Ten - Ms. Wilson

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Ch10 - Ms. Wilson

There was something about Talia that made Ms. Wilson feel sad. It was obvious by looking at the young woman she was struggling with something. She was nervous and aloof; careful not to say too much. She jumped at the slightest noise and always seemed to be looking over her shoulder. It was no way to live.

Of course, she had seen it all before. An abused woman was easy to spot, and Talia had the usual tell-tale signs. Ms. Wilson had seen the small scars in various stages of mending. She noted the way Talia kept her eyes averted, and seemed to steer clear of the male guests. Still, she wondered about the girl's past. Some might call Ms. Wilson nosy, but she preferred to think of herself as having a healthy, natural born curiosity.

She did hope, however, that Talia would decide to stick around. There was something healing about living in a small town, you could find a certain amount of comfort in knowing your neighbors. In time, Ms. Wilson knew Talia's bruises would fade, and so would the painful memories she harbored. You know, it's true what they say about time healing wounds. She would know, she'd been hurt before, too. It was impossible to pinpoint how long the process would take, as everyone was different and dealt with problems in their own unique ways. One day, you just wake up and you don't think about the hurtful happenings of long ago. You begin to look forward, not behind. You start to live again.

Ms. Wilson wished the same for her son. Charlie had been hurting for far too long. She knew he would carry his pain with him for a lifetime, but what she wouldn't give to see him happy again, and maybe even someday find love. Losing Emily had been a terrible blow to everyone; she had truly been one of a kind. But death doesn't mean that the world stops turning, no matter how much it feels like it should. You have to move on.

Smiling, she thought of her son. He had made such a wonderful husband, even though he didn't have the greatest role model growing up. Somehow, he managed to rise above his father's sorry example and embrace love and marriage with a maturity beyond his years. She was so proud of him! He deserved so much more than the hand he had been dealt. Charlie deserved to find happiness again, and she prayed someday he would. That was the funny thing about having kids, no matter how old they grew, you always worried about them.

Instinctively, her mind wandered back to Talia. She wondered if she had parents somewhere, worrying about her. It would be a shame if she hadn't. It was tough going through life without parental guidance, even as an adult. There were just some things you needed your parents for.

Ms. Wilson had lost her own mother at a very young age. She had only been five years old when her mom had gotten sick and passed away, leaving her father to raise three daughters on his own. However, he had done an amazing job - no doubt about that. He'd learned to tie fancy bows and mend dresses, and in their teenage years he had managed to successfully conquer the vast amount of female turmoil that three girls brought into the home. He had been an amazing man, may he rest in peace.

When Talia had mentioned looking for a job, Ms. Wilson had immediately thought of mentioning The Ivy House. It was time for her to find some help, the work load was just getting to be a little much, and she would welcome an extra pair of hands around the house. But she had bitten her tongue. It was a little too soon to indenture herself to the mysterious woman. Besides, she really wanted to get Charlie's opinion of her. He had a unique ability to read people, it would seem. He had a keen eye and had always been extremely observant, even as a young child. Perhaps that is how he had managed to avoid following in his father's deceitful footsteps.

Charlie had agreed to show Talia his rental property soon, and she hoped he would gain some insight after meeting with her. Then, she would pick his brain about possibly hiring her. She didn't mind that Talia kept to herself, she just needed to make sure she could trust her. This would be her very first employee, and she needed to make sure it was the right fit. Someday, she would be too old to run the B&B, and Charlie was so busy with his own affairs. It was time for her to start planning for the future. Not that she was expecting to keel over any time soon, mind you! She still had plenty of years left, and it was a good thing.

Charlie needed his mother, whether he realized it or not.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hello, and thank you for coming back to read The Secret! I want to let you know that I appreciate your reads, votes and comments. It helps my story gain exposure! <3

If you look over to the media section, you will find that today's chapter features a picture of the vine covered Ivy House.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to my new WP friend @MorrighansMuse. She has just completed her chicklit/romance called Finding Sam which is going to be published soon. You can check out @MorrighansMuse and her story by clicking on her picture at the beginning of this chapter near the dedication.

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