Chapter 32: How we met {part 1}

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I put my mask on and turned into my half human half wolf form. I took a deep breath and began running, i looked around as i was running and shook my head. "Im really going to go get them." I thought to myself as a smile formed on my face, i began to run as fast as my legs would carry me. I shook my head as tears fell down my face. "Not yet, come on you can cry when you see them." I thought to myself as i looked up at the sky, i slowed down and stared jogging. I looked around at all the trees surrounding me, i slowed down to a walking pace as i heard leaves crunching behind me. I smiled and rolled my eyes, i turned my head and looked behind me. "If you want to scare me you'll have to be more quiet then that." I said as the rake came from behind a tree he came over to me and nudged me. "W-wel its not m-y fault you h-have super senses." Rake responded as he sat down in front of me, i sat down as well and looked at him

"Im going to go get them today." I said as he jumped up in excitement, he regained his composure and sat back down. "C-can i come?" He said as he slightly leaned toward me. "You know you cant leave the woods but you can come with me untill we hit the outskirts." I said as he leaned back and did a little victory dance, i laughed as he turned his head and looked at me. "Before you ask, yes I'll tell you how i met them." I said as rake sat back down once more and was slightly leaning toward me once again. I smiled and shook my head. "Alright lets see it was about 7 almost 8 years ago."

~~~Flashback 7 years ago~~~

"Let me out assholes!" I screamed for the hundredth time as i banged on the iron door of my cell in front of me. I sighed as i backed away from my cell door and sat on my bed that felt like a piece of wood. "Ive been stuck in this shit place for fucking 5 years!" I thought to myself as i looked for another escape route that would actually work, unlike my recent attempts. I whipped my head to the side as i heard screams coming from the room next to mine. I covered my ears with my hands as tears slid down my face and onto my white shirt. "WE'RE JUST KIDS!" I thought to myself as i backed away as far as i could from the screams, my back hit the wall and i slid down to meet the floor. A sobbed escaped my lips as i squeezed my eyes shut, the screams seized and was met with silence. I opened my eyes and lowered my arms as i stood up and slowly made my way to the wall dividing my cell with my neighbors.

I put my ear to the wall and was once again met with silence. As soon as i pulled my head away from the wall a beeping noise came from my cell door. I tilted my head confused as i listened for any noise of movement, the door opened revealing a little girl around 10 years old. My eyes widened, she was covered in blood from head to toe. "Come on its time to leave this hell." She said and ran away from my door, i ran toward her and looked around the hallyway to she she was gone. I stepped into the hallway and on to something cold and wet i looked down immediately, the once white floor was now stained a dark crimson red. I looked around the hallway and saw dozens of bodies, most of the former workers others of some of the kids that tryed to escape. I stepped out in to the hallway and began looking for an exit, moment's later i whipped my jead around to the sound of kids screaming out in plain.

My eyes widened and i took off running in the direction of the screams. "No no no no NO!" I thought to myself as i began to run faster, i turned a corner and came to a stop. There was 2 boys and 1 little girl, one of the boys had a wound on his side while the other one only had a few scratches. I looked over to the little girl, she was sitting in the blood and having trouble picking herself up off of the ground. I ran over to them and held out my hand to the little girl, as i was helping her up the boy with scratches picked up the boy with the gunshot wound. "W-who are you?!" The hurt boy asked, pain and fear laced in his voice. "Look we can do the introductions after we get out of here and get yall help." I said as i picked up the little girl and turned my head to the side. "Ya she's right, we need to get out of here as soon as possible."

The boy with scratches said as he looked toward where i was looking, there was smoke coming down from the hall i was just in. We began running toward the medical in hopes of finding some supply's to clean everyone up. Not long after we began looking, we came across the medical supplies room. I sat the little girl down by the door and went up to the door. I tryed opening it but failed, its locked. "Damn it! Im still weak from the last 'treatment'." I thought to myself as i tryed to pry the door open, i looked around for something to open thw door. As i was looking i saw the girl covered in blood and another girl with her. "HEY CAN YOU HELP US PLEASE!?" I yelled to them as i looked at the condition the little girl and the boy with the gunshot wound. The two girls looked at each other and ran over to us. "Whats wro- Oh my God what happened!?"

The girl covered in blood asked as she looked at the little girl and the boy with the gunshot. "They got hurt and im trying to get in here to get medical supplies but im still weak from the shot they give us." I said as i looked at the door, the other girl stepped stepped up to the wounded boy and pulled his shirt up. "H-hey what gives?!" The boy said as he tryed to pull his shirt back down. "Im trying to see how bad the gunshot is so stop moving." She said as she examined the wound, the bloody girl came over to me and stood in front of the door. "I got this stand back." She said as i nodded and took a step back, the girl lifted up her leg and kicked the door down. Once the door was down we went inside and grabbed a medical bag, we began to fill the bag up until we could barely get it to zip all the way. We grabbed another bag and did the same with that one, we left the room and sat the bags down.

I went back to the little girl and picked her up once more. I went to go pick up one of the bags but before i could reach it the two girls grabbed the bags. The bloody girl smiled at us and turned away from us. "Come on we need to get out of here." She said as we began to run toward the exit. Once we were out side and a good distance away from that examining laboratory we called hell we all stopped to catch our breaths. Once we had caught our breaths we turned around to look at the once bright white building that was now a partly black and brown burning building. We all looked at each other and started smiling, we turned back to the woods and ran as far as our legs could take us. About 20 minutes later we came across an abandoned cabin, we all settled in and treated all wounds. Once everyone was treated and cared for we searched the cabin and found spare clothes for everyone.

We found out that the cabin was fully functional so we all took showers. Once everyone was clean and comfortable we decided do finally do the long waited introductions. "Ok so who goes first?" I asked as i looked at everyone, no one jumped at the opportunity to introduce themselves. "*sigh* Alright ill go first, My name is (Y/N) (L/N) im 10 years old, my parents went missing not long after i was born. I was adopted by 35 different familys before my recent one put me in here, im a shapeshifter and i have some other powers i dont know about yet, Oh! I also have some shadow demon friends that i can summon...but ive been to weak to be able to do that. But i think thats it!" I said as i rubbed my arm, the once bloody girl came over to me, smiled and patted my shoulder. "Alright thank you (Y/N), who wants to go next?" The girl asked as she sat down beside me and ruffled my hair. After a few moments of silence the girl sighed. "Ok then ill go, my name is-"

Heyyyyyyyy loves!!! Ok yes i know cliff hanger after allllll this waiting i leave yall with a cliff hanger yes im an asshole. But this is a lot longer than what i usually do by a couple hundred words. I know i haven't been updating and im really sorry but hopefully yall can forgive me❤😭. I know i know i keep telling yall shit is happening thats keeping me from updating this and im not lieing! Im trying to organize all of my files on this so i dont mess the story or the characters up. But im still sorry that its taken so long but in all honesty I'd rather take a long ass time and give all a great chapter then rush and give all a shitty chapter. I hope yall understand, and i seriously appreciate all of y'all's love and support. If i could  i would give all of you individual hugs. Thats why i hope that at least some of yall can make it next year so we can meet (....why do i feel like if i meet yall imma cry). But again i love you all so much and once school starts ill be able to update more i mean i know that sounds weird but i can focus better and work on this more in school than at home. Also if yall have any questions about the story my Instagram is  __codster_  i will answer as many questions as i can without giving away what will happen. Again i love you guys so much and thank you for everyone loves! I hope you all have a wonderful evening and stay safe!

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