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Darkness surfaced as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling them to return before Lupinnaeus made an appearance. They closed their eyes and focused their minds, teleporting to her bedroom. Anaya felt slightly disoriented as if she had just stepped off a fast-moving ride. It had been a while since she last used her powers, so the sensation still felt new to her.

With a reassuring smile, Casey vanished, leaving Anaya by herself. Her replica was slumped on the bed, deeply absorbed in a book whose cover she couldn't recognize. She shut the book and rose to her feet when she saw Anaya standing at the edge of the bed.

“Icarus and I had lunch at Cherry Hut,” she reported in a dutiful tone. “He went to work after coming back.”

“Why didn't you help him?”

“I offered, but he insisted I rest.”

Anaya nodded and waved her right hand in a come-hither motion. Her replica walked over to her and merged with her, becoming one. Memories flowed into her head, allowing her to relive the moments she had missed.

After the arduous day, rest beckoned to her, but the weight of her responsibility as the Queen of the werewolves pressed down on her. She couldn't let Icarus work tirelessly while she did nothing. It would be unfair if she didn't share the burden with him and contribute to the pack as much as he did. With that thought in mind, she made her way to his office and pushed the door open, peering into the room from the threshold.

"Can I help you now?" she asked.

She saw him smile even before he lifted his gaze from the papers in front of him.


She closed the door behind her and rounded the desk, occupying the seat next to his. He slid a pile of reports toward her along with his laptop that was already powered on. “Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand something.”

"Okay, thanks," she replied, opening the first file that had been submitted by the Weston pack.

They worked in comfortable silence, except for the occasional rustling of papers and steady tapping of keys. As the hours wore on, she felt his stare and looked up to find him watching her intently, his eyes swirling with emotions. 

"What?" She rubbed her cheeks, wondering if she had left any traces of her secret on her face. She had taken a shower in the cottage to cleanse the grime and sweat from her skin. When she finished, she made sure to put everything in its original place so Icarus wouldn't suspect her presence. Looking at him now, she didn't know how much longer she would be able to pretend like she wasn't hiding a life-altering truth from him, the man who mattered the most to her.

"Nothing," he whispered, pulling her chair closer and aligning his body with hers. His hands found her hips to guide her onto his lap, the heat of his touch searing through her clothes. She could feel their bond humming with desire when he leaned in and kissed her, as urgent and warm as the first time. The world around them faded away to nothingness as they lost themselves in each other. 

Suddenly, a distant rumble echoed through the room, causing them to startle and pull away. They stared at each other, their eyes still hazy with passion, before bursting into laughter when they realized it was only the sound of thunder. The pitter-patter of raindrops against the windowpane followed, dancing to the tune of the thunder.

She leaped out of his hold and rushed to the window, pushing it open. Her heart thumped with excitement, awed by the sight before her. Despite the inky veil of night, she could clearly see the rain falling like silver threads, weaving a tapestry of life across the landscape. A gust of cool breeze brushed against her skin, carrying the heavenly scent of wet soil, grass, and flowers. 

It was the first rain she had witnessed after arriving in the Imperial Royale pack. For some reason, it filled her with hope and positivity. It marked not only the beginning of summer but also a new chapter in her life. 

Icarus wrapped his strong arms around her from behind, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She smiled and sunk into his embrace, resting her hands on top of his. It was moments like these, unexpected and magical, that made her grateful for life.


Anaya tried to coax Icarus to go to bed after dinner, but he refused, adamant about finishing at least five more reports. She felt guilty, but she couldn’t let her plan fail, so she reluctantly let him be, hoping he wouldn’t return before she did. To pass the time while waiting, she resumed reading the book she’d picked earlier.

At the stroke of midnight, a hissing growl filled the air, announcing the emergence of the beast. She left the room, following the sound that led her outside. She scanned the area, not finding anyone. Just as she was about to take another step forward, the sound of wings flapping in the sky caught her attention. She looked up and felt her breath catch in her throat. The beast was unlike anything she'd ever seen. It had the face of a wolf, its features sharp and strong, with piercing amber eyes that glowed like embers in the darkness. The fur that covered its body was as black as the midnight sky, blending in seamlessly with the shadows of the trees. Massive wings protruded from its back, and when it swooped down in her direction, she felt as though the night sky had split apart and was collapsing upon her. Its tail was long and sinuous, coiling and uncoiling like a viper, ready to strike.

She was reminded of the untamed wilderness as she watched it, both beautiful and dangerous. Its mere presence was enough to make the bravest of creatures cower in fear, and Anaya was no different. She couldn’t think of anything as it neared her, and her only option was to flee. She wasted no time running into the safety of the house and locking the door behind her. Her hands and legs shook, and she felt like her heart would burst from her chest. After a beat, when she got a grip on herself, she walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water, gulping it down all at once.

She thought about her mother's trust in her, so only by trusting herself would she be able to obtain its blood and save her kingdom. She took a deep breath and steeled herself, determined to face the beast once again, no matter how much it terrified her.

"I'll go with you." Casey appeared before Anaya, her voice resolute.

Anaya shook her head firmly. "It's not safe."

"Exactly. I can't let you fight alone."

"I'll be back." Anaya squeezed her shoulder and took off. 

She could see the beast in the distance. Her movements were discrete and quiet as she flew above it and swung her dagger towards its head, but much to her surprise, the beast was quick and agile, gliding away from her with ease. Its tail snaked around her even before she could blink. She struggled to break free, but the vice-like grip only tightened, threatening to crush her bones. Her wings enveloped her in a protective embrace just as the sharp scales on its tail dug deeper into her flesh. With all her strength, she twisted her body and managed to free the hand clutching the dagger, plunging the blade into the beast's side. The beast recoiled, and its tail uncurled at once, setting her free. Having taken the worst blow, her wings didn't support her for long, and she plummeted to the ground. Blood trickled down her wounds, pooling on the ground and staining the white feathers that had fallen from her wings bright red. She winced, doing everything she could not to cry out in pain.

The beast landed behind her, and she tensed, bracing herself for another attack. But Casey arrived beside her in a blinding flash of orange light and grabbed her hand, teleporting them both to the living room. 

Anaya collapsed onto the couch, panting heavily. "Thank you." 

Casey's face was etched with concern as she took in Anaya's weak form. "I couldn't sit back and watch you die." She raised her palms in front of Anaya and closed her eyes, focusing on healing her wounds. 

"It's fine, Casey." Anaya tried to stop her just as warmth began to spread through her, soothing the pain in her body. "Don't waste your energy on me."

"Shut up. You need to rest." 

"Will you take me to the cottage?"

"What about Icarus?"

"He doesn't have to know," she said, referring to Casey's ability to generate clones.

"But, Anaya, he can heal you," Casey pointed out.

"What would I tell him?"

"You fell from the stairs?"

"You want me to lie to him?" 

She stared at Anaya, frowning. "Isn't it the same as keeping secrets from him?"

Anaya gave a weak smile, her vision blurring with tears. She had made her bed, and now she had no choice but to lie on it.

"Good night, Casey." She closed her eyes as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Sleep was the only way she could escape from the world.

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