4: Grian

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I take the lead as we start the tour of the Hawk facilities. Joel's requested to know everything Scar knows about the Hawks, which means he's now rambling about different plane varieties and rules, and particular Hawks or planes he likes.

'...but my favourite is the VX_5, partly because my favourite officer flies one... After that point, the VX_6 and 7 were always too fast to properly control, and the HC line's never been as good. Too bulky, y'know?'

'Anyway, this is runway 1. There are...'

'Oh, I know this! There are 5 runways, runway 1, 2, 3, 4 and then runway E, which is the emergency runway... Or is it E for engineering, because that's where the faulty planes land if they sustain damage in flight. Anyway, it's next to the repair hangar, hangar E, and...'

'Do you want to lead the tour, Scar, or let me continue?'

'Oh, shoot, I'm so sorry. It's just... Seeing this place after imagining for so long is... Woah! Look! Look, the repair team are leading out one of the planes!' Scar's attention shifts again at what for me is just the sign that I've arrived late.

'They're not the repair team. They're just ground control bringing out the planes for today's missions, normally just patrol flights though sometimes there are reconnaissance missions or attacks by Listeners we need to deal with that require Hawks.'

'But they're...'

'All-creating Watchers wear pink, no matter what branch they're in. Like how All-protecting Watchers always wear- GET OFF THE RUNWAY!'

Scar falls back, immediately at my yell.

'You don't go on the runway unless you're in full flight gear! And Fledglings are never allowed on.'

'I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry, I didn't realise... In the Hawkeye films they're always walking across the runways and talking next to their planes...'

'In the Hawkeye films, the actors won't get hit by a moving plane and killed. Come on.'

Scar's silent as we enter the mess hall. It's empty now, asides from the servants cleaning up. I feel the familiar discomfort at the metal masks over their lower faces, stopping them speaking and, if the rumours of trackers, cameras and even electrocution are true, disobey. But they're dangerous criminals, rebels, maybe even murderers. They deserve this. After a brief explanation of the room, we leave them and move into the Fledgling area.

'Timmy, Joel, you want to make yourself useful and explain stuff through here? It's been a long time since...'

'Of course!' Joel takes the lead. 'So, there's lots of boring stuff Fledglings have to do... Lectures on flight theory and how to stay safe in the air, physical training, learning how planes work to make basic repairs if we need them. And then there's the fun side, flying simulation planes.'

'They're so cool. They're just like actual planes, you feel like you're actually flying,' Jimmy pitches in with. 'But we don't get to fly real planes, as we said before.'

'But you do have to change into your flight suit beforehand in the changing rooms... Oh, here's the lockers.' Joel reaches one with 'SB_345' on it, unlocking with his holo screen. 'Yours should be... Somewhere. What's your number?'

'188.' Scar replies promptly. 'SG_188? But... Why isn't yours JS?'

'That's mine.' Jimmy stands next to his own locker. 'I've been here longer.'

'You bloody liar, Jimmy. You wanna fight me on that?'

'Alright, let's not squabble...' I intervene quickly 'Here's your locker, Scar You should dump your stuff in there instead of carrying it everywhere.' He does, distracted for a moment by the water refill in the door. 

'I get water?'

'Yeah. Refills automatically if you leave it there overnight.' I explain. 'Now, this is all you'll need to know immediately, there'll be lessons going on but Jimmy and Joel will be able to show you around now for your main lessons, and I will to keep an eye on you. As your mentor.' I quickly add. 'And I'll give you training on what you've missed. Fledglings shouldn't leave here unless of an emergency, or in lessons. What does your holo-screen say your first lesson is?'

'Safety protocol with Officer Pearl.'

'Wait, you're with us!' Jimmy realises. 'Come on, let's go!'

'Now- wait, really?! I- I get to start...'

'Yes you do, Scar.' I smile at the excitable new Fledgling. 'Yes you do. Now, I'll leave you to it. I've got an important meeting with Elex.'

'The leader of the Hawks?' If possible, Scar eyes open even wider. 'You get to meet with him?'

'Yeah. Jimmy, Joel, look after him, ok?'

'Of course! Come on, Scar. Are you excited for your first lesson as a Hawk!'

I leave Jimmy and Joel as Scar starts on another excited ramble about the Hawks, heading back out the Fledgling area and into the Officer one instead. I run through the whole experience in my head as I ride the elevator up to Elex's office. Scar Goodtimes, the excitable Fledgling I've been tasked with helping. He already seems incredibly friendly, I have to admit. But he knows a lot about Hawks, though surely just through the propaganda films... The elevator reaches the right level, opening to reveal the leader of the Hawks. Elex Void.

'Grian Xelqua. Come in.'

I enter, eyes flicking around the shelves before settling on Elex, sat across the room. The same as always with his white hair, purple eyes, scarred face.

'Good morning.' I greet him with. 'I've given the newcomer a tour... Jimmy Solidarity and Joel Smallbeans joined us. That's why they're late.'

'I saw that on security already. But thank you for telling me. Now, Sit down. And tell me about Scar.'

'Well...' I take a seat across the desk from Elex. 'He's... Just like any other Fledgling. Excitable, asking questions. He knows a lot already, more than most, but that seems to be from public information. And the films. Nothing he shouldn't know.'

'Good. Does anything strike you as weird about him? Anything he said or did?'

I run through what he said in my mind, the conversation, his ramblings.

'Not... particularly?'

'Alright. Keep mentoring him for me. And report back to me everything he says or does that seems in any way strange.'

'Ok? But... surely he's normal? And why do I need to mentor him? That's what the teachers are for, and Jimmy and Joel looking out for him...'

'That is none of your business. You may go.'

'Captain Elex, I don't understand. What's...'

'I said you're dismissed, Grian.' Elex stands, his expression icy, and pointing to the door. I nod, and leave the room with more questions than when I entered.

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