Two - Talia

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Ch2 - Talia

The young woman drew in a shaky breath and ran a slender hand through her short, brunette bob.  

So, this is Florida? she thought cautiously as she stepped off the bus. She'd always wanted to visit the Sunshine State, but never had the opportunity to do so until now. Only, she wasn't there for a visit. She was there for a fresh start.

Raising her porcelain face toward the hot sun, she closed her eyes and smiled, letting the light soak deep into her skin. She knew it wouldn't take long for her pale features to pink-en under the strong Southern Florida rays. Instinctively, she retrieved the bottle of sunscreen from her bag and popped open the top.

On second thought, she shook her head and tossed the half empty container into the closest trash can. Old habits die hard, I guess, she sighed.

Opening her bag again, she fished around for the map she had purchased at the last stop.

Here we go.... Sitting down on a tired, wooden bench, she spread out the folded paper and began to study the notes she had carefully written in the margin.

She stretched out her neck and gave it a rub. Every inch of her body was sore - over 3,000 miles on a bus would do that to a person. Stifling a yawn, she tried to focus on the task at hand.

You're almost there, don't flake out now... she silently pleaded. Her final destination was within reach and she wouldn't give up until she made it there.

Surveying the scale, she smiled proudly, The farthest point from where I started.  She had a delicately planned agenda, and she was seeing it through until the very end - she had to - slacking off was not an option.

Warily, she closed the map and decided to trudge the rest of the way on foot. She figured it was only a couple of miles until she reached the Bed & Breakfast, and she felt the need to stretch her aching muscles. She was slightly giddy at the thought of a cool shower and soft bed, and prayed those luxuries greeted her upon arrival.

She reached her hand into her backpack once more, this time searching for her antique compass.


Where was it? It had belonged to her father, and if she had lost it she would be heartbroken. She'd have to look through her belongings thoroughly once she arrived at her destination.

Walking through the small town, she marveled at the novelty shops and Ma and Pa diners she passed along the way. She was feeling a little hungry, but the prospect of settling in far outweighed the hunger pains that rumbled in her empty stomach.

Arriving at The Ivy House twenty minutes later, she felt ready to collapse. This moment had been a long time coming and the relief she felt brought fresh tears to her exhausted eyes.

Get a grip, she scolded herself. No more crying.

She strolled up the walkway to the well maintained home, admiring the way the ivy vines covered the length of the cozy establishment.

Home, sweet, home, she smiled. At least for a little while. Finding a more permanent residence was at the top of her to-do list.

Gingerly, she opened the door and wandered inside. The spacious, old house was tastefully decorated in shades of soft burgundy and peach and she felt as though it enveloped her in a comforting embrace. The large windows were open and a soft breeze blew through, causing the lace curtains to dance in its wake.

"Well, hello there!" a voice called pleasantly from behind her.  Startled, she turned around and saw a friendly looking woman, wiping her hands down the front of her apron. "I'm Ms. Wilson. Welcome to The Ivy House," she said, smiling. "I'm making cookies at the moment, please make yourself at home. I'm guessing you're Natalia?"

She nodded her head. She had practiced this many times during her long journey. "Yes, Natalia Nicholson. But please, call me Talia," she responded with a hesitant smile.

"Very well, Talia. Have a seat and I will be with you in just a moment. Do you like chocolate chip cookies?" the kind lady questioned.

Talia smiled a little wider, "I do. Thank you."

"I'll be right back," Ms. Wilson answered with a wink.

Talia felt her stressed muscles begin to relax as she inhaled the scent of the tantalizing, homemade snack. This is perfect, she sighed happily. She couldn't have imagined a more tranquil environment.

Ms. Wilson came back into the room, holding a plateful of cookies. "Help yourself, dear."  The corners of her eyes crinkled when she smiled.

Grateful, Talia removed two from the decorative stone dish and hungrily took a bite. The warm dough tasted heavenly and Talia closed her eyes in satisfaction, "These are amazing, Ms. Wilson."

"Well, they are my specialty. I've spent the better part of fifty years perfecting that recipe."

Talia nodded in approval. It had been a long time since she had indulged in such a sugary treat, but she had to admit, these cookies were worth the wait. When was the last time she'd had a dessert like this? She couldn't even remember.

"How long do you think you'll be staying with us, dear?" Ms. Wilson asked, bringing Talia back to the present.

"I'm, um, not sure. I'd like to look for my own place soon."

"So, you'll be residing in our lazy little town?"

"I believe I will be," Talia answered quietly.

"Well then, it's no rush. You take your time." She grinned. "Meanwhile, let's get you settled. You know," she added as an afterthought, "My son owns a place that he rents out  near the river. The couple who lived there just moved out and he's fixing it up now to rent out again. If you're interested, I know he'd be happy to give you a tour."

Talia considered her proposition. "That would be great, Ms. Wilson. Thank you."

"Now, where were we?" The kind lady beamed. "I think I'm going to put you in the Green Room. It's our largest suite available and since you may be here for a while you might appreciate the extra space. How does that sound?"

"Perfect." Talia smiled, gratefully.

Southern Florida, she decided with delight, seemed full of possibilities.  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hello and thank you for reading The Secret. If you are enjoying it, I hope you will take a moment to vote for this chapter and let me know what you think!

This chapter is dedicated to the always amazing @KatieSpektor! She is an extremely talented writer (who is also one of the winners of The Freshman Fifteen) and very good Wattpad friend. You can check out her story, Seize the Day, by clicking on her profile located near the dedication at the top of the page! She is currently up for The Young Authors Prize and every vote she gets on chapter one will help her chances of having her book published! Please, check out Seize the Day and give chapter one a vote - you won't be disappointed! Thank you. :)

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