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She woke up with a start, breathing heavily. Her heart pounded so loudly in her chest, even the dead must have risen from its coffin. She threw the blanket off her and rolled out of the bed, rushing straight to the bathroom for a much-needed shower despite the ache in her limbs.

The person that stared back at her in the mirror made her recoil in horror. Her face looked unusually pale, almost white, dark bags covering her eyes and she was drenched from head to toe, her clothes clinging to her body like a second skin.

Yesterday had been horrible, first the unexpected torment and finally, when she was able to knock everything off and fall asleep, she was startled awake.

She thought it was a werewolf patrolling the grounds but the deep, guttural growl, followed by the blood-curdling hiss told her otherwise.

She couldn't recuperate from the feeling that something ominous was there, lurking in the dark, hiding.

Chills ran down her spine and she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind just as the cold water streamed out of the showerhead, drowning her in it, caressing her ever so gently.

She wanted to focus on something else, on the positive aspects of her life but there was none. Her life had been turned upside down, leaving her with the old memories which now had become painful. She missed her roommates, the mornings they bantered outside the bathroom, the nights they watched Netflix and ate cold pizzas, and even the mundane things they did together. She could never forget the last night with them in the bar, she had so much fun for the first time.

Tears burned her eyes and she let them rain down her face with the water. By the time she was done, she was clean as new, her skin pink and pruned.

With a shaky hand, she turned off the faucet and went for the towel, only to come in contact with thin air. Realizing she hadn't brought one, she stepped out of the bathroom and made her way into the closet, leaving a trail of wet footprints and puddles behind her on the carpeted floor.

She was surprised to find new clothes and she knew they were for her from Icarus but when and how he managed to get them here was beyond her.

A small smile graced her lips as she grabbed the newest pink sweater and black sweatpants along with her matching undergarments, pulling them over her quickly.

"Luna?" Lisa's voice rang through the closet door. Anaya had repeatedly asked Lisa to call her by her name but she was always hesitant and recently she had started using a strange title to address her. It did make Anaya uncomfortable but she might as well get acquainted with it, more so now that she was a part of the werewolf clan.

"Yes, wait a sec." She ran a comb through her wet hair and rushed out. Lisa had made her bed in her absence, how sweet.

"Drink 15 drops of this syrup with water three times today, it will help with the heat." Lisa handed her the tray of food with a huge bottle.

"Thank you." She smiled. "Where is Icarus?" She didn't want to get her hopes high, he must have left already but a small part of her wished he was here with her.

"Alpha is in his office."

Her heart fluttered with happiness, excitement filling her voice when she asked. "Can you tell him to meet me?"

"Sure thing." She nodded dutifully with a polite smile. "Anything else?"

"The new clothes, who bought them?"

"Alpha had told me to purchase them when you had just arrived here. I put it inside this morning when you were asleep," she explained and made herself scarce.

Anaya sat on the bed and wolfed down the pancakes. She didn't know why Lisa bothered with five when she could hardly get three into her system. She pushed the rest aside and shook the syrup bottle. Hopefully, it will keep her heat at bay.

There was a knock on the door and she jumped, the bottle slipping out of her hold and falling on the floor.


She immediately kneeled down to pick up the shattered pieces. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-"

"Don't!" Icarus joined her on the floor, shaking his head sternly. "You'll hurt yourself."

"It's okay. I have done this before." She was so jumpy all the time, even little noises scared the hell out of her. If only he knew how many dishes she had broken in the restaurant.

"Fuck." He cursed and she winced in unison when a tiny glass sliced her skin.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" He wrapped his lips around her index finger and sucked hard, instantly sending jolts of shiver through her.

Her eyes widened and she looked up to find him staring at her with his smoldering brown eyes. The beautiful shade reminded her of molten, dark chocolate, flecks of caramel and honey swirling in them and she felt so enamored, she could hardly breathe. A slow heat spread through her, tiny flames stroking her nerves, and every fiber of her being came alive.

Flustered, she stood up and scooted away from him. The torture was unbearable. "What are you doing here?"

"You wanted to see me perhaps?" He quirked a perfectly arched brow in her direction, his deep and husky voice ensnaring her senses, and she froze for a second.

Something about him felt different like she was noticing him for the first time. His gorgeousness was beyond compare, no exaggeration there but she knew it wasn't his attire because no matter what he wore, he always took her breath away. She was sure his face held too much warmth today, his eyes a lot gentler with a permanent soft smile plastered on his lips.

When she didn't answer, he took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest. Even his touch felt so very soothing. "You are sweating."

Everything about him screamed pure male sexiness and with him this close, she could feel every inch of his delicious pecs and abs press against her. "Yes, um, it's hot today."

He tipped her face up and nuzzled her throat. She gripped his shoulder, her insides growing warm as her pheromones went wild. Slowly he pulled away and tilted his head in the direction of the window. It was snowing outside. "You are close to the heat."

"No, I'm not." She wiggled out of his hold and walked to the other end of the room, away from him. She could feel the changes within her too, but she wasn't going to admit it to him.

"Just change before you suffocate in that sweater."

"No, I'm good."

He gave her a look of disbelief but let it slide. "Alright then, why did you ask for me?"

"Oh, uh, I wanted to talk to you."

"My office." He nodded. "Meanwhile, I'll send Lisa to clean this mess."

She silently followed him to his office. He shut the door behind them and she took the time to look around his workspace. Typical, she thought. White walls, glass windows, bookshelves. There was a black desk that ran from one end to the other with two chairs, a black leather couch, and a coffee machine.

"Sit." He motioned towards the couch. She nodded and slumped down on the comfortable leather. He sat beside her and the warmth radiating off him had her distracted again.

"Can you switch on the AC?" she stuttered and moved away from him.

"I have. The temperature looks fine to me."

"Oh." She cringed inwardly. She needed another shower, so she had to be quick here. "You didn't leave?"

"I couldn't." He smiled, an adorable dimple poking out on his right cheek which she had failed to notice before. "I didn't want to leave you alone in this."

She shifted in her seat, aware of the extremely uncomfortable clothes. They rubbed against her skin, creating friction and causing tingles to rise without warning. "I couldn't sleep yesterday. I heard some noises. It was a werewolf. No, I think it was a snake."

He visibly stiffened and his face turned serious. "You don't have to worry about it as long as you stay inside your room."

"So you know about it?" She gave him a questioning look.

He nodded.

"You won't tell me?" Her eyebrows scrunched up at his silence. What could be so dangerous that he wouldn't open his mouth?

"It's for your safety, Anaya." He placed his hands in hers, lacing their fingers together.

She wanted to know so badly, but if he didn't want to tell her, she couldn't force him to. She nodded silently. "Okay." She was about to leave when she recalled something else. "You told me you are the Alpha."


"But you are the king."

"So?" He feigned indifference, shrugging his shoulders like it didn't matter.

"You are royalty." Her eyes widened in panic as the realization finally sunk into her.

Holy shit, I'm screwed.

"Hush." He slipped his arms around her shoulder and tugged her to his side. "You are freaking out for no reason. It will change nothing between us, nothing the way I feel about you."

She stayed silent. She didn't know what to say. She was a mere human who wasn't capable of anything worthy, while royalty meant responsibility. What if she messed up?

He brushed her hair back and pressed his lips to her forehead. "You will be a great Luna queen, trust me."

Tears pricked her eyes as her throat closed up. Why did he have to be so sweet? No one believed in her the way he did. She leaned into his chest and closed her eyes, resting her hand on his stomach. This man was hers, his mind, body, soul everything belonged to her. The thought made her heart swell, and she tightened her hold around him, snuggling closer to his chest.

"You okay?" He pulled back slightly to look at her face.

 She nodded, her gaze zeroed on his lips. So luscious and waiting, she thought.

Calling for her.

Just a little taste.

Teasing, nibbling, biting...

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