Chapter 5: You Made A Bad Choice

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He started to walk towards me, then he pulled out a knife(pick below)

And swong it at me, but i caught his hand and twisted it around. He dropped his knife and grunted in pain. "Boss!" I turned my head to see the other two guys running at me with knives. I grabbed the leaders knife and steped behined the leader and put the knife on his neck. "Move and he dies". I said and my voice darkened. The two stopped immediately.

"Woah"! I turned my head to see the four other guys looking at me. I turn my head back too the two men. "Drop the knives now". I said as i glared at them, i turned my head slightly so that my mouth is right beside the the leaders ear. "If you want to walk out of here without any more broken bones, i suggest that you apologize to my friend for grabbing her and apologize to me for touching me". I said in a threatening and stern tone. "FUCK YOU"!

He said gritting threw his teeth, i start to laugh. "You know what, that was a very bad choice". I said the last part in a deep and threatening voice, i grabbed the back of his neck and threw him out of the store.( you literally picked him up and threw him out the doors) His friends looked at me terrified and trembled in fear. "Awww whats wrong are the big boys scared"? I said and laughed, one of them got mad and started to charge at me.

I dodged, but he cut threw my hoodie. "Man! I liked this hoodie too". I said looking at my now torn hoodie, he had cut it from my upper stomach down to my hip. The man got mad at me for not taking him seriously. He ran at me again and swung at my face while his other friend stood there in fear. I caught his hand before it could hit me, I gripped his hand and said. "Dont . Touch. Me".

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