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Anaya's eyes snapped open, reflecting her confusion and distress until she realized it was just a dream. The kind that felt too real, like she'd already experienced those things, a long-forgotten memory but that wasn't possible. 

She could vaguely recall the surroundings and the characters in her dream, and it was clouding her thoughts. Everything had been just so magnificent and unreal because nothing like that existed in reality.

Living with a werewolf was probably starting to take its toll on her. She could write a bestselling book if this continued, she thought and pushed herself to a sitting position on the couch, causing a searing headache to cut through her. Black dots masked her vision for a few seconds and she blinked before rubbing her eyes with her knuckles. Somehow she had fallen asleep on her stomach with her face pressed against the leather that was bound to leave a red imprint on her cheek.

Her gaze drifted in Icarus' direction but his chair was empty. She could tell he hadn't gone for long as his files were scattered on the desk and his laptop was open. Still, she frowned deeply and stood up to leave. It just didn't feel right to stay in his space when he wasn't present. She was almost near the door when it was pushed open and in walked Icarus. 

He smiled seeing her and she got an irresistible impulse to smile back at him. The way his eyes shone, lighting up his entire face was something else. Anaya couldn't stop the butterflies that fluttered in her belly. She recalled his words from earlier and though she had been tongue-tied after the feel of his lips, he was exactly what she needed too. She may not have known this before but now she was sure.

With a sigh, she stepped away from the door and watched him place the tray on the table. He plopped down on the couch and patted the space beside him, his gaze once again fixing on her. "Come here."

She hadn't realised she was starving until she saw the grilled cheese sandwiches. Her mouth watered and she quickly made her way back to the couch, seating herself beside him. Flashing a smile in his direction, she grabbed one and took a bite. She recognized the taste like the back of her hand. Icarus had brought the same when she had first arrived and she thought it was poisoned.

"Did you make these?" she asked in surprise. It was an extremely sweet gesture, one that Anaya wasn't familiar with. He could have told Lisa but the man went beyond his call of duty to do this for her. It was hard enough to not like him. She couldn't afford to fall in love. No, she wouldn't let him be her undoing. But the charming smile he gave her did it anyway. The warmth of it coiled around her, tugging her closer to him.

"Yeah. Is it good?"

It may have been hard to believe at first but now that she had spent nearly a month with him, she could very well imagine a shirtless Icarus in the kitchen, cooking for her. A blush rose to her cheeks and she dipped her head down. 

"You don't like it? I can ask Lisa to pre—"

"No." She found his gaze and couldn't help herself from pressing her lips to his cheek. "It's delicious. Thank you." 

He closed his eyes, welcoming her unexpected and subtle touch. A groan rumbled in his chest when she didn't pull back, igniting a fire within his soul that couldn't be doused easily. He wanted more, needed to feel her skin on his. He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer to him. His hands slid up along her sides and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her feminine scent deeply.

She let him, resting her face against his chest and allowing his presence to engulf her. She heard him murmur something against her skin but she could barely understand the words. Her mind was in a drunken haze that knew nothing right now, nothing but Icarus.

He chuckled and lifted his head up to look at her. "I thought I don't affect you." 

"Uh, what were you saying earlier?" Goodness, he affected her alright but she wasn't going to admit that to him. She shifted in her seat and finished the sandwich, completely avoiding his gaze, for she knew she would drown in those gorgeous chocolate pools and lose herself in them. Every rational thought was slipping through her grip little by little every time he was around.

"Do you want to meet my family?" he repeated while threading his fingers through her hair and gently loosening his hold to see the tendrils freely fall in waves.

Her eyes widened a fraction and she felt her heart do summersaults, whether, from excitement or nervousness, she had no idea. She never had anyone in her life who she could call hers, but now, with Icarus, she was going to have everything. With emotions clogging her throat, she nodded happily. "Yes, okay."

"It will be an unofficial meeting." He handed her a cup of tea and leaned back against the sofa with his own cup. He really enjoyed the taste of peppermint and vanilla in it. The tea leaves were prepared by his grandmother, a kind of medical remedy as well. And with how Anaya sipped it, he knew she liked it too.

She placed the empty cup down on the tray after a long beat of silence and frowned at him, worry lines creasing her forehead. "You mean packs all over the world will be there?" Meeting his family was one thing but meeting the entire werewolf clan? The thought scared her to bits. She knew she wasn't ready for any of it. One, because she wasn't completely familiar with his side. Two, she didn't think she'd be accepted.

"No, only Imperial pack," he clarified and her shoulders sagged in relief until he opened his mouth again. "3025 members. I'll introduce you as my mate, alright with you?"

She stayed silent. The population was more than that of Vatican City. She wasn't sure if she could handle such a large gathering without fainting.

"Hey." He cupped her cheeks and drew her face closer to his. "It'll be okay. They'll love you."

She leaned into his touch and nodded silently. He kissed her forehead, pulling back to kiss her nose, her eyes, her cheeks. She giggled and soon a full-blown smile spread on her lips as all the tension washed away.

"But I must warn you, my siblings are not going to leave you alone."

"I don't mind. How many siblings do you have?"

"Three sisters and a brother." He grinned and she found him even more adorable at that moment.

"Wow." She breathed out in surprise. "You are the elder one?"

"Yeah, and so is Immanuel. We are twins." He explained. "You'll see him tomorrow, and let's see if you can tell us apart."

"Uh-huh." She blinked. "Is it some sort of test I need to pass?"

"No, but it will be fun." He chuckled, finding it difficult to keep his hands off her, more so since she wasn't raising any protest.

"Who else is there in your family?"

"My dad, mom, and grandma. But since they live in the pack house, you'll see other members too."

"Okay. Tomorrow then."


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