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The stranger was a mystery so far. The lady said he was a good man but that could just be a facade because no sane person would kidnap a helpless girl and lock her in an unknown place.

With a sigh, Anaya stood up from the bed and made her way to the closet. She had no interest in unpacking but she had to look convincing.

Her eyes widened and she knew she was openly gawking when she pulled the door open. It was huge, not only were there cabinets and racks for clothes but also shoes, hats and bags. And there were mirrors, large floor length mirrors with fluorescent lights, and a comfy leather couch.

She shook her head in disbelief and quickly piled up her clothes in one of the many cabinets, feeling slightly uneasy because it hardly took any space.

Having nothing else to do, she decided to look around the place. It was a good time to find an escape route. Her deal with him meant nothing to her. If she found a way to leave this place, him, she would do it in a heartbeat.

She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the two men standing outside her room until they blocked her path. She froze and looked up at them. "What?"

"Where are you going?"

"Just exploring this beautiful house?"

They both stared at her for some time before moving back to their designated place.

Swallowing the lump down her throat, she walked a few steps and turned around to see if they were following her but they weren't, much to her relief. However, the possibility of leaving this place seemed as good as nil when she found security guards allotted at each corner of the house.

Frowning, she walked down the stairs and a gasp escaped her lips at the beauty of the interior. The house was entirely white and glass, paintings of battlefield and wars hung on the walls around her.

“Excuse me, ma'am.” She turned around to find the same lady from earlier.


“Sir is waiting for you in the dining hall.”

“What's your name?”


“Lisa, please call me Anaya. Ma'am is unnecessary.”

Lisa nodded but without any further exchange of words, she led Anaya to the dining hall. Her mouth gaped open when she saw the magnificent hall which resembled a five-star hotel. Okay, she was surely getting a heart attack today.

How rich is he?

Right on cue, her eyes met his as he stood up from his chair and approached her. The crisp black shirt and black slacks he wore hugged his sculpted body perfectly. He looked handsome in a way that had her heart racing.

She couldn't gauge her own reaction towards him. Her palms felt sweaty and her cheeks flushed when he smiled.

She tore her gaze away and glanced behind her for Lisa, but she was already gone.

He pulled out a chair for her to sit, and Anaya felt like she was the protagonist of some movie on a romantic date with her boyfriend. Mentally rolling her eyes, she locked her outlandish thought and let out a breath. He took a seat opposite hers, and seconds later, the dishes were served.

The food looked lavish and delectable but remembering her manners, she waited for others to arrive.

“You won't wait for them?” she asked him when he began to eat.

“For whom?”

“Your family members, I suppose?”

“Only us,” he said.

“You mean you live here alone?”

“What do you think?” His fingers curled around the wine glass and slowly lifted to his lips to take a sip.

Her stomach churned, and she didn't feel hungry anymore. The thought of spending weeks with this man alone in his territory scared her shitless. He could murder her easily with no trace of her dead body and she wouldn't even have a chance to plea for her life. Lisa and the guards were obviously his supporters, so they'd never go against him.


Tears pricked her vision and she immediately gazed down at her lap. She disliked her current life, but she never wanted to die so early. At the age of 22, she was supposed to enjoy and have fun. She had dreams which required too much money, and she was willing to sacrifice all of her time to achieve them. She wished to explore most countries someday, but now, all that would go in vain because she had very less days left.

“What's wrong, Anaya?”

He pushed his chair back and stood up, making his way towards her with a cautious look. She remained silent, her bottom lip quivering, and before she could stop herself, tears began to pour down her cheeks.

“Please tell me what happened…” He crouched down in front of her and grasped her hand in his, rubbing circles into her palm, but it did nothing to soothe her. Instead, she felt her fear grow.

She stumbled out of the chair and stepped away from him. With the shake of her head, she rushed upstairs and into the room disorientedly.

He ran after her, squeezing himself inside before she could shut the door.

“No!” She tried to push him away, but he didn't buzz. His arms slid around her waist and she recoiled in response, cowering in the corner of the room. “Don't kill me.”


“Please,” she whimpered, her body trembling uncontrollably.

“I would never harm you. Please calm down.”

"You won't kill me?” Anaya looked up at his face, her voice faint and unsure.

“No,” he repeated, his hands inching up to touch her face. She wanted to believe him but she couldn't. He couldn't be so kind unless he had an ulterior motive. Her eyes widened in horror when realisation dawned upon her, and she pushed his hand away in disgust.

“Why am I here?” She already knew the answer to that but she wanted him to say it.

“Because you are mine.”

“You mean you want me, right?” She hadn't comprehended the meaning of his statement until now.

He nodded, a smile forming on his lips. Of course, he wanted her. He'd always want her. My beautiful mate. But when he saw the hurt flash in her eyes, more tears building in them, he felt like he'd said sometimes wrong.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked softly.

Anaya shouldn't have been surprised since she was no good for anything, but she felt devastated. She had always stayed away from strangers, avoiding clubs and such places but today, she was in serious trouble.

“Will you let me leave if I spend the night with you?”

He flinched.

Disbelief, then pain crossed his features. And at that moment, he died a little. He never thought his mate—who he wished to worship and cherish—could traduce his character. He felt his wolf surface, and he tried to fight him for his mate's safety, but he was too overpowering to be stopped.

His jaw visibly clenched, his eyes blazing with a renewed fury.

She jumped in bewilderment, a yelp escaping her lips when his fist collided with the wall.

“If you think sex is what I want from you, I promise to never show my face to you unless you come to me.” He sounded harsh, and she was afraid he would inflict her with injuries but he turned around and left.

She stared at his retreating figure, remembering his eyes, the fire in them. She couldn't have imagined it again. They definitely were a shade of amber but that was impossible. Her eyes landed on the wall to her left, and she had to blink twice at the crack.

It was utterly out of the ordinary.

Who is he?

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