8: Cub

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My curiosity about Joey only grows.

Over the next few days, I start eavesdropping, asking questions, even arguing with people about whether it was or wasn't Joey's fault, or the Listeners, or what. I even start arriving earlier to listen to his conversations with the Fledglings about how terrifying it was being in a crashing plane, and how he managed to get his co-pilot out first, and then himself, but nothing about why he crashed. False and Ren say I'm getting too caught up and stressed out about something that doesn't involve me and could actually get me in trouble. But I'm not the only curious Officer.

'What did he say? What did he say?' Hypno asks as I sit down for breakfast after another unsuccessful attempt to eavesdrop - this time the Fledglings just keep asking questions too fast for him to answer before I looked too suspicious and had to leave.

'Nothing much... I just... I wish I knew why Elex kept him on. Even if he was hijacked, he could've... why would they let him live?'

'Maybe they're not ruthless killers?' False suggests from across the table. 'Maybe they didn't want to kill Joey.'

'That's stupid. Why would they attempt to kill a whole building of people but spare 1 pilot?'

False doesn't reply. 

'I know you're upset about xB, dude,' Ren tried to comfort me by saying. 'But you can't waste your life worrying about...'

'I want to know what gives him the right to cause such a tragedy and still sit with a flock of adoring Fledglings worshipping him!' I snap. 'It doesn't make sense for it to be Listeners. It just...' I let out a deep breath, covering my face with my hands as the tower collapses again in my mind. Hypno puts an arm around my back.

'It's alright, Cub.'

'I can't live like this,' I look up. 'I can't...' 

'Well... my mates Martyn and Jimmy are hosting a housewarming party tonight. Maybe that'll put your mind off stuff. They're happy for me to bring some guests as I let Martyn live in my humble apartment, Dogwarts Castle! What do you say?'

 As I look up to agree, I see a figure slip into the Officer's area. From days of espionage, I recognise their blond hair and fighter uniform instantly.

'Joey.' I stand, 'Joey's... no... no...'

'Cub? What are you...?'

'Cover for me,' is all I say before running after him.

He's not with anyone, looking down at his holo-screen, muttering to himself. The corridor is deserted and the truth sets in. He must be a spy, or working against the Hawks somehow. He tricked Elex. Now he's going to cause even more damage... he turns to look around. I hide behind a set of lockers. He doesn't see me. My stomach drops as I recognise the elevator he's next to.

He's going to Elex's office.

The moment he enters, I sprint after, barely entering the elevator in time. The door closes. I press the button for the floor above Elex's office. It's only then that I realise how stupid I've been. Joey's back is turned, but if he looks around, I'm screwed. There's probably cameras in here anyway. Elex will know anyway. But... surely that's good. If Elex finds out, he'll ask, I can tell him all my suspicions... I can protect him from Joey.

I move out the way as the doors open. Joey's too distracted by his holo-screen to notice. The doors close before Elex sees me.

But not before he speaks.

'Joey, congratulations on your mission.'

I can't breathe. 

The elevator doesn't move. I can still hear Joey and Elex's mumbles beyond it. There's something about access to the third floor denied. I still can't breathe, gripping the sheer white walls as much as I can as I try not to collapse.

Elex gave him the mission.

Elex told him to...

I hear my heart in my ears over the silence where my breathing should be.  I have to sit down before I faint. Elex, leader of the Hawks, told Joey to crash into the tower.

It wasn't the Listeners.

It was the Watchers.

The people I've supported and helped all my life.

And then another question sticks with me.

Why would he ask someone to do that?

The doors open.

Before I can even stand, a pair of guards have dragged me to my feet and into the room. I struggle, stuck facing Elex and Joey.

'Officer Cub. Please explain why you were hiding in the elevator.'

'It... broke?' Not a lie. Elex scowls.

'When you were going... where?'

'I...' I don't have an answer. So I tell the truth. 'I'm sorry, Elex. I didn't realise Joey was here on purpose, I was going to tell him he wasn't allowed in the Officer area... I though he was going to hurt you. I wanted to make sure it was all ok.'

'If he wasn't allowed up to my office, I wouldn't allow him to enter my office. You know how the system works, Cub.'

I nod. My face burns bright red, but the truth doesn't leave my mind about Elex. I know I'm in trouble already, and I won't focus on flying or all my other Hawk duties or trust him until I get answers. So, hoping there's a moral, justifiable reason for everything, I ask.

'Captain Elex, why did you tell Joey to crash into the tower?'


I want to take back the question instantly, mouth dry and heart racing as I see the burning fury in Elex's expression.

'You spied.'

'I didn't mean to hear!' I try to argue, but he's right. 'I just- I want to know why. I know there's must be a good reason but... but why would you tell him to cause such a huge disaster? Did you see how many people died? Officer xB died, I SAW him die!' I need to calm down, pausing, and taking a deep breath. Elex's expression doesn't soften. In fact, it even seems to harden further.

'It was to remove someone who knew to much. You are dismissed.'


The guards push me into the lift, so hard I fall backwards. Elex's icy expression is the last thing I see as the doors close and it starts to descend.


Not as angsty as it was going to be, but definitely some angst and some reveals 

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