Seven - Sarah

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Ch7 - Sarah 

Steven had come home from work that evening in a foul mood. The mental abuse began immediately, making Sarah especially nervous. She hated feeling like she had to walk on eggshells around him. She remained silent, and obediently followed all of his rules.

1.) The house was in pristine condition, not a single artifact out of place.

2.) Dinner was prepared and ready by 6:00 pm.

3.) The kitchen was cleaned and dessert provided by 7:00 pm.

4.) The mail was waiting for him in orderly stacks, separated by bills, work invoices and miscellaneous.

5.) The towel to shower lay folded on his side of the bed, along with his pajamas for the evening.

By anyone else's standards, the house was immaculate, but not by Steven's. He had found several small things to complain about, no matter her hard work.

"I'm taking the garbage out," he stated gruffly, leaving her alone in their beautiful 4,500 square foot home.

Often times, her mind wandered to the beginning of their marriage, when Steven had seemed so conscientious of her and her feelings. How could she have been so mislead? She knew losing her parents the way she had left her feeling broken and lonely, but desperate, too? Had there been warning signs that she had ignored in her frantic attempt to feel loved and protected? It made her sick to her stomach knowing how weak she had become.

Peeking out the window, she saw Steven chatting with the neighbor at the curb side. She could see the tension in his shoulders, yet his face wore an easy going smile. Sarah was certain their neighbor would not be able to detect Steven's agitation. He was a very good actor.

She busied herself in the kitchen, cleaning again what she had already cleaned, and putting the remainder of dinner dishes away. She had not heard him reenter the house.

"So," Steven's voice fermented from behind her. "I ran into the neighbor out front."

Sarah turned to face him and saw the unrest covering his face. Her heart sank into her stomach as she waited for him to speak, already knowing what he was going to say.

"He wondered if we tried the watermelon he had given you earlier today. He said they were the juiciest in all of Washington State."

Her eyes traveled to the counter top where the freshly sliced fruit sat waiting.

"You never mentioned that you ran into the him, Sarah. Did it just...slip your mind?" he seethed, regarding her through narrowed eyes.

Swallowing hard, she tried to relieve the lump forming in her throat. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about it, Steven." The voice coming out of her mouth didn't sound like her own.

"You didn't think about it? So, what you're saying is that you forgot?"

Her breath quickened as she shook her head yes.

"What else did you forget to tell me, Sarah? Maybe you slept with him, too. Did you forget to tell me that?" Steven demanded, stepping a little closer with every word.

Shaking her head, she moved backward until her back pressed against the kitchen counter.

Lunging forward, he grabbed her face in both hands. "Do you like it when he talks to you, baby? Does it turn you on? Do you let him kiss you, too, when I'm not around? Do you let him touch you with his filthy lips?"

His rough hands raked over her body and a strangled scream escaped from her mouth as she attempted to dodge his touch. She kicked at the side of his knee and he momentarily buckled.

"What's the matter, you don't like it when I touch you? You just want to be touched by him?" he spit out, steadying himself.

"Steven, please! Don't do this. I promise, I would never betray you!"

"I don't believe you," he screamed, grabbing her by the hair. He balled up his fists and she could feel the strands pulling away from her scalp. Moving his hands to her arms, he tossed her across the room and into the center island. Charging toward her, he pinned her body against his own weight.

Cupping her chin roughly, he steadied her head and smashed his lips onto hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

Instinctively, she bit down, drawing blood.

"Fuck!" he screamed out. Red droplets fell onto his chin and he wiped at it with the back of his hand. He looked up at her in shock, and she instantly regretted her actions.

"You want to play dirty?"

"Steven, please don't do this! I'm begging you!" Sarah was truly frightened, she had never seen this crazed look in his eyes before. It was more ominous than what she was used to.

His hand curled into a tight fist that he brought down onto her face, knocking her to the ground. He climbed on top of her, pinning her arms to her sides and securing them with his knees. Grabbing her head with both hands, he lifted it, then smashed it into the cold tile floor.

She felt her eyes roll back into her head, and struggled to remain conscious. She knew if she gave up now, she wouldn't live until morning. Mustering all of her strength, she smashed her knee hard into Steven's crotch.

He groaned in pain and rolled off of her onto the floor. Sarah struggled to stand before the surprise of her attack wore off. Making her way to the counter, she grabbed the knife that lay waiting next to the watermelon, as if in anticipation. Suddenly, she felt Steven behind her and she turned to face him, holding up the blade.

His eyes shot up in shock at the revelation of the sharp object, gleaming dangerously in her fingertips. He regarded her cautiously, raising both hands slowly in surrender.

"Okay," he gasped, trying to catch his breath.

She observed the frenzied rise and fall of his chest and realized triumphantly that she may have won this battle. Over the past month, she had managed to escape the house for about an hour, two days a week to take a basic self defense class. She knew that one day she would get the opportunity to test the moves she had learned, and she hadn't been wrong.

"Put the knife down, Sarah," Steven pleaded calmly, but his request fell on deaf ears.

"I said - put - it - down."

Venomously, she shook her head. "I won't let you hurt me anymore."

Steven slowly took a step forward and spoke soothingly, as if talking to a frightened child, "Please, baby, I won't hurt you. I promise. I'm sorry, I got carried away. I had a rotten day at work and I brought my anger home with me. But that's no excuse. I should have never treated you badly. It won't happen again."

But she had heard it all before.

"I know it won't happen again," she stated bravely, "I won't let it." The power of the weapon gave her an edge, and she felt her confidence rise.

"Please, Sarah. Hand me the knife," Steven consoled. "I love you, but I've been bad. I've been a terrible husband, I know I don't deserve you. Put the knife down and we can talk about it." He spoke softly, taking another step closer.

'No. He's just saying that. He doesn't really mean it!' a voice screamed in her head.

"Please, Sarah. I love you. It can be like it used to be. I promise."

"Stop! Just stop talking! You're confusing me!' she felt her hands begin to shake.

Steven stepped closer, reaching very slowly for the knife.

Not only were her hands shaking, but her body convulsed violently, as well. Suddenly, her knees buckled and she collapsed onto the floor, defeated. Steven took the knife and laid it on the countertop. Returning to her crumpled body, he put his arms around her in a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Sarah. Let's never fight again."

Her stomach twisted in knots as she drifted to the plan buried safely in her mind. 'It won't be long now,' she promised herself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thank you for reading The Secret. If you are enjoying it, please consider leaving a vote or comment - I would really appreciate it!

Don't forget to check out the media section to the right side of your screen to view this chapter's picture of Sarah and Steven's home!

This chapter is dedicated to @WriterAngelique. She makes some of the most beautiful covers I have seen here on WP, and has made the background picture on my profile page. If you're looking for a cover for your story, stop by her profile and see what she's up to!

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