Twenty Two - Charlie

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Ch22 - Charlie

After work, Charlie pulled his work truck into the long driveway leading to Talia's house. He wasn't sure why, but he had wanted to bring her a little something to celebrate her move.

Of course you know why you're doing this. He sighed. You've never given anyone a housewarming present before!

He wanted to see her again. Getting to know Talia a little more over the past week had been very enjoyable, however, he had to admit she was still as much as mystery to him now as she was the first day she'd arrived into town.

He had come to some conclusions of his own. Talia was definitely running from something, or someone, but it wasn't his place to pry. He figured she would open up eventually, when she was ready. Secrets always had a way of sneaking out. His mother had taught him that, and so far as he could tell, it seemed to be true.

Charlie pulled up to the attached garage and hopped out of his truck. Moving along to the backside of the vehicle, he opened the tailgate and removed a large item from the bed. He set the gift down before climbing the steps and knocking on the door.

Moments later, Talia appeared with a look of surprise on her face. He couldn't stop himself from staring at her soft, natural beauty. Perfect porcelain skin with round cheeks, pinkened slightly from the Florida sun. Breathtaking blue eyes, and shoulder length, chestnut hair pulled back into a messy pony tail. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen anyone look so pretty, without even trying.


Ashamed, he turned his head and looked away as Talia opened the screen door.

"Charlie!" Talia exclaimed, breathlessly. "I wasn't expecting you. I was just putting some things away," she explained.

He glanced back at her and thought he noticed her cheeks brighten with embarrassment. Or was that pleasure?

"Hi, Talia." He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for stopping by uninvited. I just wanted to make sure you were settling in okay. How's the move coming along?"

She smiled and walked out onto the front porch. "Great, thank you. I didn't have very much to bring over," she admitted sheepishly. "I'm just trying to get a feel for things and organize accordingly."

Charlie watched as she twisted a stray strand of hair behind her ear, nervously. Did he make her nervous?

He cleared his throat again. "I, um, brought you a little house warming gift," he said, suddenly feeling like an idiot. He walked down the steps and lifted the item, carefully laying it on top of the porch.

Talia let out a small gasp. "A porch swing! Charlie - it's perfect. I was hoping you would allow me to get one," she exclaimed. "But you didn't have to do this. Really. You've already done so much." A look of uncertainly covered her pretty face.

"It's no big deal," he said, trying to shrug it off, nonchalantly. "It would make a nice addition to the front of the house and I thought you might enjoy it. I've actually been meaning to get one," he lied.

"Oh, I know I'll enjoy it! Thank you so much," she said, blushing again. "And thank you for the bike. Your mom said that it had been your idea."

Now, it was his turn to flush. Quickly, he looked down, pretending to tinker with the swing. "It was nothing. That bike's been sitting in her garage, collecting dust for years. How about I put the swing up for you?" he asked, changing the subject.

Nodding her head, Talia replied, "That would be great, Charlie.Thank you." He thought he heard a small tremor in her voice. "Can I get you a beer?" she asked timidly. "I was going to get one for myself just before you arrived."

It didn't take him long to make up his mind, "Sure - I would love one."

While she disappeared into the house, Charlie grabbed what he needed from the truck and got to work laying out his supplies. Moments later, she returned to the porch, a bottle of beer in each hand. Talia handed one to him, their fingers brushing briefly in the process. He noticed an attractive shade of pink cover her cheeks and realized with frustration that he couldn't keep himself from staring at her. He busied himself with the bottle, dripping in his hand.

"Ahh, it's nice and cold," he exclaimed, twisting off the top and wiping off some of the collected condensation.

"That's the only way to drink a beer," she said, mimicking his actions. Taking a long swallow from her bottle, Charlie watched her carefully, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

"What?" she asked, a look of uncertainty covering her features.

"I'm just surprised, is all. I wouldn't have pegged you as a beer drinker."

"No? Why not?"

"I don't know. You don't look the type, I guess." He took a big swig himself and swallowed hard. "Damn, that tastes good," he said, shaking his head.

"Okay, what did you have me pegged for?"

"I'm not sure." He thought for a moment, "Something more sophisticated, like maybe red wine."

Wrinkling her nose in disgust, she confessed, "I hate wine. I've only ever been a beer drinker. Although," she admitted quietly, "It's been awhile."

He noticed Talia become flustered by her confession, and decided not to prod her further. Instead, he changed the subject. "Are you cooking something? There's an amazing aroma wafting from inside of the house." He gave her what he hoped was a playful grin.

Looking slightly embarrassed, she said, "I'm making spaghetti." Talia hesitated a moment before continuing. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

Had he heard her correctly? Was she inviting him to stay?

"I would love to. Do I have time to go home and shower first?"

"Sure. It'll be awhile yet. I like to let the sauce simmer."

"Let me just get this hung up, and then I'll run home for a minute. It won't take me long," he promised.

He began working on the swing and had it up in no time. Taking a seat, he patted the spot next to him, "Want to try it out?"

Talia hesitated for a moment and then finally moved forward, sitting down next to him.

They sat together in silence, enjoying the rhythmic sway of the swing. A flock of birds flitted past them, flying from tree to tree, and Charlie could feel himself begin to relax in the soft evening breeze. It felt nice to be sitting so close to her.

He couldn't help but notice Talia's long, lean legs, stretched out before her. "Looks like your scratches are starting to heal," he observed.

Talia glanced down with a chuckle. "Yeah. Leave it to me to be the one to fall through that deck."

"It was my fault. I should have taken care of those weak pieces of wood sooner," he admitted.

After another moment of silence, Talia looked over at him. "Thank you," she offered quietly.

"For the scratches?" Charlie asked, confused..

"No, for the swing," she said, elbowing him playfully. "For everything, really. For the bike. For the house. I know it must rent out for more than what you're charging me," she offered softly. "With all of this property, sitting on the water. It's much too beautiful to only go for seven hundred a month."

Charlie swallowed hard before looking into her comfortable blue eyes. "I saw a person who needed a break. Someone who was starting over, for whatever reason. I've been there myself, I know what it looks like," he replied, studying her through long, dark lashes.

They held each others gaze, and finally, he turned away from her. He could feel his pulse racing.

Watch it, he scolded himself.

Charlie tried to cover up his shaking breath. "I'm going go get a shower now. I'll be right back," he said, taking one last, long drink of his beer and setting the empty bottle down on the porch.

Talia nodded her head, but said nothing. Standing up, he walked down to his truck, letting himself into the driver's seat. As he pulled away, he watched Talia grow smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror.

"What in the hell are you doing, Charlie Wilson?" he wondered out loud.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

What IS he doing?! Maybe falling in love? What do you think?

Please join me this Thursday for a new character's POV. Who could it be this time?!

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