Forty Five - Talia

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Ch45 - Talia

Talia was waiting on the front porch swing when Charlie pulled his truck up to the house. She smiled as he hopped out of the driver's seat and made his way toward her, a bouquet of daisies in his hand.

"For you," he said with a slow grin, offering her the colorful blooms. The petals tickled her nose as she took in their soft scent.

"More flowers?" she exclaimed. "Charlie, they're beautiful! Let me put them in water."

Talia noticed a look of confusion sweep across Charlie's features as she led him through the house and into the kitchen.

"With everything going on I almost forgot to thank you for the flowers you had delivered to The Ivy House. It was such a nice surprise, I really wasn't expecting it—thank you." Pulling out an antique crystal vase from the cabinet, she turned and gave him a grateful smile.

"I'm embarrassed to say this," Charlie replied with a sheepish grin, "but I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"The Forget-Me-Nots. Didn't you send them to me?"

Charlie shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

Talia's brows creased with bewilderment. "That's strange. They came addressed to me with no signature. Your mom and I just assumed they were from you, as a thank you for watching Winston."

"Sorry, but I can't take credit for that. Maybe it was the Florida welcoming committee?" he teased. "Small towns can be very hospitable." She was going to respond but found herself lost in his warm gaze. Charlie had the nicest eyes she had ever seen, so kind and charming the way they crinkled slightly at the corners when he smiled at her. All thoughts of the mysterious flowers were long forgotten as she studied the curves of his face and the attractive scattering of day-old stubble.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, interrupting her reverie.

"I am," Talia said slowly as her cheeks grew warm with anticipation. "Where would you like to go?"

Charlie grinned. "It's a surprise," he said, reaching his hand toward hers. She stared at it for a moment before intertwining her fingers around his. The feel of his skin sent a wave of electricity through her and she felt her stomach flip flop. Talia couldn't help but notice how at ease Charlie seemed. He had come home from what she assumed would be a stressful trip to Atlanta only to discover that his dog was very sick, and still he appeared to be in high spirits.

"Forgive me for not asking sooner, but how is Emily's father?" Talia asked, softly.

"He's good. He's going to make a full recovery."

"That's wonderful news! I take it you had a good trip then?"

Charlie looked thoughtful before answering her. "I really did. I hadn't realized it until I was there, but I needed to go back to Atlanta. I tied up some ends that have been loose for much too long." He looked off into the distance and smiled peacefully. She wasn't sure what had happened to him while he was away, but it was obvious something had changed. She wondered if it had something to do with Emily. Perhaps going back to where they had lived together gave him the sense of closure he needed?

I know all too well how the past can weigh you down. Maybe facing your nightmares instead of running from them is what a person needs to do before they can move on?

Of course, that applied to everyone but her. There was no way she could confront her demons. It was too dangerous, and there was so much at stake.

Charlie gave her a small smile and she felt her heart soar. He was such a good and amazing person. Talia found herself trusting him more and more every day, even though several months ago trusting another man seemed impossible.

I guess that's fate for you, she sighed. Still, she couldn't face the thought of sharing her secrets with him. She didn't want to scare him away.

Charlie took her to a romantic dinner in a neighboring town and she fell in love with it's cozy, southern charm. They spent the next two hours talking about everything, from politics to sports. Charlie shared stories from his childhood and college years, and Talia listened eagerly, absorbing every little detail she could.

"I know you said before you don't like wine," Charlie said, "but I'd really love for you try this." He ordered a bottle of Riesling and poured them both a glass. She brought the rim to her lips and took a sip of the sweet beverage.

"What do you think?" he asked, looking at her expectantly.

"It's wonderful," she answered with a smile. "But everything's wonderful when I'm with you." Talia inhaled sharply. She hadn't expected to be so honest with him, but found herself caught up in the moment. Charlie's eyes softened as he watched her. She wasn't sure what to say after her unexpected confession so she quickly changed the subject. "So, you and Dr. Hart are friends?" she asked, referring to the pretty veterinarian.

"If you want to call it that." He blushed. "We went to high school together and dated for awhile our senior year. But I'm guessing you already figured that out," he smiled.

"I think she wanted me to know you had a past together," Talia said, lightly.

"Yeah, she's not very subtle, I'm afraid." Charlie laughed. "We were together for all of two weeks, until she dumped me for a soccer player."

Talia's eyes widened in surprise, "Two weeks? She made it seem as though you were high school sweethearts!"

"Sharon has a way with words, she always has," he explained. "That's what happens when you're a pretty girl, living in a small town. She's used to getting her way, in every situation. Sharon's been flirting with me ever since I moved back to Florida. I would prefer to take Winston to another vet all together—if there was one," he smiled ironically.

"Well, I can't say I blame her for trying," Talia responded softly. What are you doing? she scolded herself. Now you're the one flirting with him! Talia quickly drank down her wine before she could embarrass herself further.

Charlie finished off his glass and then poured another round. "I'm really glad you moved here," he said, his face growing serious.

Talia smiled. "I am, too."

"I've done so much talking tonight! I would love it if you would share something about yourself," he prodded. "I barely know anything about you."

"What would you like me to tell you?" she swallowed.

Charlie shrugged. "Anything, really. Or everything, either way..." he teased. "Tell me about your childhood."

Talia smiled and looked at her hands clasped tightly in her lap. She rarely allowed herself to think about her past, and now she struggled with what information she felt comfortable giving him. "They were the happiest days of my life," she answered softly. When she looked up she noticed Charlie, hanging on to every word. He really wanted to know more about her. How could she deny him that? He had been so open and honest with her...

"Are you close with your parents?" he asked.

She pursed her lips and turned away, organizing her thoughts. "It's complicated..." is all she said. She didn't want to lie anymore than she already had.

"Talia," Charlie whispered gently. "What can you tell me?"

Talia looked into Charlie's hungry brown eyes and knew he was craving information. Suddenly, she was filled with remorse. "I'm so sorry, Charlie," she said, her breath catching slightly. "I know you must think I'm a horrible person for being so secretive." Talia felt her eyes fill with tears.

He leaned in close, reaching for Talia's hands that now sat shaking on the table. "I do not think you're horrible. I know whatever it'll tell me when you're ready. You can't scare me away, Talia," he continued, "I'm in too deep to run."

Relief flooded through her and she slowly exhaled. She hadn't realized it before, but she had been holding her breath.

"I don't want to freak you out, but there's something I need you to know..." Charlie said, hesitating. "I'm falling in love with you. I even told Emily. I know that must sound crazy..." his voice trailed off.

Talia shook her head, trying to reassure him. It didn't sound crazy to her at all. She knew exactly what it was like to speak with ghosts.

"Charlie..." she began.

"Please, Talia, don't say anything. I know this is coming out of left field, and I know you must have been hurt badly before. I'm not trying to scare you, but I—"

"I feel the same way," she said, interrupting him. She bit her lip as she watched Charlie's expression turn from one of deep shock to pleasant surprise. "I didn't plan to fall in love with you, Charlie, but I am."

"Please tell me," Charlie pleaded. "How did you end up here in Florida?"

Talia stared at him intently as a realization dawned on her. "This is where I'm meant to be." And she knew it was the truth.

* * * * * 

As they drove home on the dark country roads, Charlie and Talia sat in comfortable silence, holding on to each others hands.

"Would you like to come to my place for awhile?" he asked quietly.

Talia nodded her head. "Yes, I would," she murmured.

He pulled into the winding driveway and up to the house, turning off the engine. They sat in the darkened truck for a moment before Charlie broke the silence. "I had a wonderful time tonight," he said, turning to face her.

"So did I," Talia smiled. "Aren't we going to go inside?"

"Wait right there," Charlie grinned. Stepping out of the driver's seat, he went around and opened up the passenger door for her. "After you."

Charlie took her hand and helped her from the truck. Talia could hear Charlie breathing as they stood staring at each in the moonlight. She noticed the temperature had dropped since they had left the restaurant and a cool breeze now moved off of the marshland. A deep flutter penetrated her stomach as she anticipated what she knew was coming next. Absentmindedly, she brought a hand to her middle to help calm the nerves that Charlie's intense gaze was causing.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

Talia felt chills move down her spine. "I'm scared," she whispered with a small smile.

He moved in closer and touched his forehead to hers. Carefully, he moved the hair away from her face and behind her ear. "So am I," Charlie confessed.

His vulnerability suddenly made Talia want him even more. She knew with all of her heart that she wanted to love and protect the man that now stood before her—she didn't ever want him to hurt again. She wasn't prepared for how easy it would be to imagine a long and happy life with Charlie. Without hesitation, she brought her lips to his.

Charlie moved her up against the truck and pressed his body into hers. He kissed her gently, moving his lips down the soft curve of her neck. When his mouth found hers again, it was urgent, hungry. Burying his hands in her hair, he kissed her with a passion she had never known.

"Charlie," she breathed.

Still entwined in their embrace, they worked their way into the house and toward Charlie's bed.

Gingerly, he pulled her toward him as a soft murmur of satisfaction escaped from her lips. Talia's heart raced as their kisses deepened.

They took their time making love, neither one of them wanting the moment to end. Afterward, he laid curled around her, laughing and cuddling with gentle ease. When they made love for a second time, Talia knew that she belonged in his arms for the rest of her life.

"I love you, Talia," he said, staring into her eyes.

Talia brought her hand up to his face and softly traced the outline of his jaw. "I love you, too, Charlie."

* * * * * 

Charlie walked Talia home and kissed her softly as they sat on the porch swing. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with me?" Charlie asked in between kisses.

She smiled against his lips. "Thank you, but not tonight. I need to be alone, to sort some things out—I hope you understand," she questioned, looking into his eyes.

"I do," he said, nodding his head. Talia imagined Charlie needed a moment to himself, as well. After all, they had both taken a giant leap forward, something neither one of them had ever planned to do. "I love you," he said, leaning forward and whispering into her ear.

How can this wonderful, perfect man love me after everything I have done? she questioned, but swallowed her fear. This was a new start, and what a sweet one it was. "I love you, too." And she meant it, with her whole heart and soul.

The wind howled through the tall trees in the yard, causing goosebumps to crawl up her arms. Talia pulled her sweater tighter around her body.

"You'd better get inside then," Charlie said at last. "It feels like there's a storm coming. Are you going to be okay?"

Talia nodded her head and smiled.

Reluctantly, they said their goodbyes and she disappeared into the darkened house, closing the door behind her. She leaned her back against it, thinking about all of the crazy things that had happened to her that day. First, the scare with Winston, and then Charlie...

Charlie was in love with her! He'd told her so, and she had admitted the same. It all seemed too good to be true.

Talia walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights, stopping dead in her tracks. Something was off. She couldn't quite explain it, but her house felt somehow...different.

Her eyes scanned the room, searching for clues when suddenly they landed on an antique compass, lying neatly on the smooth counter-top.

Oh my God...

A cold sweat came over her as the pieces of the puzzle slid into place.

It couldn't be...

She'd lost that compass months ago, while en route to Florida. The last time she remembered seeing it was as she fought her way through the thick woods near her home in Washington.

Talia brought a shaky hand up to her mouth, stifling a scream.


It all made sense now. The mysterious flowers she had received at The Ivy House, Winston getting sick, the missing compass suddenly reappearing. Steven was there, in Florida! He'd been watching her. He knew where she lived, where she worked...

Was he in her home now? But how could this happen? She'd covered her tracks so carefully—hadn't she?

A fear unlike any she had ever known before, ripped through her body. Charlie needed to hear the truth. She should have told him a long time ago! She was in trouble, and she realized now with mounting dread that Charlie and his mother were not safe either.

Without hesitation, Talia raced out the front door and through the dark toward Charlie's house. Her hair whipped violently around her face as the increasing wind moved through the trees of the yard. Running up the stairs to his porch, she collided with the front door, giving it a loud thump before entering.

"Charlie!" she called out urgently, fear gripping her voice.

Charlie peeked his head out from the kitchen, alarm covering his handsome face. "Talia—what is it?" he asked, walking toward her. "Are you alright?"

She ran up to him and threw herself into his waiting arms.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling away from her slightly.

Talia looked into Charlie's trusting eyes and felt a mixture of despair and guilt. She knew what she was about to say could change both of their lives forever—and it was all her fault.

"He's found me..." she whispered, barely able to catch her shaking breath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

OMG...just OMG!!! Another chapter with LOTS going on! What do you think?

Hey, are you on Twitter? If so look me up! I'm @DarlyJamison. Let me know you're from WP and I'll follow you back!

This chapter is dedicated to fellow WP writer @2writer! Looking for a good read? Check out the story Uncontrollable as it wrestles with The Secret for a top spot in Action—I promise, you won't regret it!

Thank you so much for continuing to read The Secret, I update every Tuesday and Friday. :)

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