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When Anaya agreed to procure the blood of the beast for her kingdom, little did she know that she was about to commit a grave mistake, not until she met Icarus, her mate. She had fallen head over heels for him. And who could blame her? He was the epitome of everything her heart desired—the kind of person for whom she was willing to go to any length to ensure his safety and happiness, even if it was at the cost of betraying her kind, for he deserved nothing less than the entire world.

"Casey! It's an emergency!" she yelled, her tone firm and resolute despite the fear that coiled her heart at the thought of losing Icarus.

There was a flash of orange before she appeared. Her eyes widened as she took in Anaya's haggard appearance. Though her time with Icarus had lightened her mood, her mind couldn't stop fretting over him. "What happened?"

"I am an idiot." Tears threatened to fall once again as she choked out the words. "I shouldn't have come here. I can't kill Icarus. He is my mate."

"Nonsense!" Casey gripped Anaya's shoulders and lifted her off the floor. "His true mate is out there somewhere. It's not you."

"He is mine." Anaya stared at her, trying to bury the rage that simmered inside her. His gaze, his touch, and his hold were the only truths in her life. She wouldn't let anyone question their relationship.

Casey shook her head. "You don't have a soulmate. You can choose anyone from your kingdom."

"Rasharaya deceived us. She knows Icarus is my mate, and only I can kill him," Anaya replied, her voice laced with despair. If it wasn't for her mother's deceit, she wouldn't have been plunged into this impossible situation.

"But..." Casey trailed off, her brows furrowed in distress. "Show me your mating mark."

Anaya acted without hesitation. She lifted her hair and guided Casey's hand to the spot on her neck where Icarus had left his mark. Her skin was warm to the touch, pulsing with a faint beat that echoed throughout her body. "This is impossible," she muttered under her breath, a look of dread washing over her face.

"Do you believe me now?"

She nodded, shaken by the unexpected turn of events. "I'm sorry. I didn't know the truth, so I was opposed to seeing you two together."

"It's okay."

"What do you want to do?"

Anaya let out a breath. It wasn't the time to be relieved, but knowing that Casey was by her side gave her strength to face whatever lay ahead. Her mate was a human, so she understood the gravity of their relationship more than others would. "I'm not sure, but I need to protect him."

Casey contemplated it, her expression turning solemn. "If only you can kill him, you have to stay away from him."

Anaya was already aware of it, but she was hoping for another solution. She couldn't bear to separate from Icarus. The thought made her stomach drop in agony. He completed her. His embrace made her feel at home; his touch stripped her bare of insecurities; and his searing kisses filled her heart with joy. But now was not the time to be selfish. She'd be damned if something happened to him. She had to do it. She loved him enough to let him go, to live for himself, his family, and his people. It didn't matter if the decision tore her to pieces. Tore them apart.

That night, she wept into her pillows, her sobs unceasing and unsettling. Moonlight filtered through the gaps between the curtains, and she prayed to the goddess for the courage to follow through with her decision.

When she saw Icarus the next day, she knew she had made the right decision. The man had her heart, and it would only beat for him. "We need to talk."

"About?" He slid his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest, and pressed his lips against hers for a brief kiss.

She stepped back to create some distance between them. "Let's break up."

"What?" He wasn't prepared for those words and recoiled in sheer confusion. He probably misheard her. 

"I want to leave," she said in a monotone voice. Her heart crumbled when he looked at her like he'd been punched in the gut and knifed in the chest. "You once told me that I could leave if I didn't want to be with you."

"That deal was canceled a long time ago. We fell in love, Anaya."

"It doesn't matter." She inhaled deeply and locked her gaze on him. "I don't love you."

He flinched. "Why are you lying?"

"I don't love you, Icarus. Never have. I don't want to stay here any longer. "

He stared at her, his eyes wildly searching her face. She saw a mixture of shock, horror, and overwhelming hurt before it all disappeared to reveal nothing. "I don't believe you."

"I'm going to pack. Thank you for your hospitality." Her eyes pricked with tears, and she quickly turned around, walking away before they could fall.

He stood there, empty and troubled, and no amount of deep breaths could calm the man or the wolf. With a low growl, he marched into the bedroom and yanked her into his arms, kissing her with a fierceness that was new to him. Her eyes widened as she struggled to break free, knowing she would lose and he would discover the truth. But when he nibbled on her lower lip, coaxing her mouth to open, she melted into a puddle. A whimper escaped her lips, and she pressed herself against him, tangling her fingers in his hair. Their tongues danced in unison, and the kiss evolved from bruising to tender. The tingles she'd tried not to feel shot through her veins like fireworks, crackling every nerve ending to life.

"You don't love me?" His voice was low and controlled while she panted for air, her chest heaving up and down.

She closed her eyes momentarily to gather herself before prying them open. "No."

"I see."

He left the room but not before locking her inside. She rushed to the door and knocked on it. "Let me go." She knew he was barely holding himself from setting the entire house on fire, but she had no choice. She was doing this to save his life.

"You can lie all you want, Anaya, but I know what you're up to. You want to leave me because you think I deserve better. I won't allow it."

"Icarus, please." She knocked harder, splitting the skin on her knuckles and drawing blood.

She could feel him on the other side, standing motionless, before his footsteps faded.

"I love you," she cried out, desperation clawing at her. She needed to get out of here, somewhere far away in the human world. The possibility of anyone finding her would be slim, and Icarus would be safe without her kingdom hunting for his blood.

Warm hands rubbed her arms, and she leaned against Casey's shoulders. The tears she'd tried to hold back fell relentlessly, and she could do nothing about them.

"What can I do?"

"Bring Nick over here. He will help me flee."

"Are you sure?"

Wiping away the tears that still lingered on her cheeks, Anaya padded across the room and slumped down onto the edge of the bed. Her gaze found the canvas Icarus had painted yesterday. It depicted the two of them sitting on a swing beneath a tree, his arms wrapped tightly around her. She could feel the warmth of his embrace just by looking at it. He'd put efforts to add details, from the curve of her cheek to the way her hair fell over her shoulder. His own expression was one of contentment as if he had everything he needed right there at that moment. They were surrounded by the splendor of nature as the sun set below the horizon. The colors were blended in a way that made the scene look alive. It was beautiful, so she insisted on hanging it on the wall behind their bed.

"I think he knows Icarus is Lupinnaeus," she said, her voice hoarse from crying.

Casey vanished. The wait exhausted Anaya as her mind went into overdrive. If not Nick, she couldn't think of anyone else who'd be willing to separate Icarus and her. As the second in command, he was very much inclined toward his duty to the pack. If he knew only she could kill the beast, as his true mate, he'd definitely help her escape so the pack wouldn't be orphaned.

Minutes turned into hours, and she thought Casey failed to convince Nick when the door opened and he walked in, his expression guarded.

"How did you find out?" he demanded, his lips set in a thin line.

"Help me leave Icarus."


"Because only the true mate can kill the beast."

"What? Who told you?" He blinked, caught off-guard. "Icarus—I mean beast is immortal."

"We don't have much time. If you want to save Icarus as much as I do, don't question—" She paused mid-sentence, feeling his presence. When she looked behind Nick, she saw him, his face contorted with insurmountable hurt.

"Beast? Did y-you-say...Am I Lupinnaeus?"

"Icarus, we were—"

He raised his hand to silence her and turned to Nick for answers, his eyes blazing with fury. "Did you know?"

"Alpha, listen to—"

"Did you know or not?" His fingers clenched and unclenched by his sides.

"I am sorry."

He stumbled back, a chuckle bubbling from his throat. "I have been trying to find ways to kill the beast, but it has always been me. Why did you hide the truth from me? Do you think I'm a fool? Do you enjoy seeing me suffer?"

"Tell me!" He grabbed the flower vase and hurled it against the wall. It shattered into a thousand pieces, the sound reverberating off the walls and filling the room with a deafening echo.

Anaya and Nick stood frozen, unsure of what to do or say to comfort him. But they knew nothing they said would matter anyway because Icarus did not want to hear anything.

They watched him break everything in the room, just as his trust had been broken.

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