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Anaya stood by the window; her gaze fixated on the moon. Her thoughts drifted towards Icarus. He was like a ray of light that chased away the darkness within her. When they first met, they were strangers, leading separate lives in different worlds. But there was something familiar about him, similar to a place she had never been but had also never left. The more they talked and got to know each other, the more she felt like they had shared a lifetime of memories, and perhaps even beyond. And when they spent time together and love blossomed between them, she felt like she'd finally found her home.

But she'd been avoiding him since the talk in the cinema room five days ago. Every time he saw her, he insisted on the same thing, not understanding how much it hurt her. She was utilizing the time alone to train hard. Now that Casey wasn't around to help her, she had to save Icarus herself. As long as she could get the beast's blood, everything would be fine.

She wiped away her tears with the back of her hands and let out a deep exhale. Her heartbeat quickened with every step she took in the direction of his office. As she knocked on the door, she silently hoped that he wouldn't answer.

"Come in," Icarus replied in an instant, as if he'd been waiting for her.

She turned the doorknob and entered the room to find him near the window, staring at the moon. Its otherworldly glow was the only source of light in the otherwise dark space. A bittersweet smile curled on her lips as she walked towards him.

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist, finding solace in her presence. The restlessness in his heart subdued as he breathed in her familiar scent.

She met his searching gaze before resting her face against his shoulder. "I've made up my mind."

His grip around her tightened, holding her impossibly closer. "Tonight?"

She nodded in silent agreement, knowing she'd break down if she uttered another word. He pulled back and cradled her face between his hands, memorizing the details of her face. If the existence of next life was true, he wanted to be her mate again. Her eyes fluttered shut just as his mouth descended over hers. She couldn't help but surrender to the electric sensation that pulsed between them. Her fingers instinctively threaded through his hair as she melted against him, seeking a deeper union.

"Are you scared?" he asked, his breath warm as he nibbled on her bottom lip.

With much reluctance, she broke apart, her chest heaving up and down as she stared at him. "Are you not?"

He lowered his hands to her thighs and scooped her into his arms. She clung to him as he carried her to their bedroom, gently lowering her on the mattress. Their gazes locked as he hovered over her. Unable to resist any longer, she reached out and began to unbutton his shirt, her hands trembling with urgency. The fabric slipped through her fingertips, exposing his bare skin.

"Don't stop now," she whispered, the words like a siren's call that fueled his desire.

In no time, he got rid of her clothes, leaving her exposed under him. Even though he'd seen her a hundred times, he couldn't get enough of her. He couldn't stop himself from exploring every inch of her, leaving wet trails wherever he kissed. If she felt hot before, she was burning now, ready to feel him inside her.

"Icarus, please," she moaned, letting go of her inhibitions.

Driven by the echoes of her sweet voice, he unzipped his pants, discarding it at lightning speed. At least he tried, but it got stuck around his ankles. Despite the serious moment, she couldn't stop the bubble of laughter that escaped her lips. It made him smile. He positioned himself above her and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. "Okay?"

She nodded, dragging his face towards her to claim his lips. Their tongues danced with a fervent urgency, savoring the taste of their shared longing. Skin against skin, they moved in perfect harmony, reveling in the pleasure that coursed through them. Moans and gasps filled the air as waves of ecstasy crashed over them with their release, washing away their worries and fears, leaving only warmth in their hearts.


“You will be cured soon,” Icarus whispered, peppering kisses all over her face.

“Let’s not discuss it now.” She closed her eyes, feeling spent and content. She needed to regain her energy to make her plan work. It was her only chance as failing was not an option.

“I don't have much time.”

"Forever," she mumbled under her breath, her voice laced with a sleepy haze. "We have forever, Icarus."


Startled by the 'click' of the door, Anaya's eyes flew open. She touched the empty space next to her to find it still warm. At once she sat up, her gaze darting towards the clock on the nightstand. It was time, she thought and started getting dressed. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest, the sound reverberating through every fiber of her being. She wiped her clammy palms against her jeans before grabbing the dagger that Rasharaya had crafted for her.

She made her way downstairs and stepped out of the front door into the cool night air. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, but Lupinnaeus was nowhere to be found. Frustration gnawed at her, urging her to unfurl her wings and search from above.

She spotted it near the border, its serpent like tail coiled around one of the pack members. With a resolute grip on the dagger, she hastened towards them, ready to strike.

The sound of flapping wings caught the beast's attention, momentarily diverting its focus. It released its captive, turning its gaze towards Anaya. Those amber eyes reminded her of Cy, but they were filled with a coldness that sent a shiver down her spine. The bloodcurdling scream of the man pierced the air, jolting her into action. She swept down, catching him by the shoulders mid-air. As soon as they hit the ground, he fled without a backward glance.

The beast took the chance to pounce on Anaya, but she dodged with agility. Filled with rage, it let out an inhumane snarl. Anaya swallowed and took a step back. Though she knew it was Icarus' cursed form, she still found it hard to accept the truth. It looked like a creature that crawled out of a nightmare.

She observed its movements with a calculative gaze. She needed to injure it, just enough to obtain its blood to prepare the cure for her kingdom. This time, as the beast charged towards her, she flew beneath it and landed on its back. It groaned and thrashed, its tail moving dangerously close to her. With quick movements, she made a small cut across its flank and pulled out a vial from her pocket to collect the golden fluid.

The beast roared and struck Anaya with unexpected force, hurling her to the ground. It was so sudden that the vial slipped from her grasp, breaking into irreparable shards. She stood there, her body numbed by shock, unaware that the beast had wrapped its tail around her ankles. It lifted her off the ground, causing her to stumble forward. The dagger loosened from her fingers and lodged itself deep within its tail.

A haunting cry tore through the air, mingling with Anaya's horrified gasp. Her heart froze as the tail dismembered from the impact of the blow. More blood seeped from the open wound.

"No," she whispered, the weight of the situation too immense to comprehend. "No, no, no."

Time seemed to strech as the beast collapsed to the ground, life gradually fading away. She rushed to its side and knelt down, tears streaming down her face.

"Icarus?" She shook the motionless form of the beast. "Can you hear me?"

"Wake up, please." Her voice cracked with desperation as a heaviness settled in her stomach. "I—I didn't mean for this to happen. I am sorry."

"Didn't you say mates are for a lifetime?" she continued. "How can you leave me now? I can't live without you!"

"You won't listen to me? Fine!" Gripping the knife, she pressed it against her neck and closed her eyes, her anguish overcrowding her senses.

But in an instant, a hand snatched the dagger from her grasp, causing her eyes to snap open. Relief instantly transformed into confusion as she realized it wasn't Icarus who stood before her.

"I want to die!" she shouted at Casey, her pain and despair consuming her like a relentless flame.

"Stop it, Anaya." She grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up.

"What should I do?" Anaya looked at her with tear-soaked eyes, her words a mixture of guilt and heartbreak. “He wanted to chat with me. But I fell asleep. I—I thought we had time. I thought we had forever."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you."

Anaya shook her head and took Casey's hands. "Save him. I beg you, Casey. Please do something. Use your magic."

"I'm sorry," Casey repeated, her voice laced with regret.

"If you can't do anything, leave me alone with him!" Anaya tried to snatch the dagger back, but Casey refused, causing her own palm to bleed in the process.

"You can't die."

"I will, and you can't stop me. I deserve it," Anaya insisted, looking for another weapon.

"You have to, for the baby!"

Anaya paused, her vision clouded by a fresh wave of tears. "What? I'm not pregnant."

"But you've been in heat. You will conceive soon."

"No!" she gasped, her heart tightening. "I just killed Icarus. I killed my mate. I don't deserve to live. Do you not understand?"

Casey enveloped Anaya in her arms, trying to comfort her. "Please, Anaya, let's go. Your brothers will be here any minute."

"I don't care!"

"Please, we need to leave right now!" Casey's voice grew urgent as a blinding light filled the air. She teleported them away just as Anaya's brothers appeared. They retrieved the lifeless body of Lupinnaeus and vanished, leaving behind a shattered world.


I know the ending might not be what you all expected, but it's how I've always wanted to conclude the first book. Please hold off on throwing your slippers at me just yet; I promise the second book will captivate you!

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