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Casey had just disappeared. Anaya couldn't find her anywhere in the house and when she raised her concern to Icarus, he let her know that she'd gone to get her belongings and bid goodbye to her pack members. Anaya hadn't seen them talk nor had she seen her leave, which made her think if that woman had toyed with Icarus' mind again. It distressed her to no end. She didn't like the thought of anyone possessing that sort of ability. It was downright immoral and terrifying.

Anaya wanted to tell Icarus what Casey had revealed to her, but she didn't know how to broach the matter. Casey had been allowed into the Imperial pack only after the verification. She was found decent. On top of that, Anaya had scouted the entire library and hadn't found a single thing about werewolf manipulating minds, all the more reason to stay silent and think about her next step carefully. If Casey got a whiff of what was running through Anaya's mind, she'd probably twist her thoughts or erase her memory. Anaya couldn't let that happen.

"Did you understand this part?" 


"Darling." He studied her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed in deep concentration while she stared at the laptop screen but somehow he could tell she wasn't present in the office. "You look distracted."

She blinked up at him and shook her head. "Sorry, I was thinking."


"My responsibility as the Queen," she lied swiftly. She had no other option right now. She needed to speak to Casey first and gather all the information.

"Too much?" He touched her face, tucking a stray tendril behind her ear. "Let's continue tomorrow then."

"No, it's okay!" When he didn't appear too convinced, worry still etched on his chiselled features, she let out a small sigh and clasped his hand in hers. "I swear, I'll focus this time."

He nodded, maintaining his gaze on her. "As I was saying, every three months, I receive reports from Alphas all over the globe. These reports give an overview of economic condition, events, population, mortality, and natality rate, income, investments, and consumption pattern of each pack."

"Sounds like a lot of work."

"It is. Reading the reports and comparing them with the previous ones to discern if the scenario is as smooth as before is quite a task to accomplish. That's the reason reports are sent once in three months and not every month. It gives me enough time to go through them. In the past, Nicholas assisted me but now that you're here, we can finish them together, alright with you?

"Definitely." Anaya smiled at him. "So, werewolves know what Email is?"

"Of course. But I have instructed the Alphas to use Email only to make emergency requests. Otherwise, they are to submit regular reports by airmail. It takes about five days to arrive here."

Her eyes widened. "Oh, wow."

He chuckled. "All the Alphas aren't as tech-savvy as we are. I could ask them to choose the means that is most convenient for them but that is kinda messy, half reports via email, another half via airmail. I wouldn't know if they have an emergency that requires quick action."

"I understand," she said. "What all consists of emergency?" 

"If Alphas require additional funds for new construction work which is mostly the case. A lot of development projects have been taken up these past few years. Or, if they are threatened and there is the possibility of war, they ask for the aid of royal warriors. Usually, I intervene and solve the issues verbally. I'm not a big fan of conflict among my subjects. Aftermath is chaotic."

"I don't think I can handle war. Too much loss."

"Exactly," he agreed and stood up from the couch. "We are done for today. You should go and rest."

"Okay. What about you?" Anaya stretched her arms, tugging her sweater sleeves down to her wrists. Snowfall had stopped but it was a little chilly during the night. She was the only one in the house who was covered in several layers of clothing from head to toe. It made Icarus smile every time he looked her way. She was freaking adorable.

"I'll be there in a minute." He stepped closer to her and bent down to kiss the bruise on her neck. His movement was so sudden, Anaya's breath hitched and warmth slowly rose to her cheeks. 

"Stop," she whispered weakly when his strong arms encircled around her midriff to yank her closer. 

"I can't wait to mark you right here." His teeth grazed her sensitive skin, making her gasp and pull away.

"You d-did it yesterday."

"That doesn't count, darling." He looked at her, his eyes a shade of amber now. Anaya had begun to realise that whenever he was angry or aroused, his wolf surfaced. From the expression on his face, she could tell what was going through his mind right now, which only deepened her blush. "I'm talking about the mark I'll leave when we mate."


"Now go." He grinned. "I have something for you in our bedroom."

Anaya wasn't surprised at that. Ever since their patch up, Icarus had been showering her with gifts and spending all the time with her to restore their relationship. She had insisted everything was okay but he still felt the urgency to make it up to her. They shared the same room, slept on the same bed, to say it was nice would be an understatement. Precisely, it felt like they'd acquired a chunk of heaven. They loved it. 

When Anaya saw the black package on the glass table, she didn't know what to expect. He had already bought her a laptop similar to his, her favourite red velvet cheesecake from Cherry Hut, and a new phone because he'd misplaced her previous one. Even then, she couldn't contact aunt Anita or her roommates because she had never cared to memorize their numbers. No one did in the era of smartphones. She was going to visit them soon anyway to clear things up and apologise to Rita. She just hoped Aunt Anita hadn't called the police to file a missing report.

The package opened to reveal a neatly folded red gown and a note which said: 

To my darling,

I love you in the morning, in the times we spend together and the times we are apart. Thank you for being so fucking precious.

Wear this tomorrow.

Yours only,

She re-read the note and clutched it to her chest, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Smiling gleefully, she thought about Icarus and instantly warmth filled her insides. She felt arms encircle her from behind as Icarus rested his chin on her shoulder. "I love you, Anaya."

With a sniffle, she turned around to face him and cupped his cheeks, pressing a kiss to his lips. There was no doubt in her voice when she whispered, "I love you."

He squeezed her waist in response, a smile forming on his lips. She let out a soft sigh and slid her hand down to his chest, feeling the rhythm of his heartbeat against her palm. It was pounding harder and faster like hers.

"Will you go with me?"

"What occasion is it?"

"We have a fundraising gala every year on this date. Remember the conversation Evan and I had?"

Anaya nodded quietly. She had thought she wasn't invited to it and then, she had completely forgotten about it because of the drowning incident. She shivered when the memory resurfaced for a split second. "I don't think I should go."


"I just...I don't know." She didn't like to be in the spotlight. All the eyes in the room would be on her and that terrified her to bones.

"Anaya, you can do this." He tipped her chin up and stared into her eyes.

"But I—"

"You know, I dislike attending such events. I believe we can raise funds in other ways than these expensive galas, but this is a once-in-year gathering for the werewolves. As the King, my presence is required. With you, it wouldn't feel like hell. Come with me?"

Anaya stared back at him, confliction written on her face before she finally caved in. "I'll go."

"Thank you." He kissed her nose, gliding his lips to her cupid's bow, then her soft lips. "Do you think we can arrange your coronation ceremony tomorrow?"

"Uh..." Anaya hadn't heard what he'd said, immensely engrossed in the fantastic way he made her feel. Her eyelids fluttered when he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips. 

"Don't worry. It'll be fine." Icarus smiled reassuringly.

"But tomorrow?" Anaya squeaked, taking a step back from him when his voice finally registered in her head through the haze of desire. "What if they don't accept me as their Queen?"

"I have said this before and I'll repeat it a hundred times if I have to, everyone will love you, Anaya. You'll do great. Moon Goddess doesn't make hasty decisions. You and I, we are meant to be. This is your path. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Anaya breathed, his words giving her strength. If she was ready for the responsibility, might as well be ready for the throne.

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