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Anaya rubbed her bare arms, trying in vain to generate heat and relieve the shivers that wracked her body. She'd been walking for hours with no sign of life amidst the blanket of snow that covered everything in a pristine white layer. Despite the beauty around her, an odd smell lingered in the air, like death, sorrow, and despair, which only added to her growing unease. Her limbs felt numb, slowing her steps, and she struggled to keep her eyes open. Any moment now, she hoped to wake up in Icarus' arms, enveloped by his warmth. But deep down she knew she wasn't dreaming. She'd been to this place before and also heard a female voice. Could it be...Rasharaya?

"Are you cold?" the same voice whispered in her ear. Yet it sounded distant like it had been carried by the wind.

A thick blanket landed on her shoulders, and she immediately clutched it, wrapping it around herself. Heat began to coil through her, reawakening her muscles and joints from their slumber.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The air vibrated with energy, alerting her of another presence. There was a flash of blue light before a woman appeared in front of her. She was dressed in a midnight blue gown that seemed to be woven from the finest silk. It hugged her curves in all the right places and flowed around her like a river, its hem brushing against the ground. Her facial features were sharp and angular, framed by brown curls styled in an elaborate updo with a tiara perched atop it. Her hazel eyes were lined with black kohl, making them even more striking. She was decked out in jewellery, each piece more magnificent than the next, complimenting her ivory skin. In her hand, she held a scepter, encrusted with precious gems that sparkled like stars. It was taller and heavier than she was, but she carried it with a sense of authority and grace as if it were a symbol of her power and status.

"My beloved daughter." Rasharaya ran her slender fingers over Anaya's face, a smile stretching across her lips. "I've missed you."

Anaya took a step back, her heart pounding against her chest as fear and confusion gripped her. The woman looked like an older version of her, but what if it was some illusion created by Casey? "I don't know you."

"Oh, yes. You lost your memory again." She pointed her scepter towards the ground, and with a flick of her wrist, a basket of ripe, red berries materialized out of thin air. "Eat them."

Anaya shook her head, distrust evident in her eyes.

"As stubborn as always." With a sigh, she plucked a handful of the berries and held them to Anaya's mouth. "You will know everything once you eat them."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I am your mother." Rasharaya chuckled, a hint of sadness in her voice. "I won't harm you."

She stared at the offered fruit, her mind warring with her heart. In the end, her mind won, clouded with doubts. "I need more than just your word," she said firmly.

"I understand, my child." Rasharaya's eyes were misty with emotions. Anaya couldn't tell if she was sincere or simply acting to lure her into a trap. "But I don't have the time to show you the truth. You must trust me."

With that, she shoved the berries into Anaya's mouth, forcing her to chew. As the sweet, tangy juice of the fruit exploded on her tongue, a rush of memories flooded her mind, unlocking every event from her forgotten past.

She clutched her head, feeling overwhelmed by everything she saw and felt in a span of few minutes.

Chaos had engulfed her world, leading to a mysterious illness that threatened to eradicate her kind from the earth. It had taken several years of research and testing to find a remedy, but its ingredients were exceptionally rare, including the blood of the beast.

She'd been tasked with killing it and retrieving the blood. She had not been abandoned at the orphanage but had instead come to reside there on her own accord when she was sixteen years old, with a singular purpose in mind. The orphanage was located in the same area as the Midnight Street bar, run by a high-ranking werewolf. He was her key to entering the werewolf world, and she had devised a plan to gain his trust and make him fall in love with her.

Whenever she experienced the symptoms of the illness such as fever, memory loss, and hallucinations, her mother or Casey visited her with the necessary herbs and fruits to alleviate the conditions. Aunt Anita told her a different story because her memory had been manipulated by Casey, resulting in an altered perception of reality. But despite the lies and half-truths, one thing remained constant: she did feel a deep affection for the old woman and helped her to cook and care for the children at the orphanage.

"Mother." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered her family and friends, and all the suffering that had been inflicted upon them.

"We have already lost many lives," Rasharaya said with a calmness that did not mirror the urgency in her gaze. "We cannot afford to lose more."

Anaya hung her head in shame. "I am sorry, Mother. I have wasted so much time."

"Do not apologize, my child." Rasharaya tilted Anaya's chin to meet her eyes. "You are our only hope. Your father and brothers have already fetched the other ingredients. We are waiting for you."

"I won't let you down." She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands and took a deep breath. "I promise to kill the beast."

Rasharaya nodded. "I have faith in you. You have always been brave."

"Thank you, Mother."

"I must go now." Her form began to shimmer and fade. "Take care of yourself, and listen to Casey."

She was left alone in the desolate wasteland that was once her home. The joyous sounds of laughter had been replaced by the mournful sobs of her people, who were forced to flee in search of a safer haven. She slumped on the ground and lay on the snow, gazing at the endless black void above her. It amplified the pain she felt within, filling her with the urge to cry, and she couldn't hold back her tears. While her people were struggling to save each other, she was living a carefree life with her mate in the Imperial Royale pack, blissfully ignorant of her mission. She bitterly regretted not listening to Casey, who had tried umpteen times to explain the truth to her. She should have been more attuned to her duty when so many lives relied on her.

It was said that the blood of Lupinnaeus held potent healing properties, capable of curing any ailment. When the news of its existence in the werewolf community reached them, she was assigned the task of hunting it down. She'd felt honoured and proud. But now...now she realised the gravity of her mistake. She was responsible for the loss of time and countless lives.

Fueled by unwavering determination, she vowed to rectify her past mistakes. From that moment forward, she was going to pour all her efforts into getting the blood needed to heal her people and rekindle the hope that had been lost in their broken land.

She shut her eyes and opened them again, finding herself back in their room. Icarus slept soundly beside her, oblivious to her inner turmoil. She inched closer to him and nestled into his embrace, grateful for the comfort and security he provided. In due time, she would reveal the truth to him. Honesty was the foundation of their relationship, and she didn't want to jeopardize it. Despite any obstacles that may arise, she would ensure that their bond remained unbroken.

Icarus had told her the beast was immortal. He would be relieved to know it could be killed. It was causing harm to the pack members and terrorizing them enough to keep them trapped in their homes after sunset. By defeating Lupinnaeus, she would not only heal her own kind but also bring freedom to the Imperial pack.

Another chapter here! Please vote and comment if you liked it.

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