sighed as Slendy put his hands on his head. "But its fine, im going to go get them today anyway." I added, Slendy picked up his head. "Ya, then we can all be a family again." Slendy said as he stood up and turned toward me.

I stood up as well and hugged him. "Ya just like before, this time we wont go anywhere. No matter what." I stated as I smiled up at Slendy as he 'smiled' in return, we parted and i walked toward the door. I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door, i turned my head toward Slendy and said. "Thank you." "For what my dear?" Slendy asked as he sat in his chair. "For loving and accepting us." I smiled and closed the door behind me. I went to my room and closed the door behind me, locking it. I pulled out my phone and checked the time it was 10:34am. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my gray backpack and sat it on my bed. I put my bow and arrow's up but kept my gun and knives. I opened my bag up and grabbed one of my masks as well as three necklaces and put my mask my pocket.

I made the purple one into a bracelet and put it on. I went down stairs and looked around for Sally and Lazzarie. I walked into the livingroom and saw the two of them playing with BEN, Toby and Vepar. I smiled warmly and leaned on the doorway. "Hey guys sorry to spoil the fun but i need to borrow Sally and Lazzarie." I said as the two came running toward me. "Auntie (N/N)!" The two yelled and tackled me into a hug. "Hey girls." I giggled as we got off of the floor. "Ive got something for you two." I said as i raised up the necklaces, Sally grabbed the pink on and Lazzarie grabbed the light blue one. They put it on and the three gems glowed. "If you're ever in trouble just call for me and ill come, and if we're close to each other our gem will glow. See how our gems glow our colors, your gem will glow the other persons gem." I explained as they watched the gems in amazement. "Thank you!" The said in unison as they're faces lit up in delight.

"I have to go somewhere for a day or two but ill be back before you know it." I said and kissed they're heads, they smiled, hugged me and ran back to the other three. Vepar came over to me and sighed. "I see your going to go get them?" He said and smiled. "Yep it wont take me long....i hope." I laughed nervously as i rubbed the back of my neck. "Im sure you'll only be gone for a couple days." "What if... what if they dont recognize me?" I asked as i hung my head. "They will yall lived together after yall escaped after all." He said and hugged me. "Ya, welp its time for me to go. Tell everyone i said bye and i love them." I said and hugged him back, once we parted i went back up to my room and put my bag away. I looked at the picture beside my bed and smiled. "Im coming...i will keep my promise this time." I thought to myself as i walked out of my room, locking the door. I went downstairs and out the front door. "Just wait a little longer." I thought to myself as i smiled.

Hey guys cody here i really appreciate yall being so patient. Thank you for your love and support i hope everyone id having a good summer if you need someone to talk to im here. Ive moved the fan art due date back so others can finish. I set up a meet&greet for next June 19th-21st so yall have a heads up. I really hope some of yall can make it i really want to meet yall amazing people. Again thank you for everything i love you guys so much have a wonderful day! Bye!

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